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Gender Minority Elder Care: Issues That Affect Transsexual, Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) Elders Yisrael Malotte-Berger, Lifelines Rhode.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Minority Elder Care: Issues That Affect Transsexual, Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) Elders Yisrael Malotte-Berger, Lifelines Rhode."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Minority Elder Care: Issues That Affect Transsexual, Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) Elders Yisrael Malotte-Berger, Lifelines Rhode Island & The University of Rhode Island

2 TGI Foundational Knowledge & Concepts ©2008 Y
TGI Foundational Knowledge & Concepts ©2008 Y. Gavriel Ansara Lifelines Rhode Island With thanks to Grace Sterling Stowell at BAGLY for the first simple triangle

3 The Complex Triangle Designated at birth by external genitalia
Ignores genetic, gonadal, and/or kinesthetic sex (“hardwiring”) Male or Female options only; Intersex and other variance often treated with surgery SEX

4 The Complex Triangle Gonadal Genetic Neurological/Kinesthetic
(“brain sex” or “hardwiring”) Biochemical (hormonal) Genital appearance at birth SEX

5 The Complex Triangle GENDER Assigned by genital appearance at birth
Girl (woman) or boy (man) options only; other variations treated as pathology Affects social rules and development SEX Genital appearance at birth

6 The Complex Triangle GENDER Boy designated male at birth
Boy designated female at birth Girl designated female at birth Girl designated male at birth Boy and girl (either designation) Not boy or girl (either designation) Third gender children and youth (either designation) Kothi, kathooey, berdache, butch, genderqueer Dual-gender Pangender Gonadal Genetic Neurological/Kinesthetic (“brain sex” or “hardwiring”) Secondary sex characteristics Biochemical (hormonal) Genital appearance at birth SEX

7 The Complex Triangle SEXUAL ORIENTATION GENDER Boy attracted to girls
Boy attracted to boys Boy attracted to girls & boys Boy attracted to gender variant (GV) children Girl attracted to boys Girl attracted to girls Girl attracted to girls & boys Girl attracted to GV children GV child attracted to girls GV child attracted to boys GV child attracted to GV children, Etc…. Boy designated male at birth Girl designated female at birth SEX Genital appearance at birth

8 The Complex Triangle SEXUAL ORIENTATION GENDER Boy attracted to girls
Girl attracted to boys Boy designated male at birth Girl designated female at birth SEX Genital appearance at birth

9 The Complex Triangle SEXUAL ORIENTATION GENDER Boy attracted to girls
Boy attracted to boys Boy attracted to girls & boys Boy attracted to GV children Girl attracted to boys Girl attracted to girls Girl attracted to girls & boys Girl attracted to GV children GV child attracted to girls GV child attracted to boys GV child attracted to GV children, etc…. Boy designated male at birth Boy designated female at birth Girl designated female at birth Girl designated male at birth Boy and girl (either designation) Not boy or girl (either designation) Third gender children and youth (either designation) Kothi, kathooey, berdache, butch, genderqueer Dual-gender Pangender SEX Gonadal, genetic, neurological/Kinesthetic (“brain sex” or “hardwiring”), biochemical (hormonal) Genital appearance at birth Male, Female, Intersex (various)

10 The Complex Triangle SEXUAL ORIENTATION GENDER Boy attracted to girls
Girl attracted to boys Boy designated male at birth Girl designated female at birth SEX Genital appearance at birth

Designation at birth: Female Insurance: Male State ID: Male Gonadal: Female Biochemical: Male Interpersonal: Male SEX

12 The Complex Triangle SEXUAL ORIENTATION GENDER Assigned gender:
Girl/ young woman Gender identity: Boy/ young man Gender expression: Feminine Perception (appearance): Girl SEX

Perception (appearance): Lesbian Self-described Sexual Orientation: Gay man Sexual/romantic partners: Gay and bisexual men (trans and cis) SEX

14 Population Estimates RI population TGI people TGI in RI 65+ in RI
1,067,610 1:50 to 1:100 10700 to 21400 13.9% 1500 to 3000

15 RI Anti-Discrimination Laws
§ Discriminatory practices prohibited. – No person, being the owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent, agent, or employee of any place of public accommodation, resort, or amusement shall directly or indirectly refuse, withhold from, or deny to any person on account of race or color, religion, country of ancestral origin, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, …

16 Ways to Accommodate If you are unsure of a client’s preferred name or pronoun, ASK Allow TGI clients access to changing rooms, bathrooms, segregated halls, etc. according to their stated gender Ask, do not assume, what gender person the client wishes to bathe, toilet, etc. them Ask what style bedpan/urinal the client would be most comfortable using

17 Ways to Accommodate Avoid using gendered language to refer to TGI people’s genitals; ask for the client’s terminology and USE IT Use gender-neutral and TGI status-neutral language for insurance billing and inter-office communication Do not disclose a client’s TGI status, former (or sometimes currently legal) name, genital configuration, etc. without proper cause

18 Ways to Accommodate Ensure that anyone who will see the client undressed knows their stated gender and preferred name/pronoun (and will respect them!) Do not make remarks such as “It’s so big!” or “Wow, are those real?” in reference to TGI people’s body parts. Do not tolerate TGI jokes or any behaviour you would not tolerate regarding other underprivileged populations.

19 Lifelines Rhode Island
Y. Gavriel Ansara, Executive Director (617)

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