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Large Animal Skeletal Systems

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1 Large Animal Skeletal Systems

2 Functions of the Skeletal System
Form Protection Support Strength

3 How does it work? Bone- Hard tissue that supports and protects other organs Cartilage- Firm, flexible tissues that is not as hard as bone Ligaments- Tissue that connects bone to bone Tendons- Tissue that connects bone to muscle Joints- Where bones meet and allows for movement

4 Bones Spongy bone Red marrow Yellow marrow Compact bone Periosteum
Fills ends of bones and lines hollow portions Red marrow Inside cavities of spongy bone, formation of red blood cells Yellow marrow Fat and energy storage Compact bone Layer of hard mineral matter, calcium, gives bones strength Periosteum Outer most layer, cushions the hard portion of the bone, repair of broken bones

5 Joints

6 Joints (Vertebrae/Back) Plane Joints Ball&Socket Joint (Hip)
Pivot Joint Ball&Socket Joint Plane Joints Hinge Joint (Hip) (Neck) (Stifle)

7 Parts of the Skeleton Axial - central axis bones
Pectoral - bones of the fore limbs Pelvic - bones of the hind limbs

8 Bones of the Axial Skeleton
Skull Maxilla Mandible Vertebrae Cervical Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum Caudal Vertebrae Ribs Sternum

9 Thoracic Caudal Lumbar Cervical Maxilla Mandible Sacrum Ribs Sternum

10 Bones of the Pectoral Skeleton
Scapula Humerus Radius Ulna Carpus Metacarpus Digits

11 Scapula Humerus Radius Ulna Carpus Metacarpus Digits

12 Bones of the Pelvic Skeleton
Pelvis Ilium Ischium Femur Patella Tibia Tarsus Metatarsus Digits

13 Pelvis Ilium Ischium Femur Patella Tibia Tarsus Metatarsus Digits

14 Lets look at the Skeletal Systems of different Large Animals!!

15 Cattle

16 Horse

17 Swine Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Caudal Maxilla Mandible Pelvis
Scapula Humerus Radius Ulna Carpus Metacarpus Digits Pelvis Femur Patella Fibula Tibia Tarsus Metatarsus Sternum Ribs Digits

18 Sheep

19 Goat

20 Poultry

21 Can you Name the bones?

22 2 Cattle 1 5 3 Caudal Vertebrae Ribs Tarsus Scapula Mandible 4

23 2 Horse 1 3 Pelvis Thoracic Vertebrae Humerus Metatarsus Tibia 4 5

24 Swine 1 4 2 3 5 Maxilla Radius Ulna Fibula Tibia

25 5 Sheep 4 1 3 Cervical Vertebrae Digits Patella Ischium Ilium 2

26 Goat 2 1 5 4 Thoracic Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae Radius Ulna Tibia 3

27 1 2 5 3 4 Poultry Ulna Pelvis Caudal Vertebrae Metatarsus
Keeled Sternum aka: keel bone 3 4

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