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Chicken Breeds.

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1 Chicken Breeds

2 New Hampshire Red Brown Eggs Orange-Red Plumage
Dual-Purpose: Meat and Eggs

3 Rhode Island Red Brown Eggs Dark-Red Plumage
Better layers then New Hampshire Reds

4 Plymouth Barred Rock Brown Eggs, small to medium size
Grey and White Striped Plumage Dual Purpose Breed- Meat and Eggs

5 Cochin Feathered Shanks Extremely loose, fluffy feather
Raised primarily as an ornamental breed Great brooders, so they are commonly used to hatch other kinds of fowl

6 Cornish Developed as the ultimate meat breed
All white with muscular bodies Shaped the broiler industry

7 White Leghorn Lay White Eggs White, slender bodies
Grandparents to our current industry layers

8 Golden Comet Lay Brown Eggs
Golden brown color with soft white tail feathers Tough & Resilient, lay year-round

9 Sussex Color of egg varies from brown to white
8 different colors- most common white with black neck & tail feathers Dual-purpose Very calm

10 Ancona Small white eggs Grey and White Striped Plumage
Very small birds Needs feathers clipped regularly

11 Barnevelder Small to medium, Light speckled brown eggs
Black with brown tipped feathers Garden pet

12 Hamburg White, glossy eggs White with black feathers, like a Dalmatian
Need lots of space and are aggressive

13 Maran Dark brown, medium sized eggs Dark grey with white flutters
Gentle and tame, but bad pets

14 Buff Orpington Pale brown eggs
Get broody in summer so lay less eggs then Golden- yellow color Tamest breed

15 Black Star Large, brown eggs
Black with gold plumage on neck and breast Calm Nature

16 Ameraucana Blue, blue-green, green and cream medium eggs
Many different colors Non-aggressive, family friendly

17 Silkies Cream colored eggs
Many different colors, silkie, fluffy plummage Smaller chickens with 5 toes on each foot

18 And so many more…. General rule of thumb is the ear lobe color determines the color of the eggs White earlobes = white eggs Red earlobes = brown eggs There are some exceptions

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