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The TTA platform Opportunities for Challenge Driven Learning Developing joint and mutual innovation capacity Ramon Wyss Vice President KTH International.

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Presentation on theme: "The TTA platform Opportunities for Challenge Driven Learning Developing joint and mutual innovation capacity Ramon Wyss Vice President KTH International."— Presentation transcript:

1 The TTA platform Opportunities for Challenge Driven Learning Developing joint and mutual innovation capacity Ramon Wyss Vice President KTH International Affairs

2 KTH at a glance Sweden’s largest, oldest and most highly regarded technical univeristy SIDA and STINT supported programs for collaboration with UDSM and DIT Hosts two/four EIT Communities Founded in 1827, with 3,500 employees and an annual budget of more than c300 million, kth is Sweden’s largest, oldest and most highly regarded technical university. KTH is a leading research institution in energy, materials science, information and communication technology, medical and biomedical technology, and transport. Through extensive international educational and research programmes, KTH maintains partnerships with elite universities around the world. KTH hosts two out of three prestigious EITEuropean Knowledge and Innovation Communities; KIC Inno-Energy and eit ICT Labs.

3 KTH Vision 2027 “KTH works for a brighter tomorrow. KTH wishes to enhance society and identify smart solutions to the grand challenges of today, and of tomorrow. KTH works in the service of humankind for the society of tomorrow. “

4 President Obama visits KTH on September 4th 2013


6 Sept 6-9, 2016 COSTECH, Dar es Salaam
3nd TTA Conference Sept 6-9, 2016 COSTECH, Dar es Salaam

7 An Alliance of Research and Higher Education Institutions stimulating their students and faculty members to engage in Capacity Building, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship for academic credit

8 What is TTA? Non-profit network of institutions offering
Development and innovation driven learning for academic credit in a Problem-oriented Project-driven framework Mobilising Researchers, Teachers, PhD/MSc/BSc students and external stakeholders by Integrating Research, Learning, Innovation and Entrepreneurship To accomplish Technical and Social Development What is TTA?

9 9 När du läser denna slide kan du även betona att projekten skall innehålla research, education and entrepreneurship components. To offer students, teachers and researchers at the member institutions opportunities to participate in advanced policy and development projects for academic credit, including research, education and entrepreneurship components. To offer students, teachers and researchers at the member institutions opportunities to participate in advanced policy and development projects for academic credit. TTA’s vision:

10 TTA’s mission TTA’s mission is to:
1010 TTA’s roll är att centralisera och organisera dessa aspekter ovan. Vi ska fungera som spindeln I nätet för att få samarbetet I dessa fem punkter att fungera smärtfritt. TTA’s mission is to: Foster cooperation on curriculum development for problem- oriented, project-driven learning Act as a broker of projects focused on innovation and social entrepreneurship Facilitate capacity pooling Create career opportunities Support reinforcement of research infrastructures TTA’s mission


12 Expand Access to Clean Water World Bank Negawatt Challenge with KTH partner
Many people in Dar es Salaam lack reliable access to drinking water. Tap water itself is not safe to drink without boiling or treating first…. Some questions to consider when proposing a solution for this goal include: How can we expand access to clean water? How can we make water more affordable?

13 Improve operations and maintance of existing infrastructure
DAWASCO estimates that over half of the water it pumps is lost before reaching end users, which wastes both energy and water. How can we reduce water loss during distribution? How can we reduce theft of water? How can we keep storm drain intakes clear? How can we help communities report and fix broken water points?

14 How to achieve the SDG? People are key to finding solutions to achieve SDG . Who is better suited than graduates leaving universities? They will need skills and passion They will need a global network

15 a shift in paradigm for university collaboration with society
The process of ideation by professors and researchers is turned into a design thinking methodology that starts from societal challenges of emerging economies and creative teamwork. a shift in paradigm for university collaboration with society

16 Your Problems are my goldmine

17 Guide to Challenge Driven Education

18 KTH coached team STIC wins the competition

19 Welcome to the third TTA Workshop!

20 Previous projects Sida IXP programme
ICT4RD = ICT for Rural Development, projekt i Tanzania. Kort förklaring nedan. Mer information finns på deras hemsida: “The purpose of the ICT for Rural Development (ICT4RD) programme is to design and validate a strategy for how to establish sustainable broadband markets in rural Tanzania and to propose a national connectivity programme based on this strategy. To facilitate public investments in infrastructure, the focus of the project is on business development in basic public services, such as education, health, local government and support to rural entrepreneurs. To design business models for sustainable operation of the infrastructure and services, every stone is turned to find users that can benefit from the services and are able to pay for them.” 3131 Sida IXP programme KTH and partners in Mz, Na, Rw, Mw, Zm, Bi Establishment of National Internet Exchange points to keep local traffic local Both a business development challenge and a technical. Previous projects

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