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Sheila W. Chauvin, PhD, MEd MedEdPORTAL Faculty Mentor April 2013

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1 Sheila W. Chauvin, PhD, MEd MedEdPORTAL Faculty Mentor April 2013
MedEdPORTAL Publications iCollaborative CE Directory Sheila W. Chauvin, PhD, MEd MedEdPORTAL Faculty Mentor April 2013

2 Faculty Mentor Session Objectives
Introduce the MedEdPORTAL suite of services: Publications iCollaborative CE Directory Identify purpose, focus and offerings of each service Detail specifics of each service Submission standards Submission and posting process Discuss tools ready for submission and plan for next steps Demo live site and review search functionality Welcome to this informational session on the MedEdPORTAL program with a focus on sharing the purpose and tools made available in each of its three services: Publications, iCollaborative and the CE Directory. We will spend more time detailing the specifics behind each service’s submission standards and processing policies. If interested, we will discuss tools that you may have already created that would be perfect for sharing in the iCollaborative or for formal peer review and publication within MedEdPORTAL Publications. Alternatively, or if time permits, we can explore the live site and access materials of interest.

3 The vision of MedEdPORTAL is to succeed as the most utilized, cited and influential destination for health education. MedEdPORTAL is a free, online service provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges in partnership with the American Dental Education Association. Through it’s three services – Publications, iCollaborative and the CE Directory - the overall vision of MedEdPORTAL is to succeed as the most utilized, cited and influential destination for health education. Access as well as submission to each of these services is currently and will remain free to the public. Users log-in using their AAMC username and password. AAMC accounts are open for registration to the general public.

4 MedEdPORTAL Suite of Services
Publications Serve as the premier clearinghouse of high quality, peer reviewed health education tools. iCollaborative Promote interprofessional collaboration by facilitating the open exchange of educational resources across the health professions. CE Directory Equip healthcare professionals across the continuum with effective and efficient educational resources to improve patient care. While that is the overarching mission for MedEdPORTAL, each service also has its own sub vision. Publications was created to allow users to access peer reviewed, classroom tested health education tools. By accessing these complete, vetted modules, users can implement high quality materials at their own institution rather than spending both time and resources to create curricular pieces on their own. The rigorous peer review component backing Publications allows published authors to receive scholarly recognition for their publications. The formal citation and impact usage data they receive can be included within their CV packets in the support of promotion and tenure decisions. iCollaborative aims to promote the sharing of and collaboration on innovative educational ideas being developed and tested at member institutions. These tools differ from those in Publications in that they are not MedEdPORTAL peer reviewed, they may not have yet been classroom tested and they may not be fully functioning as a complete learning module. The purpose of iCollaborative is just to get the ideas out there and shared with the community. The CE Directory offers access to credited online continuing education activities that were developed by faculty at one of the AAMC’s member institutions and made available in their entirety on their home institution’s continuing education websites.

5 An Integrated Solution
The MedEdPORTAL Suite PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Teaching/Assessment Tools iCOLLABORATIVE Non-MedEdPORTAL Peer Reviewed Innovative Approaches, Practices, and Strategies CE DIRECTORY Online Continuing Education Courses for Credit A feature special to MedEdPORTAL is that these three services may offer different types and formats of educational tools but the site is completely integrated. Each service uses the same controlled vocabulary. When searching for a particular content area within Publications, the user will also have access to similar material that is hosted within the iCollaborative and the CE Directory.

6 This is a screenshot of the MedEdPORTAL website
This is a screenshot of the MedEdPORTAL website. At the top of the screen, there is a navigation bar that provides direct access to each of the three services – Peer Reviewed Publications, Non-MedEdPORTAL Peer Reviewed resources in iCollaborative and continuing education activities within the CE Directory. We will briefly describe key features in each of the services starting with Publications.

7 MedEdPORTAL Publications Overview
Free online publication service Open to the general public around the globe Peer reviewed health education teaching & assessment materials Learning modules including instructor guides and all educational tools Mouse Click 1 (Bullet 1) – As with each of the other services, MedEdPORTAL Publications is a free service. Mouse Click 2 (Bullet 2) - MedEdPORTAL publications are open and available to the general public around the globe. There are no restrictions as to who can create a user account and download published materials. However, there is a special collection of MedEdPORTAL resources designated as “special clearance” that restricts student access. These include assessment tools. We will discuss this collection more later in this presentation. Mouse Click 3 (Bullet 3) – All publications have been peer reviewed by invited expert reviewers and currently cover the continuum of health education (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical and dental education) with the goal to expand to include pre-health educational materials. Mouse Click 4 (Bullet 4) – MedEdPORTAL publications are complete, stand-alone learning modules that include Instructor Guides and all the necessary tools that will allow an educator to download, utilize, and implement the educational resource into the curricula at their own institution without ever having to contact the author. The Instructor Guides included within a MedEdPORTAL publication is one of the distinguishing qualities that sets Publications apart from other MedEdPORTAL services.

