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Enbridge Presentation to the NEB Modernization Expert Panel Edmonton, AB – Mar 7, 2017.

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1 Enbridge Presentation to the NEB Modernization Expert Panel Edmonton, AB – Mar 7, 2017

2 North America’s Premier Energy Infrastructure Company

3 Canada’s Competitive Advantage
By 2040, the world will need 30% more energy than is being produced today (International Energy Association, 2016). According to NRCan, in 2015, Canada’s resource sectors contributed: 17% of GDP. 1.75 million direct and indirect jobs in Canada. $107 billion capital investment (over 40% of all non-residential capital investment in Canada). Uncertainty about Canada’s policy framework and regulatory system is limiting our competitiveness Delays are growing, adding costs and uncertainty. Canadians feel disconnected. Enbridge supports federal action to help restore public confidence. Time (months)

4 Remove Policy Issues from Project Reviews
Canadians must have confidence in the policy and regulatory frameworks. Clarify Government roles as policy-maker vs. independent regulator. Establish a forum for policy discussion – separate from project review. Ensure the regulatory process is transparent and efficient, with decisions that are based on science and evidence. Proponents require certainty in order to make long-term capital investments. Potential solution – Two-part review for major pipeline projects Part 1 “If” the project should proceed. Assess project against policy framework. Examine issues beyond scope of a particular project. GIC determination at the end of Part 1 – may include conditions. Part 2 “How” the project should proceed. NEB’s technical assessment of a project – engineering and design, routing, environmental and socio-economic assessment. NEB decision is final. Public Policy Canadian energy policy. Climate change. Indigenous reconciliation.

5 Indigenous Engagement
Ongoing Indigenous involvement is critical for success, which is why Enbridge is focused on relationship building, skills-training and economic development opportunities. Government must address broader public policies, including on Indigenous reconciliation, and signal direction to NEB through legislation: Clarify NEB’s role in Crown’s duty to consult. Clarify responsibilities for evaluating whether the Crown’s duty to consult has been met. Establish a Bureau within the NEB with specialized expertise on Indigenous issues to facilitate consultation with Indigenous peoples and advise on the adequacy of consultations and any disputes. Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Program: Indigenous Engagement Engaged ~150 communities for ~48 agreements that represent ~60 Indigenous groups. Aim to train ~25 Indigenous people per pipeline spread in AB, SK and MB. Our 2016 Indigenous business spend was $80 M.

6 Targeted Public Participation
Balanced approach to public participation – different participation opportunities for different levels of impact. NEB must be equipped to hear from large numbers of interested parties. Intervenors must meet a standing test but interested parties may provide a letter of comment. Input considered must be part of evidentiary record and maintain principles of natural justice and procedural fairness. NEB must maintain flexibility to determine its own process. “… We benefit from an inclusive process… and it’s in all of our interests to have a rigorous, expert regulatory review and oversight…” – Al Monaco, President & CEO, Enbridge Inc. (Enbridge Inc Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders) Enbridge hosted an Open House in Ontario for the Line 10 segment replacement project in Here we are explaining our inline inspection tools and their role in an industry leading integrity program to the community.

7 NEB – Best-Placed Lifecycle Regulator
Leverage NEB principles of regulatory excellence: Independent, expert, quasi-judicial tribunal. One project, one review. Lifecycle oversight. NEB must be kept whole, including responsibility for EAs: Lifecycle management expertise: planning, construction, operations, retirement. Not just new mega-projects: operation of 73,000km pipelines & 1,400km of international powerlines. Expertise in EAs for pipelines (broader EA requirements than CEA Agency). NEB conditions help enforce environmental safeguards (e.g. through audits, inspections, stop work orders, etc.). Strengthen NEB’s public safety mandate to help prevent pipeline tampering.

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