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Authors: Wilson Okaka 1, Judith Irene Nagasha 2

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1 Enhancing Climate Change Policy Awareness Communication Strategy for 2030 SDGs in Uganda  
Authors: Wilson Okaka 1, Judith Irene Nagasha 2 Kyambogo University, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda 1 Tel: , 2 Tel: , Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

2 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Issues, motivation We present a critical case for vital need for poor developing countries like Uganda (Africa), to relentlessly undertake the of effective public policy & research information communication strategies to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). The media have a social responsibility to provide effective information services for climate change and variability adaptation, resilience, and mitigation policy strategies to achieve sustainable development goals in Africa by 2030. In addition, gender equality climate media advocacy, led by community radio, is vital for strengthening the means of implementing effective global alliances for sustainable world. Too much text distracts your audience and can be difficult to read. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

3 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Problem Statement Climate change and variability have continued to exact heavy tolls on the vulnerabilities of poor LDCs as a result of the rising incidents of risks, hazards, disasters, uncertainties, loss, and damage attributed to the impacts of the vagaries of climate events. Climate variability impacts have intensified despite multiple policies, plans, programmes, projects, laws, research, & development activities that promise to practice gender equality in adaptation strategies; Critical gaps in information services are still open. Say you were discussing the Declaration of Independence and wanted your audience to follow along with you. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

4 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Methods This review was conducted sourcing data from government, & international documents, current literature, & bulletins. We collated published evidence on the use of effectiveness of behaviour change communication campaigns for enhancing innovations in climate change adaptation awareness, vulnerability, resilience, & mitigations. We elaborate on the adverse consequences of climate change risks in Africa, the current efforts taken by the sub-regional countries, the current barriers to deal with the problems, and present a coordinated, participatory, and a holistic framework for planning the desired final responses. Wouldn’t it be easier for them if you broke down the text to the most basic points? A simple rule of thumb to follow is writing by the number 6 6 words per bullet item 6 bullets per slide 6 word slides in a row Have each bullet point start with a verb or noun, if verbs use all the same tense, use capitalization Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

5 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Findings 1/2 Climate change policy information services is still wanting, not evidence based, without quality data, & largely un accessible.  Most climate change adaptation policy weaknesses, failures, illiteracy, and vulnerabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change could be attributed to huge information & knowledge gaps, lack of research and adoption of adaptation innovation (new approach, technology, idea, trade practice, OD method). Community media are vital communication channels but they lack appropriate relevant local content & face media illiteracy. Media advocacy can inform, persuade, & promote the desired audience attitudinal or policy change for positive action. The rule of thumb is one method of transition and one type of animation for the whole slideshow. Do not have some text flying in, some spiraling, etc. Move from slide to slide with one transition, rather than trying out several. 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017 Okaka & Nagasha

6 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Findings 2/2 : Social issues to be resolved: illiteracy, poverty, gender inequality and violence against women / girls, illnesses and diseases, food security, water stress, information services including access to internet, cultural violence and related negative cultural practices, game poaching, conflict resolutions and management, adult education, gender equality; Economic issues: mass income poverty, poor infrastructure, land access, unemployment of youth and women including house wives, very poor agriculural practices or low productivity, slow tourism growth, small or medium enterprises (SMEs); competitiveness, power supply; Environmental issues: wild fires, illiteracy, conflicting policies and laws, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, poor waste management, indoor pollution; climate change and variabilty, wetlands and land degradation. Political issues: good governance, zero-tolerance to corruption, ruleof law. I can tell that you all aren’t focusing on me but are totally fixed on what is on the screen. If you want to use an effect to add a little animation to your text but keep it simple, use the APPEAR effect, which just makes the text appear and is the easiest for your audience to read. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

7 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Conclusions Climate change information service for public awareness is quite wanting, too superficial, very vague, & riddled with gaps  Climate change & variability impact are enhanced by capacity barriers, data gaps, policy gaps, & knowledge gaps. Vulnerabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change could be attributed to huge information and knowledge gaps, lack of research, gender equality mainstreaming for women rapid empowerment and adoption of adaptation innovations. African countries could aptly act to avert a disastrous social, economic, political, and environmental loss, damage, conflicts, migrations, wars, poverty, or worse consequences due to the adverse impacts of climate change and variability. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017 3

8 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017
Acknowledgements Conference convenors, secretariat & special committees led by Scientific committee Advisor: Emeritus Professor Johan Galtung (Norway).; Co-Chairs: Professor Dr. Jennifer Gidley (Australia), WFSF President, Dr. Erik F. Øverland (Norway), WFSF Executive Board, Scientific Review Committee Members: Cesar Villanueva (Philippines), Dr. Dana Klisanin (USA), Mei-Mei Song (Taiwan), Leena-Maija Laurén (Finland). All Experts, Researchers, Policy Makers, CSOs, Private Sector, and Development Stakeholders from all continents & globally; Chief guests, sponsors, special guests, plenary speakers; session chairs, media, rapporteurs, & WFSF venue staff. Thank You. God bless the world. Appropriate use of graphs and tables is one way to enhance the message you are delivering. Draw the audience’s attention Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

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