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Total vernetzt.

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Presentation on theme: "Total vernetzt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total vernetzt

2 Read and make 6 sentences. Eg:
94 Prozent von Leuten, die zwischen 16 und 18 Jahre alt sind, haben ein Smartphone.

3 How old were the children when they first owned their own devices?
Watch the video (click link below) and answer the following questions. How old were the children when they first owned their own devices? Why are the parents worried? Which device/app is used most among German teenagers? What percentage of German teenager play computer games on their mobiles? What does Matilda say she uses the most and why? What rule do the adults have during meals? What does Oliver do to try to ensure that the children do not become addicted? What is a common worry for parents?

4 Note down the sentences on the next slide

5 Was machst du am Computer oder auf dem Handy?
Please note down the phrases.

6 Read and note down new words from the next slide


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