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Blandy Experimental Farm Educational Center

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1 Blandy Experimental Farm Educational Center
Environmental Impact Statement By: Students from Admiral Byrd

2 Project Background During this year our main objective is to decide on the best location to build a new education center without hurting the water or history of Blandy. During the fall field trip to Blandy we participated in various activities including the hydrologic systems where we learned about runoff and recharge and conducted an experiment to find a pattern to plant plants by the road to suck up the runoff water. We also participated in deciding if the Chimney had historical significance and dug for artifacts. Another thing we participated in was creating elevation and examining runoff. The last thing we participated in was site analysis to help us decide where the right place to build an education building. During the spring field trip to Blandy we were engaged in assorted activities including macroinvertebrates where we looked at the water to see if it contained sensitive to tolerant macroinvertebrates to see if the water was contaminated or not. We also tested the water to see if the turbidity, pH, temperature, nitrates, phosphates, and dissolved oxygen were healthy. Another activity we participated in was deciding if the slave quarters had historical significance. The last thing we partaked in was the site analysis to continue to help us resolve where to build an education center. During this year we are undertaking the decision of where to build the education center at Blandy based what we did during the fall and spring field trip.

3 1940’s Research Greenhouse
The site we have chosen to build the education center is the 1940’s Research Greenhouse. This is a good place to build for many reasons. One reason is that it has no historical significance so you won’t be tearing down a part of our history. Another reason is it is on a hill so the rainwater will just run off. A third reason is it will have no use after they build the new one. The fourth reason is there is electricity and water because the Greenhouse is a building so it does have electricity for lights and there is a water pipe right outside with a water spout. The last reason is that the Greenhouse is surrounded by trees on every side so it will be cool in the summer. Overall the 1940’s Greenhouse is a great site to build an education center for many reasons.

4 Environmental Literacy
After conducting our research we can conclude that construction of a building will affect Lake Georgette in a negative way. We know this because of the macroinvertebrates we found. We found 3 Damselflies, 1 Orb Snail, 1 Water Mite, and 1 Thread Worm. The evidence shows that the water quality is pretty good because we found 3 macroinvertebrates that are somewhat pollution sensitive. Which means that they can’t survive well with pollution so the water quality is pretty good. But if we build some of the dirt and chemicals will run off into the lake making the water unhealthy causing those macroinvertebrates to die. We also know this because the temp. of the water was 16.5℃ and it has to be 0℃-30℃ so the water temp. is healthy. The pH is also healthy because the pH is 7.4 and it has to be between 6.5 and 9.0 to be healthy. The evidence shows that the water quality is healthy because the temp ℃ and the pH is 7.4, but if we build something there it will pollute the water causing the temp to be too hot and the pH to be too high which would make the water quality bad. Therefore, we can conclude that construction will affect Lake Georgette in a negative way.

5 Historical Significance
Just by looking at the greenhouse you don’t know if it is historically significant or not, so we found a way to check if it is or isn’t. That method is called P.I.E.(important person, interesting artifact or information, or event). First, you check if there were any important people involved. From all the sources we’ve looked at nobody important did anything there. Now, we have to check if there were any interesting artifacts related to the greenhouse. We did not find anything that happened there except experiments. Finally, let’s look at important events. Another no because nothing really did happen there. So, the 1940’s greenhouse was not historically significant.

6 The Parking Lot The second site we chose for the education center was the Parking Lot. We would build it on a hill in the back of the Parking Lot. The Parking Lot is a good place to build for many reasons. One reason is it has electricity and water because it is near a building that has electricity and water so the electricity and water has easy access. Another reason is there are no trees around it so you won’t have to cut any down. The third reason is that it is on a hill in the back of the Parking Lot so it leaves you room right next to it to park and your visitors won’t have to walk far. The fourth reason is it is on a hill so you don’t have to fret about flooding because it will just run off. The final reason is it has no historical significance so you don’t have to tear down part of our history. In conclusion the Parking Lot is the second best site to build the education center.

7 Environmental Literacy
Totals by color Totals Percentage Pollution Intolerant 79 6.39% Somewhat Intolerant 604 48.87% Somewhat Tolerant 266 21.52% Pollution Tolerant 287 23.22% 1236 100.00% Environmental Literacy We know that construction will affect Lake Georgette in a negative way. We know this because of the macroinvertebrates. The macroinvertebrates help us because they tell us if the water is polluted. The water in Lake Georgette is not very polluted because 48.9% of all the macroinvertebrates in the lake are somewhat intolerant macroinvertebrates. Which means the macroinvertebrates can only stand a little pollution. So if we build, the dirt and chemicals may make it into the lake causing it to become more polluted. Which causes the macroinvertebrates that can’t live in pollution to die. Which means a lot of macroinvertebrates will die because % are pollution intolerant to somewhat tolerant. Therefore the macroinvertebrates helped us come to a conclusion that construction will affect Lake Georgette in a negative way. Add an image, chart, or other visual to support your environmental literacy evidence.

8 Historical Significance
To find out if the Bus and Event parking lot is historically significant we will use P.I.E. First, we need to check if there was any important people, and from all of our sources we did not find anyone. Next, is interesting artifact. There are no artifacts that have been found at this site. That isn’t that important though. Finally, we have important Events, but nothing ever happened there that we know of. We can conclude, that the Bus and Event parking lot is not historically significant.

9 Conclusion The site we chose that would be the best place to build an education center is the 1940’s Greenhouse.This is the best place because it has no historical significance. We know this because of P.I.E. nothing historic ever happened here. This is also the best place because it is on a hill, so it will have runoff. That makes it so you don’t have to worry about floods. Also the trees around the 1940’s Greenhouse will suck up all the contaminated water so you won’t have to fret about hurting the lake’s water quality. The second best site we chose to build the education center is the Parking Lot. This is the second best choice because it has no historical significance. We know this because we used P.I.E. and decided that nothing historic ever happened here. It is also the second best choice because it is on a slight hill, but it still may flood. If it does flood though you can add drains that have filters so you are not letting any chemicals into the lake. Which lets the water quality stay healthy. It also has a lot of grass. Which lets any run away water or flood water to get sucked up by the plants. In conclusion the 1940’s Greenhouse is the best place to build the new education center at Blandy.

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