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Take the lead using Active Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Take the lead using Active Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take the lead using Active Learning
Techniques for Enhancing Lectures Joan Córdova Orange Coast College

2 3x5 card Define Active Learning. List two strategies: Name Date
Subject Number of years teaching Define Active Learning. List two strategies:


4 Group Discussion Discuss the six strategies with your group.
Select one that you will report back to the whole group.

5 Group Discussion Prompts
What are you thinking about doing (or are already doing) that can be informed by these strategies? Which strategy) may be appropriate for your own courses/department/college? What kind of professional development might be needed, at what stage in the process, and who could provide it?

6 Group Report Share your favorite Active Learning Strategy with the whole room. Discuss what makes it your favorite.

7 Letter to Yourself Address the envelope to yourself. Write a letter:
Dear Me, Today I learned an active learning strategy (fill in the blank with the strategy and instructions) which I will use in (Class Name) before the Thanksgiving holiday. Sincerely, Me

8 Feedback to Joan Address the postcard to: Joan Córdova
Orange Coast College 2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626

9 Feedback to Joan - Part 2 Write a note to Joan: Dear Joan,
The Active Learning Strategy I plan to use is _____________. Did I do it? Yes/No The result was ____________. Sincerely, Your Name

10 Feedback to Joan – Part 3 Write a note to Joan about a strategy that was not listed or discussed OR that was used differently. 10

11 Exit Strategy “What did you learn in this session?” Raise your hand
Tell us something you learned. Do not repeat what someone else said.

12 On to lunch!

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