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From technical to integrated implementation Implementation Trajectory

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1 From technical to integrated implementation Implementation Trajectory
Leadership Practices to Support Job-embedded Professional Learning in Elementary Mathematics: From technical to integrated implementation Jessica Rigby, Anita Lenges, Elham Kazemi, Stephanie Forman, Alison Fox, & Becky Corriell The Big Question How can principals and coaches progressively move their teacher learning labs from a technical to an integrated implementation? Organizational Routines to Support Teacher Learning and Improvement of Practice: Math Labs We examine how principals and coaches support a productive implementation of a school-based professional development structure, Math Labs. Updated thoughts from Becca: Our most recent research questions (from 3/25) are: How were math labs structured as a form of job-embedded PD? Why structured that way? How did math labs shape and get shaped by organizational conditions? How did math labs shape organizational conditions? How did math labs get shaped by organizational conditions? How did math labs contribute to student learning? Do we want to use these ones? (Pretty close to what we have anyways…) How can principals and coaches use job embedded professional development to implement complex teaching practices? Implementation Trajectory This is an iterative and collective process; new learning requires returning to a technical implementation, although we find that as an organization has moved towards an integrated implementation, there is a foundation on which the new learning sits and makes the technical learning quicker and easier. Technical Integrated Instruction Focus on learning the mechanics of an instructional activity Learn new ways of focusing on student thinking Leveraging particular instructional activities to advance student knowledge of mathematics and teacher knowledge of student thinking Math Labs Learn the mechanics of the professional development structure Establish norms of working together so that teachers can take risks Responsively use and adapt the structure to meet intentionally identified teacher learning goals Norms for collective work allow for genuine inquiry School Both new instructional routines and math labs exist as independent structures Aligned and coordinated with other school structures/practices/routines (PLCs, evaluation routines, other PD) Professional Development Context and Design Cedar Ridge School District (urban) University-district partnership to provide math-focused PD 23 elementary schools implementing Math Labs Serves 20,000 students: 60% free-reduced lunch, 70% students of color, 16.5% transitional bilingual Across the past 2.5 years, each school had 4-8 Math Labs, full-day embedded professional development sessions organized around a cycle of enactment and investigation Math Lab PD Structure Learn a new practice with colleagues Collaborative planning of an instructional activity Co-enactment of instruction in classroom, with in-the-moment discussion Debrief and analysis of enactment Findings Suggest Frame long-term integration goals for teachers Leverage ML to shift school culture Leaders’ knowledge of mathematics and teacher learning are key to their ability to integrate improvements Research Questions What are the leadership practices of school-based coaches and principals that support reorganizing workplaces for learning? How do coaches and principals establish norms and routines that make practice public in service of teacher learning? How does coaches and principals’ knowledge influence their facilitation of Math Labs? Supported in part by: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Spencer Foundation, & The UW Royalty Research Fund Data Sources Data collected over 2.5 years in schools in Cedar Ridge: Field notes from 45 full-day Math Labs Artifacts used in Math Labs Interviews with principals and coaches Half-day shadowing of principals and coaches

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