8 Educational Scholarship Guide
Mechanism for Sharing Educational Material Promotion & Tenure for Teaching Faculty The original purpose behind the creation of MedEdPORTAL was twofold: Share vetted peer reviewed, classroom tested instructional and assessment material, so faculty need not re-invent the wheel Recognize teaching educational efforts as scholarship. By publishing in MedEdPORTAL Publications, teaching faculty can get recognition for educational efforts (similar to research based publications in traditional, print-based journals) To support the recognition and adoption of educational scholarship in health education, an AAMC Working Group developed explored Dr. Charles Glassick’s six criteria to guide faculty who are considering publishing their educational resources. These criteria and the subsequent Educational Scholarship Guides published and made available on the MedEdPORTAL website represent the fundamentals of educational scholarship and illustrate how educational resource publications, as a form of scholarship, are comparable to manuscripts that are published in traditional journals. The Educational Scholarship Guides describe the definition, peer review, publication and recognition of scholarship in health education and form the foundation for the MedEdPORTAL Publications peer review framework.

9 Effective presentation
Publications: Teaching as Educational Scholarship Glassick’s Criteria Clear Goals Adequate preparation Appropriate methods Significant results Effective presentation Reflective critique Adapted from Glassick Criteria for Scholarship to accommodate “educational products,” a non-traditional form of scholarship. The next group of slides will detail each of Glassick’s six criteria: Clear Goals Adequate Preparation Appropriate Methods Significant Results Effective Presentation Reflective Critique

10 Criterion Description Type of Information Clear goals The author clearly states the goals of the work using educational objectives. Supply educational objectives written from the perspective of the target audience. Ideally, each objective should be specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. The objectives should accurately and completely reflect the instructional content. As they prepare their work for submission, formal peer review, and publication, authors should reflect on the following questions: Clear Goals Have you clearly explained the basic purpose for the work and defined realistic, achievable objectives including desired goals and outcomes?

11 Criterion Description Type of Information Clear goals The author clearly states the goals of the work using educational objectives. Supply educational objectives written from the perspective of the target audience. Ideally, each objective should be specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. The objectives should accurately and completely reflect the instructional content. Adequate preparation The author uses prior work (e.g., existing scholarship and personal experience) to inform and develop the work. Describe how other scholarly works and personal experience were used to inform development of the submission. Convince the reviewer that you sufficiently consulted the relevant literature. List applicable references including biomedical publications and/or publications regarding educational techniques. Adequate Preparation Have you shown an understanding of existing work relevant to your educational piece? Have you used this work to expand on their current work?

12 Criterion Description Type of Information Clear goals The author clearly states the goals of the work using educational objectives. Supply educational objectives written from the perspective of the target audience. Ideally, each objective should be specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. The objectives should accurately and completely reflect the instructional content. Adequate preparation The author uses prior work (e.g., existing scholarship and personal experience) to inform and develop the work. Describe how other scholarly works and personal experience were used to inform development of the submission. Convince the reviewer that you sufficiently consulted the relevant literature. List applicable references including biomedical publications and/or publications regarding educational techniques. Appropriate methods The author uses a suitable approach to meet the stated objectives of the work. Describe the educational approach that was used and the rationale for selecting that approach. Convince the reviewer that you selected an educational approach that will help the target audience achieve/attain the educational objectives. Significant results The author achieves the goals and contributes to the field in a manner that invites others to use the work. Describe the effectiveness and significance of the submission. Convince the reviewer that the submission is important to the educational community and will likely be used by others. Provide data if available. Effective presentation The author effectively organizes and presents the content of the work. Ensure that all content is well organized and effectively presented. Use a consistent presentation format/style if possible. Be sure to proofread all documents. Reflective critique The author thoughtfully assesses the submission to refine, enhance, or expand the original concept. Convince the reviewers that you thoughtfully reflected on the entire process of design, development, evaluation, and dissemination. Indicate which data you reviewed and the insights that you gained. Describe any challenges, limitations, future opportunities, and planned revisions. Reflective Critique Have you assessed your own work and shared it with others improve upon the original? Authors should include guidance on any limitations that were encountered and any planned revisions for future versions.

