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Technical justifications for accreditation

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1 Technical justifications for accreditation
of internal body contamination equipment at EDF NPP Michèle GONIN (MD) Bernard JEANNIN Yves GARCIER Nuclear Production Department

2 19 NPPs 19 occupational health services 39 whole body counters For internal exposition monitoring

3 Internal exposure monitoring program
High energy in vivo monitoring (range from 100 keV to 3 MeV) shielding 2 NaI detectors Data processing and analysis Display and data storage Whole body counters

4 To assure the quality of the tests and/or calibration results
Accreditation requirements according to the international standard ISO/CEI 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Management system for quality Plan Customer’s request Quality policy Statement Do Objectives Regulations Management reviews Complaints Act Corrective and preventive actions Indicators Analysis of data Non conforming Tests results Internal audits Check To assure the quality of the tests and/or calibration results

5 Accreditation requirements according to the international standard ISO/CEI 17025
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Management system for technical operations Tests and calibration methods verification of methods Characterisation of equipment Calibration and measurement traceability to SI units Quality control procedures Interlaboratory comparisons Estimate of uncertainty of measurement Qualification of operators : education and training programs

6 The national project EDF national technical requirements :
Specify tests for evaluating technical performance secifications Establishment of programs and operating procedures GOLFECH NPP PALUEL NPP 2 reference whole body counters : evaluate technical performances Test programs and operating procedures 37 Whole Body Counters 19 anthropogammametric measurements units Are in operation at occupational healths services

7 Efficiency calibration and comparisons
Requirement = Traceability to the SI units Primary reference phantoms « IGOR » Radioactive sources Reference values of efficiency « true value of activity »

8 IGOR phantom « primary phantom »

9 Efficiency calibration and comparisons
Traceability to the SI units Calibration phantoms « Canberra » Radioactive sources Reference Values of efficiency To be compared to measured values « systematic error »

10 Canberra phantom « Calibration Phantom »

11 Comparison of calibration results between primary and calibration phantoms
Cs-137 Co-60 Systematic error  5 %

12 Comparison efficiency values among equipment tests results
Comparison efficiency values between equipments Bias  4 to 10% Source 1 Ba-133 Cs-137 Co-60 Source 2 Y-88 Y-88

13 Technical performance
Linearity : effective range of measurement 100 kBq (Cs-137) 58 kBq (Co-60)

14 Technical performance
Maximum count rate : c/s (source out phantom) c/s (source in phantom to be verified) 0,9 c/s

15 Conclusion Accreditation program for internal dosimetry achieves :
                                                        Accreditation program for internal dosimetry achieves : High quality of results Validation the performance of equipment Increased customer’s satisfaction

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