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Modulated Unit Norm Tight Frames for Compressed Sensing

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1 Modulated Unit Norm Tight Frames for Compressed Sensing
Peng Zhang1, Lu Gan2, Sumei Sun3 and Cong Ling1 1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London 2 College of Engineering, Design and Physics Sciences Brunel University, United Kingdom 3 Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore

2 Outline Background Proposed system
Basics of compressed sensing; Structured random operators for compressed sensing; Proposed system Performance bounds; Connection with existing systems; Applications in convolutional compressed sensing Compressive imaging; Sparse channel estimation in OFDM; Conclusions

3 Principles of Compressed Sensing (CS)
Sampling: linear, non-adaptive random projections [Candes-Romberg-Tao-2006]: y = x x: N×1 signal vector; y: M×1 sampling vector (M << N); : M×N measurement matrix; Sparsity: x has a sparse representation under a certain transform  (DCT, wavelet); f = x can be well approximated with only K (K < M) non-zero coefficients; Reconstruction: nonlinear optimization; l1 optimization; Iterative-based methods: OMP, subspace pursuit (SP) etc.; Now, let us a take a closer look at In the most general case, recovery of x from y is ill-posed as it is under-determined.

4 Principles of Compressed Sensing (CS)
Restricted isometry property (RIP) [Candes-Romberg-Tao-2006]: An M×N matrix A= is said to satisfy the RIP with Parameters (K,) if where  represents the set of all length-N vectors with K non-zero coefficients. Now, let us a take a closer look at In the most general case, recovery of x from y is ill-posed as it is under-determined.

5 Fully random sampling operators
: full random matrix with independent sub-Gaussian elements i,j follows the Gaussian or Bernoulli distributions; Optimal bound: Universal: applicable for any  Limitations: High computational cost in matrix multiplication; Huge buffer requirement; Difficult or even impossible to implement;

6 A wish-list for the sampling operator 

7 Randomly subsampled orthonormal system
[Candes et al ] S: Randomly sampling operator (choose M samples uniform at random): Q: NN Bounded unitary matrix with Example of Q: DCT, DFT, Walsh-Hadamard matrices 7

8 Structurally random matrices
Do and Gan et al [ICASSP], 2012 [TSP] Random Sampling (choose M out of N) Fast transform FFT, WHT, DCT Random Sign Flipping ±1  = S F D Fast implementation Universal Random sampling could be difficult! 8

9 Random Convolution (filtering)
J. Tropp, J. Romberg, H. Rauhut, F. Krahmer et al. c x y R R : Deterministic sampling operator; c: random sequence; Lacks universality =I (Identity matrix) 

10 Outline Background Proposed system Examples of potential applications
Basics of compressed sensing; Structured random operators for compressed sensing; Proposed system Performance bounds; Connection with existing systems; Examples of potential applications Compressive imaging; Sparse channel estimation in OFDM; Conclusions

11 Unit-norm tight frame An M×N matrix U corresponds to a unit norm tight frame if Each column vector has a unit norm: The rows of form an orthonormal family;

12 Examples of unit norm tight frame
Partial FFT or WHT: Partial summation operator; Cascading of identity or Fourier matrices; U=RF or U=RW U= U=[I I … I] or U=[F F … F]

13 Bounded orthonormal matrix
Proposed system The product A= can be written as Bounded orthonormal matrix Random Sign Flipping Unit norm tight frame ±1 A= U D B Many existing systems can be characterized by the above systems: random convolution, random demodulation, compressive multiplexing, random probing… 13

14 Performance bound Performance bound Main tools in the proof
Suprema of chaos processes [Krahmer et al ] Variations and extensions The diagonal matrix D could be constructed from any sub-Gaussian variables; B could be a near-orthogonal (rectangular) matrix;

15 Example: Random demodulation
Random demodulation [Tropp et al.-2010]

16 Random demodulation Sampling operator: =UD, U= Sparsifying transform
: FFT matrix with column permutation Sparsifying transform Previous work [Tropp et al. 2010]: M≥ O(K log6N) Our bound: M ≥ O(K log2K log2N)

17 Outline Background Proposed system
Basics of compressed sensing; Structured random operators for compressed sensing; Proposed system Performance bounds; Connection with existing systems; Applications in convolutional compressed sensing Compressive imaging; Sparse channel estimation in OFDM; Conclusions

18 Coded aperture imaging—(existing system)
Romberg et al.-2008, Marcia et al.-2009 Low resolution detector array x Random mask D Lens F Lens FH Begin with Focus on our proposed After that, will be presented, followed by a brief conclusion =I Works poorly for natural images

19 Coded aperture imaging—(existing system)
Spatially sparse, =I Fails for this one (spectrally sparse)

20 Proposed system Sampling Operator: =RFHDF
: diagonal matrix made from the Golay sequence; Mask based on  Implementation: Double phase encoding [Rivenson et al. 2010]

21 Golay sequence Let a=[a0, a1, ..., aN − 1]T (an {1, -1}) and define
If a is a Golay sequence, then for all z on the unit circle

22 Proposed system Sampling Operator: =RFHDF Sparsifying transform :
: diagonal matrix made from the Golay sequence; U=RFH B=F  Sparsifying transform : Haar Wavelet, Fourier, (Block) DCT (popular for natural images) 

23 Simulation results: Compressive imaging
Experimental setup Test images: 256256 Lena and Hall; Reconstruction: re-weighted BPDN [Carrillo et al.-2013] Sampling ratio M/N=0.25

24 Simulation Results: Convolutional CS
(b) Reconstructed images of Lena. (a) Results from conventional compressive coded aperture imaging, SNR=11.02 dB; (b) Our proposed algorithm, SNR=29.56 dB;

25 Simulation Results (a) (b) Reconstructed images of Hall. (a) Results from conventional compressive coded aperture imaging, SNR=9.21 dB; (b) Our proposed system, SNR=24.62 dB;

26 Outline Background Proposed system
Basics of compressed sensing; Structured random operators for compressed sensing; Proposed system Performance bounds; Connection with existing systems; Applications in convolutional compressed sensing Compressive imaging; Sparse channel estimation in OFDM; Conclusions

27 Sparse channel estimation for OFDM system
Existing solutions: y Low rate ADC Meng et al.-2012: R: deterministic sampler; i: Variable with random phase High Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) after the IDFT Li et al.-2014: R random sampler; i: Golay sequence; Difficult to implement random sampling

28 Proposed system : Golay sequence  Low PAPR p(t): random signal
Random demodulation : Golay sequence  Low PAPR p(t): random signal Overall Sampling Operator: =UDFFH B=FFH U=

29 Experimental setup (OFDM)
N=1024, M=64; Channel model ATTC (Advanced Television Technology Center) and the Grande Alliance DTV laboratory ensemble E model. Channel impulse response Input signal to noise ratio (SNR): 0dB to 30dB Reconstruction: subspace pursuit (Dai et al.-2009)

30 Simulation results for low rate OFDM channel estimation

31 Conclusions Proposed framework
A==UDB U: unit norm tight frame, D: random diagonal matrix, B: bounded orthogonal matrix; M ≥ O(K log2K log2N) Improved performance bound for existing system Random demodulation, compressive multiplexing, random probing etc. Novel compressive sensing framework Compressive imaging; Sparse channel estimation for OFDM systems;

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