13 Submission Form Questions
Translating Criteria Criterion Description Submission Form Questions Clear goals The author clearly states the goals of the work using educational objectives. Educational Objectives Adequate preparation The author uses prior work (e.g., existing scholarship and personal experience) to inform and develop the work. List any references used to create this work Appropriate methods The author uses a suitable approach to meet the stated objectives of the work. Describe any special implementation requirements or guidelines Significant results The author achieves the goals and contributes to the field in a manner that invites others to use the work. Describe the effectiveness and significance of your work Effective presentation The author effectively organizes and presents the content of the work. Intended audience and Instructor’s Guide Reflective critique The author thoughtfully assesses the submission to refine, enhance, or expand the original concept. Describe any lessons learned A key difference between MedEdPORTAL Publications and iCollaborative or the CE Directory is that all tools within Publications include a comprehensive Instructor’s Guide. Key to the future successful implementation of your publication by others at their own institution is the reflective feedback that you provide in the Instructor’s Guide. Each of Glassick’s six criteria should be addressed in the Instructor’s Guide and within the MedEdPORTAL Publications submission form.

14 Publications Formal Peer-Review
Submission Author Screening Staff Editor Peer Review Experts Catalogue & Publish Staff Editor All submissions to MedEdPORTAL Publications undergo a formal round of peer review. The first step is the author submitting their work to our external peer review management system called Manuscript Central. All correspondence between the author, staff, Associate Editors, peer reviewers and EIC takes place within the system. MedEdPORTAL staff give each submission a preliminary review to ensure the material is within scope and meets the standards for Publications. It is possible that a submission may be rejected prior to entering peer review, although this is a very rare occurrence. Submissions to MedEdPORTAL Publications must be complete, stand-alone, teaching modules. This means that all submission packages contain a comprehensive Instructor’s Guide and all associated educational activity files. Submissions which lack sufficient content will not be moved forward into peer review. Examples of a submissions which lack significant teaching/learning content include; a syllabus, reference list, or course description. These types of submissions do not meet the scholarly standard needed for peer review. However, MedEdPORTAL recognizes the value in sharing these types of resources and will encourage the author to submit such content to iCollaborative for further development and sharing. 2. Once confirmed that a submission contains the necessary scholarship components, MedEdPORTAL Editorial staff screen all of the submission files to ensure that there are no potential copyright or patient privacy violations. Currently, 62% of all submissions received are flagged for potential issues. MedEdPORTAL requires the author to obtain explicit written permission to include any third party material in their submission prior to entering the peer review process. The Editorial Staff will work with the author to resolve potential concerns and also provide permission release forms for the author’s use. If permission cannot be obtained, the author must remove the third party content. This may include images, photographs, published documents and large portions of text. MedEdPORTAL is open to the globe for free of charge. For this reason, MedEdPORTAL Publications does not adhere to fair use. 3. Once potential copyright and patient privacy concerns are resolved, the submission will enter the formal peer review process. Each submission undergoes a rigorous round of peer review from at least two content experts. Then, one of the 35 Associate Editors will make a publication recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief. The pool of Associate Editors covers a wide spectrum of disciplines: from surgery to chronic illness to bioethics. 4. If the submission successfully passes through peer review and is accepted, MedEdPORTAL Publications staff catalogue and publish the submission live to the site. The current “Time to First Decision” timeline (point of original submission to point of first decision) is 80 days. However, if significant copyright/patient privacy concerns are present, the process can take longer than that. Editor in Chief Managing Editor, 3 Staff Editors 35 Associate Editors 1000+ Peer Reviewers

15 Publications Cumulative Statistics
The majority of submissions to MedEdPORTAL Publications require peer review related revisions prior to publication. There is a small percentage - 12% - that are accepted by peer review without any changes required. About 16% of submissions are rejected by peer review.

