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Vocabulary List 3.

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1 Vocabulary List 3

2 ANCILLARY (adj.) Of secondary importance or in addition to the primary

3 Synonyms supplementary; auxiliary; secondary; subordinate

4 Sentence This ____________vocabulary test you are taking will give you an advantage over your classmates.

5 BOWDLERIZE (v.) To remove or alter parts of a work, such as a book or movie, considered vulgar or offensive

6 Synonyms censor; abridge; expurgate; shorten

7 Sentences Our class wanted to perform a skit with South Park characters, but we had to __________so much offensive language it wasn't funny anymore.

8 CONDESCEND (v.) To come down or lower oneself voluntarily to be on equal terms with inferiors

9 Synonyms stoop; sink; patronize; vouchsafe

10 Sentences I won't _____________to the level of the snobby cheerleaders even though they want me to sit at their lunch table.

11 COZEN (v.) To deceive or mislead by tricking; To cheat

12 Synonyms deceive; mislead; hoodwink; cheat

13 Sentences In order to __________the customer into buying this lemon of a car, I needed some seriously creative selling techniques!

14 ENCLAVE (n.) An area, territory or region distinct from the surrounding territory because of its people, characteristics or isolation

15 Synonyms territory; district; sector; region

16 Sentences The ___________of land set off by the forest was inhabited only by Simpson's fans.

17 FORTE (n.) A strong point of a person; That which a person excels in

18 Synonyms strong point; gift; specialty; talent

19 Sentence The _______of the tour guide was that she adjusted to confusing situations quickly and still managed to lead a fantastic tour.

20 GRATIS (adj.) Complimentary or free; (adv.) Without charge or payment

21 Synonyms free; complimentary; costless; chargeless

22 Sentence The _______donuts brought in by our generous boss every day were always a hit because you don't get much free stuff!

23 ICON (n.) An image or likeness, sometimes of sacred, religious figures or sometimes as symbols

24 Synonyms figure; idol; representation; effigy

25 Sentence The _____of an envelope on a computer usually represents .

26 INTERSTICE (n.) A space, especially a small or narrow one, between things

27 Synonyms opening; aperture; rift; gap

28 Sentence The _____________located between the slats of the fence was so tight and narrow that I couldn't stick my finger into it.

29 MACROCOSM (n.) The world or universe as a whole; The complete or total structure of a thing

30 Synonyms universe; entire world; large model

31 Sentence The effects of global warming on our _____________impacts human life around the world.

32 MOUNTEBANK (n.) Any scammer or pretender who sells quack medicines; A charlatan; A quack

33 Synonyms con artist; hustler; scammer; swindler

34 Sentence The ________________stood on a podium on the streetcorner, promising us that his "potion" could magically make us grow several inches taller!

35 PAEAN (n.) A fervent expression of joy or praise, like a song

36 Synonyms anthem; chant; song; hymn

37 Sentence The peasants sang their king a(n) _________as he rode home from his victorious battle.

38 PERSIFLAGE (n.) Frivolous or flippant bantering talk or writing

39 Synonyms banter; teasing; badinage; raillery

40 Sentence The ___________between my sisters and I while we get ready always makes us laugh and keeps us joking.

41 PLETHORA (n.) A superabundance; An excess

42 Synonyms excess; surfeit; surplus; overabundance

43 Thanksgiving produces a(n) ___________of food at our house and we cook such an abundance there's enough for several families!

44 PRAGMATIC (adj.) Dealing or concerned with the practicality of facts or actual occurrences; Sensible

45 Synonyms sensible; logical; practical; commonsensical

46 Sentence The teacher's _____________approach to teaching chemistry is to use experiments to show logic.

47 QUIZZICAL (adj.) Queer; Odd; Amusing

48 Synonyms curious; questioning; inquisitive; scrutinizing

49 Sentence The ___________look my mom gave me after I asked her a question made me laugh out loud - she looked so funny!

50 RAPACITY (n.) The act or practice of extorting or exacting by oppressive injustice; greediness

51 Synonyms greed; avarice; stinginess

52 Sentence Old Ebineezer Scrooge had the worst __________of all since he wouldn't even help homeless people pay their cell phone bills.

53 SCHISM (n.) A split or division into factions, as within religious organizations or a group

54 Synonyms breach; break; rift; rupture

55 Sentence Martin Luther caused a(n) ________within the Catholic church, which later formed the Lutheran church.

56 THERAPEUTIC (adj.) Having or exhibiting healing powers; Curative

57 Synonyms healing; curative; remedial; salubrious

58 Sentence I've heard that water is _____________to all five senses - it helps to heal and calm one's hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.

59 VIRTUOSO (n.) A master with skill and technique in a particular art, such as music or performance; (adj.) Having supreme mastery or skill

60 Synonyms expert; master; genius; prodigy

61 Sentence Pavarotti was a(n) ____________in the opera; many will miss his brilliant performances.

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