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Monetary Policy & Inflation

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1 Monetary Policy & Inflation
I create money out of “thin air” I sell bonds to raise money for Gov’t Spending Monetary Policy & Inflation

2 2 Types of Monetary Policy
Review: 2 Types of Monetary Policy Expansionary (loose) Monetary Policy Goal: to increase the money supply => ↓ Short Term Interest rates ↓ Contractionary (tight) Monetary policy Goal: to decrease the money supply => ↑ Short Term Interest rates Peak Trough GDP

3 Fed Changes 2 Interest Rates
Discount Rate- interest rate at which Banks borrow directly from the Fed It is only used in an “emergency”----Fed is the “lender of last resort” Federal Funds Rate- rate banks borrow directly from each other Currently 0.0% => this is the one you graph! MD Interest Rate Qty of $ MS1 i1

4 Higher interest rates =>
Economic Situation: GDP growth at +5.0%, Inflation rising, Unemployment 3.0% Solution: Tight Monetary Policy ↑ Discount Rate Sell Bonds ↓MS => ↑Federal Funds Rate MS1 MD Interest Rate Qty of $ MS2 Affects AD i2 Higher interest rates => Less Loans taken by Consumers & Business C ↓ + I ↓ => so AD ↓ i1 End Result: Lower GDP & less inflation!

5 Inflation Recap 10 minutes

6 The Impact of “creating Money”
The Fed prints $1 billion dollars Who wins? Who loses Inflation is a benefit to borrowers & the rich Inflation is considered a tax on savers & the poor

7 Bernanke Interview Part II

8 Bernanke Interview Recap
Bernanke’s Structural Solutions

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