16 Publications Rejection Reasons
Insufficient educational context (not generalizable) Mismatch of educational objectives and instructional content Does not contribute to the field (e.g. superficial, reference materials) Failure to adequately address revisions There are four primary reasons why submissions are rejected. Three of the four reflect back to one of Glassick’s six criteria. A submission may be rejected on the grounds of insufficient educational content. Additionally, if a submission that is not generalizable or cannot repurposed to suit the needs of other users, it may be rejected. 2. If an author has outlined educational objectives but they do not successfully transmit through the instructional content, the submission may be rejected. In this example, the author’s/educator’s desired goals do not match the outcomes reached. 3. “Superficial” tools or resources that do not otherwise contribute to the field risk rejection. As we discussed earlier, a simple reference list is not sufficient for publication. 4. The one reason why a submission would be rejected that does not follow Glassick’s criteria is if an author fails to adequately address revisions requested by our peer reviewers, Associate Editors and Editor-in-Chief.

17 Publications Special Clearance
Allow only faculty members, instructors, or designate persons access to materials. Assessment tools Standardized Patient cases OSCE Exam materials SPECIAL CLEARANCE When publishing within the Publications portal, authors have the opportunity to restrict user access to their publication. The Special Clearance Collection consists of publications that should only be made available to faculty educators and instructors, not students. An example of tools that reside in this collection include assessment tools, standardized patients and exam materials. When requesting access to such tools, users must provide a name and number of a Human Resource’s contact who can verify that the user is on faculty at the institution. MedEdPORTAL staff call the institution to verify the user’s credentials and position , hen place them on a “cleared” list whereby they will have access to Special Clearance publications moving forward.

18 Sample Peer Reviewed Publication
Now that we have spent some time about MedEdPORTAL Publications from the view of a prospective author, let’s walk through a typical MedEdPORTAL Publications abstract as an end user interested in downloading the material. In this publication, the authors have described their tool as an interactive, role-playing scenario that assists medical students who will be caring for a patient and family at the time of death. Mouse Click 1 – Let’s review some key features of a peer reviewed Publication: Mouse Click 2A – MedEdPORTAL has put considerable thought into ensuring that MedEdPORTAL Publications are distinguishable as pieces of educational scholarship that have been formally peer reviewed. All publications display this “P” logo and later we will see distinct iCollaborative and CE Directory logos. Mouse Click 2B – Transition Mouse Click 3A – This is the description, which is a brief summary of the educational material. Mouse Click 3B – Transition Mouse Click 4A – The MedEdPORTAL Publications citation and copyright. All published authors receive a formal citation that can be included in their CVs for the support of promotion and tenure. Mouse Click 4B – Transition Mouse Click 4C – This is a close-up view of the formal citation. It is also important to note that published authors maintain the full copyright of their work despite having published this work in MedEdPORTAL Publications. At the time of submission, authors dictate how they would like future end users to utilize their materials. By answering three simple questions, the system auto-generates a creative commons license that is then affixed to the downloadable publication and is prominently displayed on the publication’s abstract page. Mouse Click 4D – Transition Mouse Click 5A – Another distinguishing feature on a MedEdPORTAL Publication abstracts is the MedEdPORTAL Peer Reviewed. Mouse Click 5B – Transition Mouse Click 5C – This logo does not appear on iCollaborative resources nor CE Directory activities since those resources have not been formally MedEdPORTAL peer reviewed. Mouse Click 5D - Transition Mouse Click 6A – In the top right hand portion of the screen, there is a “Join the Conversation” box. Mouse Click 6B – Transition Mouse Click 6C – Publications abstracts include a threaded commentary feature that provides users the ability to leave feedback and possibly to collaborate on future projects. Published authors are notified by when a user comments on any of their publications. Mouse Click 6D – Transition Mouse Click 7A – The MedEdPORTAL site uses a sophisticated search functionality - similar to - that pushes relevant content to the end user from all services of MedEdPORTAL - not just Publications. Mouse Click 7B – Transition Mouse Click 7C - This means that when you are reviewing an abstract in Publications, resources based around similar content areas within iCollaborative and continuing education activities from the CE Directory will be easily accessible.

19 Collections Available in Publications
Blah! Collections Available in Publications BOHC Building Oral Health Capacity IPEC PS/QI DREAM MedEdPORTAL Publications has a series of collections that were created as a result of AAMC initiatives and federal or foundationally funded grants. Every publication in these collections was formally peer reviewed. The Building Oral Health Capacity collection, funded by HRSA, includes educational modules for oral health training in medical education with the goal of fostering coordinated, comprehensive patient care. Blah!

