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2016 Year in Review 28 Chapters Reported

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1 2016 Year in Review 28 Chapters Reported
Total Volunteer hours reported = 33,967 $23.56 per hour = $800,263 Board of Directors hours = (only 3 have reported) Value = ??? Above includes hours sent after Jan. 19th: 200 Dade 638 Conradina

2 What We Have Learned The top 12 chapters made up 90% of all hours reported. These 12 chapters range in size (# members) from 41 to 186. Size doesn’t matter

3 What We Have Learned Approximately 20% of the total number of volunteer hours were contributed by 8 members > 1,000 Hours Chapter > 500 Hours Scott Davis Magnolia Marlene Rodak (Chapter + Conference Chair) Coccoloba Mark Kateli Tarflower Sonya Guidry PawPaw Juliet Rynear (Chapter + Conservation Chair) Heartland Don Spence Richard Brownscombe Coontie Jonathan Jensen Naples

4 What Do We Spend Time On? Type of Activity Hours
Chapter operations/management 8,163 Attend meeting (in person, GoToMeeting, Chapter meeting, Board meeting) 4,489 Habitat Restoration Program (planting, plant rescue & reintroduction, invasive removal, fire, etc.) 4,340 Education/Outreach (includes special events, workshops, and programs for children, families, schools, and adults) 3,393 Plant Sales (including preparation) 3,021 Conference Planning & organization 2,217 Publications / Newsletters 1,867 Field Trip Coordination 1,449 Grants - application & management or grant review 1,315 Native Landscaping Program 1,183 Speakers / Programs 697 Finance/fundraising 635 Land Management Reviews 301 Native Plant Month (October) 41 Volunteer Development/Training 16

5 What We Have Learned The top 14 chapters are also notable for their ability to create projects and programs that engage more people: Partner with local preserves/parks (propagation, demo-gardens, restoration, educational programs, plant sales, events) Frequent and Special events: Plant sales, Invasives pull, planting, Field Trips, Earth Day, Arbor Day, Native Plant Month Monitoring / Plant Surveys Student Scholarships / Daily communication on Social Media Land management reviews Science Fairs

6 What We Have Learned The 13 chapters with the fewest reported hours are notable for: Lower member engagement Fewer programs/projects Narrow focus that excludes participation by more people Many of these chapters seem to operate more like small clubs Or – they may not be very good at documenting their work

7 Strategic Planning (2013-2014)

8 Aspirational Goals Identified in Planning :
Support Land Management Review and Land-Use Planning Educational Programs Habitat Restoration

9 Aspirational Success Factors
1. Increased preservation, conservation, & restoration a. Increased reputation of Society b. Maintain quality programs 2. Increased paradigm shift in local & state government initiatives; a. Hire a paid lobbyist b. More members politically active on local & state levels c. More members elected to commissions & boards

10 Aspirational Achievements Since our Strategic Planning
Landscape Initiative Policy - Citizen Engagement, hired Lobbyist Native Plant Month Habitat Restoration Program Land Management Partners outreach

11 Operational Goals Goal A: Redesign Organizational Structure
Revise By-Laws to support new structure Establish an optimal-sized board of fewer than 20 members Establish a Chapter Council Create 4 new paid positions: Development Director Bookkeeper and administrative officer Chapter/Conference Coordinator on Board Webmaster

12 Goal B: Upgrade Website to Support Organizational Structure
Create paid Webmaster position Establish budget and obtain funding Develop submission protocol, vetting, data formats, procedures, timelines Complete critical website upgrades to support FNPS Digitize historical documents, current pubs, operational documents Identify on-line collaboration tool Routinize & interpret analytics Identify important links & where to offer them

13 Goal C: Improve Annual Conference
Define goals & outcomes Define conference SOP including Society and chapter roles & responsibilities in conference logistics Establish policy for Society-level sponsorship Establish policy for Chapter-level sponsorship Recruit Society sponsors Develop formal educational workshop tracks to support program goals Recruit workshop presenters Develop outreach priorities and goals Develop outreach strategy including Conference program elements attractive to new and existing attendees

14 Operational Goals (continued)
Goal D: Increase Income by $XXXX to Meet Goals Establish and adopt a formal fundraising function and plan (Development Officer in place by X date; Board approves Income goals) Expand membership and revise dues structure (X Members by categories; $X dues revenue) Set goals and plans for member retention (% members retained in each category)


16 Goal E: Support Land Management Review and Land-Use Planning




20 Goal F: Education Programs
Obj. 1: Natives for Your Neighborhood program established

21 Goal F: Education Programs

22 Goal F: Education Programs

23 Goal G: Habitat Restoration

24 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM Session: Strategic planning - discuss future aspirations, challenges and what is needed to meet those goals

25 Still Needed: Wiki descriptions for: Finance Committee Membership Committee Policy & Legislation Committee Land Management Partners Committee Science Committee

26 “Virtual Office” Need Access to FNPS Resources
Digitize historical documents, current publications, operational documents Establish on-line collaboration tools Routinize & interpret analytics

27 Set Growth Targets Set Fundraising $$$ Goals
Establish and adopt formal fundraising function and plan Expand membership Set goals and plans for member retention

28 Board Development Targets
Set goals Take advantage of budget for training in various non-profit related areas Time-line for training Rollins College Edyth Bush Institute of Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center

29 Support Aspirational Goals
How can the Board, Council and Chapters work together more effectively to support our goals?

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