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Working with Social Enterprise, creating work , jobs, improving lives

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1 Working with Social Enterprise, creating work , jobs, improving lives
Presenting THE NEW AND INNOVATIVE UVProtectA Working with Social Enterprise, creating work , jobs, improving lives

2 2 September 2014 Construction union UCATT are warning that construction workers are at particular risk of developing skin cancer. The warning comes after new figures published by Public Health England have revealed that the number of hospital admissions for skin cancer have increased by 41% in just five years. The figures show that in 2007, 87,665 people were admitted to hospital suffering from skin cancer and by 2011 that figure had risen to 123,808. The report found a particular large increase of men in their 60’s suffering from skin cancer. This year in the UK 2

3 and employers Construction workers are at risk due to their regular exposure to the sun while at work. UCATT advice is that workers should take measures to protect themselves against sun damage even if the sun does not appear to be strong. “Construction workers are exposed to the sun on a daily basis. It is vital that workers and employers put in place simple measures to ensure that they do not suffer skin damage which could cause skin cancer later in life.”

4 UVProtectA the workforce !
What is it? The UVProtectA is a unique complimentary hard hat accessory - essentially a neck shield with a built in sweatband. Easy to ‘wash and wear’ everyday, protecting the wearer from the harmful effects of the sun.

5 UVProtectA the workforce !
UV is considered to be one of the top health risks on site Of all the risks, the one that everyone working outside is exposed to every day, it is unavoidable The risk of short term heat stroke, longer term skin cancer

6 UVProtectA the workforce!
This item of head gear will address the issue of exposure to the sun and provide some much needed protection on site. It can be worn in harmony with a hard hat The aerated material provides an all important sun shade covering to the neck, ears and shoulder areas. Aerated to ventilate and cool.

7 UVProtectA the workforce!
Worn directly onto the head, under the hat rim This extends the benefits to the wearer to include a sweatband Soaking up sweat beads that have a tendency to drip onto the face and into eye protection causing problems with visibility and vision whilst working in hot conditions A significant risk factor in itself

8 Comments from wearers ‘ great!’, ‘Best thing ever!’, ‘I want 3!’, ‘ keeps me cool and clean’ Orange or yellow colour - ways The neck shield can be fixed with velcro to off- set any additional machine/pull risk factor

9 ‘’Whilst not mandatory, the provision of a
BS EN 397:1995 states ‘’Whilst not mandatory, the provision of a sweatband is recommended, in order to improve wearer comfort’’ ‘’Additionally a neck protector’’

10 Strategy! Made in the Midlands by a Social Enterprise
Who employ and provide training for vulnerable adults. Contractors who purchase this product can use this as evidence for KPI’s with regard to Social Value

11 outside without the protection they need

12 take full responsibility for their health and well being

13 Ed sez Handout 13

14 2 Colour ways

15 One-in-six sites fail HSE health checks
One in six sites failed a recent inspection blitz by the HSE focusing on health risks. HSE’s Chief Inspector, Heather Bryant, said: “We recognise the construction sector’s progress in reducing the number of people killed and injured by its activities. ‘’But it is clear from these figures that there is an unacceptable toll of ill-health and fatal disease in the industry. “So, to encourage the industry to treat health issues in the same way as safety, HSE’s inspectors will consolidate the efforts of this initiative throughout the rest of the year by looking at the prevention and control of health risks in construction, alongside their continued assessment of the management of safety risk issues.’’

16 They’ll be time be prepared
Issue the UVProtectA and make significant improvements to your occupational site safety profile. ''Working with Social Enterprise to improve the health and well being of our workforce'' Take one step to tick those KPI boxes and win more work!!

17 Here is the standard Health and Safety diagram representing the Hierarchy of Hazard Control to which there is a 'top down' approach

18 So here's the thing Placing the sun at the top, as the risk element and straight away we have a big problem we can't eliminate it / substitute it / control it / work around it the 'last resort' measure is to wear PPE

19 do the right thing and protect them • • its time to wear your ProtectA
Wherever your workforce are in the world don't ignore the warning signs • • • worst case scenario – you do nothing do the right thing and protect them • • its time to wear your ProtectA • do you have a choice ?

20 Be a trail blazer ! Fo details on how to make an order
please contact We’d appreciate your business !

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