20 Collections Available in Publications
Blah! Collections Available in Publications BOHC Interprofessional Education Collection IPEC PS/QI DREAM 2. The Interprofessional Education Collection, funded by the Macy Foundation, is a repository of competency-linked learning resources that aim to drive Interprofessional education and team-based care. Blah!

21 Collections Available in Publications
Blah! Collections Available in Publications BOHC Patient Safety/Quality Improvement IPEC PS/QI DREAM 3. Our Patient Safety and Quality Improvement collection is the result of an AAMC initiative designed to increase the number of peer reviewed educational tools made available for our member medical schools and teaching hospitals as they aim to improve quality and patient safety. Blah!

22 Collections Available in Publications
Blah! Collections Available in Publications BOHC Directory and Repository of Educational Assessment Measures MedEdPORTAL, in partnership with Georgia Regents University are working closely to develop a repository of educational assessment measures to be launched in The Directory and Repository of Educational Assessment Measures (DREAM) will feature a searchable database of peer reviewed assessment measures that have been used in health sciences education samples. IPEC PS/QI DREAM 4. The Directory and Repository of Educational Assessment Measures (DREAM) is a new collection created in partnership with Georgia Regents University that offers high quality, peer reviewed assessment measures. Each publication contains  a description of the validated assessment measure, an expert critical analysis of that measure, the assessment tool itself, and any supplementary materials that help administer that tool. Blah!

23 MedEdPORTAL iCollaborative
Next, we will detail the iCollaborative.

24 MedEdPORTAL iCollaborative Overview
Free online sharing and collaboration service Open to the general public around the globe Community building environment Innovative approaches, practices, and strategies for transforming healthcare Mouse Click 1 (Bullet 1) – The iCollaborative is a free, online platform for sharing innovative approaches to health education and patient care. Mouse Click 2 (Bullet 2) - There are no restrictions on who can create a user account and download posted materials. There is no “Special Clearance” collection that we saw in Publications. Mouse Click 3 (Bullet 3) – iCollaborative is a community building environment where MedEdPORTAL users are encouraged to share and provide feedback through commenting, rating capabilities and social media platforms. Mouse Click 4 (Bullet 4) – Rather than offering formally peer reviewed, classroom tested, stand alone modules that we see in Publications, the iCollaborative includes educational modules that may still be in development or are otherwise not “complete.” This could include externally hosted materials. iCollaborative aims to connect health professionals in an interprofessional setting by sharing innovative approaches, effective practices, and strategies for improving healthcare education and patient care delivery.

25 iCollaborative Submission Standards & Process Policies
May NOT be considered a “complete” package (externally hosted materials) May NOT be classroom tested (modules in development) Will NOT receive a formal MedEdPORTAL citation (may direct users to externally hosted, copyrighted materials) Will NOT be formally peer reviewed by MedEdPORTAL (quick submission/posting times) Submissions to iCollaborative do not undergo the same type of screening and peer review process as those submitted for formal peer review in Publications. Externally hosted materials and those which have not been proven effective in the classroom may be shared in iCollaborative. Because these submissions are not formally peer reviewed, submitters will not receive a formal MedEdPORTAL citation for their work but they can expect a much shorter submission form and site posting timeline.

26 Tracking Usage: iCollaborative
iCollaborative contributors can track usage by way of download counts on their “My MedEdPORTAL” page. The formal Usage Reports generated for content in Publications is reserved for authors of formally MedEdPORTAL peer reviewed publications. In the above screenshot, Henning Saul’s iCollaborative resource has been downloaded 10 times.

