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SOLEIL synchronization system

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1 SOLEIL synchronization system
upgrade for Beamlines

2 Two upgrades were added to SOLEIL’s synchronization system to fulfill
Beamlines needs: Top-up gating Slicing synchronization

3 Top-up gating

4 Current in the storage ring
Since March 2009, SOLEIL is working in top-up mode. The orbit perturbation is kept below 1/10 of the beam transverse size: 70 µm RMS amplitude in horizontal and 40 µm RMS in vertical. Top-up injection 431,7 mA 429,7 mA #2 - 5 mn Current in the storage ring

5 Top-up mode is used with all filling patterns:

6 This is done with very classical Master / Slave synchronization system.
Some Beamlines wish to freeze their acquisition during the injection.  The TimEX3 board was developed for that purpose.

7 The Top-up gating allows them to stop the data acquisition during the
injection or beam lost. Beam lost Pre top-up Pre top-up Pre top-up 2s 2s 2s OUT 0 t1 t2 t1 t2 t1 t2 OUT 1 t3 t4 OUT 2 t1 t2 t1 t2 t3 t4

8 Today, it is used on 3 Beamlines: SMIS (IR), AILES (IR), Nanoscopium.
SMIS results: "… This has results in an increase of the S/N of the spectra by a factor between 12 and 15! …"

9 The TimEX3 board was developed as an open hardware project.
All source files (CAD, EDA, Gerber, VHDL, etc.) are available on CERN’s Open Hardware Repository and may be used under the CERN’s open hardware licence. [

10 SLICING synchronization system

11 The aim of the Femto-Slicing project at SOLEIL is to generate 100 fs X-rays pulses on two beamlines, CRISTAL and TEMPO, for pump-probe experiments. CRISTAL, TEMPO DEIMOS, GALAXIES SEXTANTS 75 fs 140 fs 80 fs Wiggler CRISTAL (U20) TEMPO (HU44 + HU80) DEIMOS (HU52 + HU65) GALAXIES 300 fs Laser Beam 210 fs

12 The laser and the beam delay offset are adjusted by IQ modulator.

13 The laser and the beam delay offset are adjusted by IQ modulator.
Claire Laulhé “Test of a laser synchronization system using an IQ modulator” : ”The main results are reported below: 1) Accuracy on relative delays: +/- 1.5 ps (after correction of systematic phase errors) 2) Precision on relative delays: +/- 2.5 ps 3) Timing drifts were evidenced, directly linked to temperature changes : 2.5 ps/°C. This is the reason why we talk about relative delays in points 1) and 2). 4) Jitter on the signal sent to the laser: 4 ps rms”

14 It works!! First laser / beam interaction observed on CRISTAL Beamline September 29, 2015.

15 But we can improve the current IQ synchronization system.

16 SOLEIL / MAX IV collaboration.
Improvements: Reducing cables lengths. Improving the power supplies. Temperature stabilization. Better resolution. First prototype expected 2016.

17 Thank you for your attention

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