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Freezing Immunoglobulins to see them move

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1 Freezing Immunoglobulins to see them move
Biology after the genome: a physical view BIFI-2004, Zaragoza Francesco Piazza EPFL, Switzerland

2 The ideas and the message
Dynamics is a central issue to understand protein functions A quantitative description of protein dynamics would represent a crucial leap forward Dynamical features of proteins relevant to their functions can be modeled on a coarse-grained scale (collective motions) Freeze individuals and you will see them move

3 Overview of the talk Cryo-Electron Tomography and COMET: high-resolution images of individual proteins in solution The IgG molecule A coarse-grained physical model of the IgG dynamics: from a gallery of snapshots to the potential energy Studying the binding to an antigen

4 Cryo-Electron Tomography
Part 1

5 Electron Tomography process
Preparation Microscopy Reconstruction Visualization

6 The temperature quenching
Monoclonal IgG2a In a Buffer Solution 10nm Colloidal Gold Ethane Plunge freezing gives hydrated amorphous vitrified sample. Quenching rate oC/sec Nitrogen

7 The measurements

8 Tomography: look to an object from different directions
q The number of sides you have to look at increases with the size of the sample and the accuracy you wish to achieve in 3D. Tiltseries

9 A real reconstruction 1 projection at 0 degree 3 projections
from –30 to +30 degrees 7 projections from –60 to +60 degrees 13 projections from –60 to +60 degrees 121 projections from –60 to +60 degrees 180 projections from –90 to +89 degrees © Sergej Masich

10 Cryo-Electron Tomography and COMET

11 The immunoglobulin IgG
Part 2

12 The general structure of Immunoglobulins
Antigen-Binding Fragments Hinge region: flexible peptide chains mutually crossing. Hinged onto di-sulfide bonds

13 Post refinement with COMET
Low-dose tilt series Filtered back projection COMET- refined


15 Docking of crystallographic structures into the tomograms
Multi-resolution docking (SITUS) of the IgG2a atomic X-ray structure into the reconstructed structure (wireframe).

16 Crystallographic structure is not the only arrangement
The tomograms reveal a great variability of the Fab-Fab angle Crystallographic structures can be docked into the tomograms provided the Fab-Fab angles are modified

17 Gallery of 3D refined reconstructions
# 1 # 2 # 3 Putting together different snapshots of a moving object amounts to sampling its dynamics

18 Physics meets Biology Part 3

19 The general method Gallery of 3D snapshots Equilibrium distribution
of configurations The full movie Potential Energy Dynamics: study of biological functions through simulations

20 Equilibrium at temperature T, the system occupies
“points” in the phase space, with density The probability density in the phase space depends on the kinetic and potential energies. In principle, one may invert such dependency to determine the potential if the density is known We have access to the configurations only. Hence, We must integrate out the velocities

21 A coarse-grained model of the IgG
We describe the system in terms of the angular coordinates

22 Factorization The statistics is poor
Identification of front and back sides of the molecule falls outside the experimental resolution

23 The experimental distributions: the angles f

24 The experimental distributions: the angles q

25 The potentials: V1(f)

26 The potentials: V2(q) p

27 Langevin dynamics dissipation fluctuation Input from the experiments
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem


29 The encounter rate (ns) RANTIGEN (Å)
Langevin dynamics of the diffusion-controlled antigen-antibody encounter (ns) Dynamics favours the encounters RANTIGEN (Å)

30 Conclusions Potential energy of large-scale displacements in macromolecules from Cryo-tomograms of individual objects The Immunoglobulin IgG Understanding the relation between dynamics and functions opens new perspectives to molecular engineers

31 Perspectives Formation of the encounter complex: cooperativity vs anticooperativity in the overall rate Binding of large antigens: cooperativity of the two Fab arms Coupling of Fab oscillations with instabilities in the Fc terminal region

32 Project coworkers Duccio Fanelli, KI, Sara Sandin, KI,
Lorenzo Bongini, Univ. of Florence, Duccio Fanelli, KI, Sara Sandin, KI, Ulf Skoglund, KI Lars-Göran Öfverstedt, KI. Francesco Piazza, EPFL, Paolo De Los Rios, EPFL.

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