27 Sample iCollaborative Resource
Mouse Click 1 – Let’s review the highlights of a sample Collaborative resource abstract. Mouse Click 2A – Please note that since iCollaborative resources are not formally peer reviewed by MedEdPORTAL, they do not carry the MedEdPORTAL Peer Review logo. Instead, they display an iCollaborative logo. Mouse Click 2B – Transition Mouse Click 3A – This resource describes an overview of a three year curricular framework that shifted resident assessments from program information forms with associated site visits to more continuous milestone based assessments. Specifically, the downloadable resource files show an example of the incorporation of the milestone language into their university-based internal medicine residence program. In addition to the overview of the three year curriculum, users can also download examples of the rotational curricula for several internal medicine experiences. Mouse Click 3B – Transition Mouse Click 4A – Please note that an iCollaborative resource posted within MedEdPORTAL does not receive a formal citation. This distinction is reserved for MedEdPORTAL Publications. Mouse Click 4B – Transition Mouse Click 5A – However, those submitting to iCollaborative still determine how they would like end users to utilize their resources by way of a creative commons license. This license is displayed here on the abstract as well as within all downloadable resource files. Mouse Click 5B – Transition Mouse Click 6A – iCollaborative abstract pages showcase not only the same threading commentary feature that we saw on the sample publication, but also a 5 star rating feature that is exclusive to iCollaborative. Mouse Click 6B – Transition Mouse Click 6C – As a platform for sharing and collaboration, we stress the availability of the “Join the Conversation” functionality. Mouse Click 6D – Transition Mouse Click 7A - Just as Publications pushes relevant content to the end user from all three of the MedEdPORTAL services, iCollaborative resources also pull relevant content. Mouse Click 7B – Transition Mouse Click 7C – You’ll see here in the close-up that the system is set up to show related materials specific to the particular service (Publications, iCollaborative, CE Directory) that you are currently in. However, each of the others can be expanded.

28 Collections in iCollaborative
Blah! Collections in iCollaborative Collections within the iCollaborative are largely the result of AAMC based initiatives. Mouse Click 1A – The Readiness for Reform collection supports AAMC members in responding to changes in health care delivery. Resources in this collection include innovative approaches in helping members assess their readiness for implementing health reform as well as strategies and best practices for building capacity to address these changes in areas such as care delivery design, new payment models, and quality reporting. Mouse Click 1B – Transition Mouse Click 2A – The Joining Forces resources address the health care needs of military service members and their families. Topics cover any aspect of care from the physical to the psychological; challenges faced by multiple deployments, coping with combat injuries, and grief counseling. The goal of this collection is to prepare current and future generations of health care professionals in the caring for military service members and their families. Mouse Click 2B – Transition Mouse Click 3A – The Integrating Quality or IQ collection of resources focuses on building coordinated approaches to patient safety and performance improvement across academic medical centers. Mouse Click 3B – Transition Mouse Click 4A - The Pre-health collection is a group of teaching resources aimed to support undergraduate faculty as they work with students preparing for a career in the health professions. These materials help faculty incorporate instruction based on pre-health competencies into existing courses and provide students with access to independent study materials. Mouse Click 4B – Transition Blah!

29 MedEdPORTAL CE Directory
Lastly, the CE Directory service of MedEdPORTAL is designed to provide practicing health professionals with the ability to quickly search, find, and access high quality evidence-based online activities that provide CE credit and support lifelong learning, re-licensure, and maintenance of certification goals.

30 MedEdPORTAL CE Directory Overview
Free online CME directory service Open to the general public around the globe Search & Find high-quality online CME activities Promote AAMC member developed AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ online CME activities Mouse Click 1 (Bullet 1) – The CE Directory offers access to over 700 continuing education activities that are delivered in their entirely through an online format. Mouse Click 2 (Bullet 2) – Access to the directory is open to the public but the availability of an individual activity is at the discretion of the institution which hosts the material. Mouse Click 3 (Bullet 3) – The referenced activities are high-quality, evidence-based and developed by faculty at one of AAMC’s member institutions. Mouse Click 4 (Bullet 4) – All activities have received the AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.

31 CE Directory Submission Standards & Process Policies
Activities developed and administered by CE providers affiliated with AAMC member institutions Activities can be completed in their entirety in the online format CE Providers submit descriptions and keywords Submissions to the CE Directory come from CE providers affiliated with AAMC member institutions. Activities must be credited, available in the online format and have been developed by faculty at the AAMC member institution. Registration and direct access to the course is made available through the home institution’s continuing education website.

32 Sample CE Directory Activity
Mouse Click 1 – Let’s take some time to review some specific components that are special to a CE Directory activity. Mouse Click 2A – CE Directory activities are equipped with their own CE logo. Mouse Click 2B – Transition Mouse Click 3A – The focus of this course is counseling patients on end of life decisions based on information found in the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991. Mouse Click 3B – Transition Mouse Click 4A – Specific to the CE Directory are the Released and Expiration Dates listed on the abstracts. Activities are removed from the directory when they have expired. Mouse Click 4B – Transition Mouse Click 5A – All activities within the CE Directory are credited. There is a specific credit tab on all CE activity abstracts. Mouse Click 5B – Transition Mouse Click 5C – Here, you will see that this activity has AMA PRA Category 1 Credit, 2 credits are awarded upon completion and there is no charge. Mouse Click 5D – Transition Mouse Click 6A – All activities in the CE Directory are online courses but MedEdPORTAL does not actually host the material. Instead, MedEdPORTAL directs users to the institution’s CE website which hosts the course. Mouse Click 6B – Transition Mouse Click 7A - Like the iCollaborative, users can rate activities and provide feedback through threading commentary. Mouse Click 7B – Transition Mouse Click 8A – And again, as with the other services, a CE Directory abstract will populate relevant peer reviewed publications and iCollaborative resources. Mouse Click 8B – Transition Mouse Click 8C – Here you see a close-up of related materials.

33 Collections in the CE Directory
Evidence-based Medicine Palliative, Advanced & End of Life Care Practice Management Prevention Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Patient Centered Care Interprofessional Care Team Based Care Collections within the CE Directory are grouped together by topics such as palliative care, patient safety and team based care.

34 Search All three services in MedEdPORTAL have an independent search engine but since publications, resources and activities use the same controlled vocabulary, the site can dynamically drill down searches and push relevant content. In this example, let’s pretend the user searched for “medical errors.”. Mouse Click 1A – On the left side of the screen, the user can narrow his search further by academic focus, professional interest and other controlled vocabulary fields. Mouse Click 1B – Transition Mouse Click 2A – This is a close up of a few of the fields which can allow for a deeper search. Mouse Click 2B – Transition Mouse Click 3A – This shows a close up of the relevant content that can be pushed through each system.

35 Publications iCollaborative CE Directory
Purpose Recognize and advance educational scholarship Access peer reviewed, proven educational tools Share innovative approaches to health care education and delivery Collaborate on tools in development Promote member medical schools’ online continuing education activities Standards Stand alone module Clear learning objectives Classroom tested Ready for implementation Copyright/patient privacy compliance AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Online learning Created by faculty at AAMC member institutions Features Peer Reviewed Author usage reports Formal citation for scholarly credit Special clearance assessment tools Published indefinitely 5 star rating Threaded commentary Three year expiration Quick, searchable by content area Access online learning outside home institution/specialty Removed when expired MEP Peer Reviewed Yes No Formal Citation This final slide details the distinct features we have reviewed for each service within MedEdPORTAL. Publications was created as a venue for teaching faculty to receive recognition for their pieces of educational scholarship as well as to provide members with access to peer reviewed, proven educational tools. Publications are considered stand-alone teaching modules with clear learning objectives. They have been classroom tested and are ready for implementation by others. Published authors have access to real time usage reports and receive a formal citation for scholarly credit. Key features of the Publications portal is the Special Clearance collection and the fact that tools are published indefinitely similar to research articles published in a traditional, print-based journal. iCollaborative was created for members to share innovative approaches to health care education and delivery and to collaborate on tools still in development. iCollaborative offers a 5-star rating feature and threaded commentary. Submitters do not receive a formal citation upon posting and their resource will be removed from the system after three years. At this point, MedEdPORTAL staff will contact the submitter and encourage him/her to submit a more recently updated version. Lastly, CE Directory aims to promote AAMC member institutions’ online continuing education activities. Each of the activities is credited, is available in its entirety through online learning and was created by faculty at an AAMC member institution. These activities are easily searchable through the same controlled vocabulary that is used across the entire website and will be removed when the activity expires.

36 Interested in submitting?
Pick the correct platform. Publications – formal peer review Stringent copyright/patient privacy screening Prepare materials according to Glassick’s six criteria for scholarship Classroom tested, stand-alone module? iCollaborative – share materials “as is” now! At this time, I would like to gauge whether participants would prefer to spend time discussing materials that they would consider submitting or move onto a live demo of the site for those who are more interested in utilizing the site. If interested in submitting… The first step is to review the materials you are considering to determine which platform would be best for your submission. Is your content a stand-alone (not hosted externally on the web, you own all materials)? Has the module been classroom tested? Can you obtain all necessary third party and patient privacy permissions (for all text, images, photos, etc)? Was your work created and subsequently compiled in a way that demonstrates educational scholarship? Works submitted to Publications must be submitted to Manuscript Central, an external peer review management system: Does your work not meet one of the standards listed above? Is it simply a reference document or an externally hosted website? Would you like solely to share the work you are completing at your institution? iCollaborative submissions should be directed to:


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