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Quick review Data Structures.

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1 Quick review Data Structures

2 Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

3 (Week 1) Today Overview Data structure Data and relationship

4 2015.9.2 (Week 1) Latest course Today Overview Data structure ADT
Data and relationship Today ADT Data structure and operations Algorithm Asymptotic analysis

5 Information建议在资源管理器下打开)
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6 2015.9.7 (Week 2) Latest course Today ADT Algorithm Linear list
Sequential list

7 About Assignment Hand-in
基本原则 1.每个学生用自己的学号注册用户。 2.选择自己所在的老师进入 “当前的考试(Current Contests) ” 3.每次作业给一周时间。 4.上传能够运行的程序。 5.如果超时,可考虑延长3天,第一天8折,第2天7折,第2天6折。超期3天系统关闭本次作业,本次作业成绩记为0。 6.不得相互拷贝,系统有查重功能,一旦发现,涉及学生相关作业成绩一律记为0。

8 2015.9.9 (Week 2) Latest course Today Linear list Sequential list
Linked List Assignment 1 2.11, 2.21, 2.29

9 2015.9.14 (Week 3) Latest course Today Singly Linked List
More about Linked List Applications

10 2015.9.16 (Week 3) Latest course Today Linear list Stack Applications
Assignment 2 2.22, 2.24, 2.30, 2.38 说明:第一次作业中如果使用了链表,这次2.22和2.30都采用顺序表完成。

11 2015.9.21 (Week 4) Latest course Today Stack & Application
Application of Stack & Recursion

12 2015.9.23 (Week 4) Latest course Today Stack & Application & Recursion
Stack & Recursion Queue Assignment 3 3.19, 3.21, 3.30, 3.32

13 2015.9.28 (Week 5) Latest course Today Experiment 1 Stack & Recursion
Queue Today Queue’s applications STL Experiment 1

14 2015.9.30 (Week 5) Latest course Happy National Day’s holiday!
Queue’s applications STL Happy National Day’s holiday! Long live our great motherland! Today Report of Experiment 1 (deadline is 10.10) Assignments analyses Sparse matrix and general list

15 (Week 6) National Day’s Holiday Move to

16 (Week 6) Holiday of National Day

17 2015.10.10 (Week 6) Latest course Today Assignments analyses
Matrix and sparse matrix Today Triple-sequential list & Orthogonal linked list Matrix operations Transposition Multiplication Addition/Subtraction

18 2015.10.12 (Week 7) Latest course Today
Representations and operations of sparse matrix Today General list (Lists) Definition, Characteristics, Representation, Application Assignment 4 5.8, 5.12, 5.13, 5.23 5.18, 5.21, 5.27, 5.30 Experiment 2 Sparse matrix and operations (转置, 加法(2种结构), 乘法)

19 2015.10.14 (Week 7) Latest course Today General list (Lists)
Summary of linear structure Today Tree Definition, ADT, Storage Binary tree Characteristics Traversal

20 2015.10.19 (Week 8) Latest course Today Tree & Binary tree Binary tree
Definition, ADT, storage Today Binary tree Traversal Depth-first Level-first Reconstruction

21 2015.10.21 (Week 8) Latest course Today Binary tree
Traversal Recursive and non-recursive algorithms Today Reconstruction & Counting Threaded binary tree Motivation, methodology, application

22 2015.10.26 (Week 9) Latest course Today Reconstruction & Counting
Threaded binary tree Today Huffman tree and coding Storage and traversal of tree and forest Conversion among tree, forest and binary tree Experiment 3 Huffman tree and coding (哈夫曼树和编码) Assignment 5 6.70, 6.42, 6.51, 6.65

23 2015.10.28 (Week 9) Latest course Today Huffman tree and coding
Storage and traversal of tree and forest Conversion among tree, forest and binary tree Today

24 2015.11.2 (Week 10) Latest course Today Huffman tree and coding
Storage and traversal of tree and forest Conversion among tree, forest and binary tree Issue: 一个二叉链表是二叉树还是树(或森林)? Today Graph Definition, ADT and notations Storage The missed course will be made up in week 15.

25 2015.11.4 (Week 10) Latest course Today Graph Storage of graph
Definition, ADT and notations Storage Today Storage of graph Traversal of graph DFS and BFS Spanning tree/forest and connected components

26 2015.11.9 (Week 11) Latest course Today Traversal of graph
DFS and BFS Spanning tree/forest and connected components Today Mini cost spanning tree of undirected network Shortest path of directed network Experiment 4 Shortest path (Dijkstra algorithm and Floyd algorithm)

27 2015.11.11 (Week 11) Latest course Today
Mini cost spanning tree of undirected network Shortest path of directed network Today Topological sorting Critical path Summary of Graph Assignment 6 Announced on the website on the weekend. 7.22, 7.23, 7.38, 7.42

28 2015.11.16 (Week 12) Latest course Today
Topological sorting & Critical path Summary of Graph Today Basic concepts of searching Static searching table Dynamic searching table BST

29 2015.11.18 (Week 12) Latest course Today Basic concepts of searching
Static searching table Dynamic searching table BST Today Dynamic searching table (cont’d) BST and AVL tree

30 2015.11.23 (Week 13) Latest course Today
Dynamic searching table (cont’d) BST and AVL tree Today AVL tree B-Tree and B+-Tree Some useful search trees Trie tree, Splay tree, Black-red tree, Vocabulary tree,

31 2015.11.25 (Week 13) Latest course Today
Dynamic searching table (cont’d) B-Tree and B+-Tree Some useful search trees Today Postpone to nextweek

32 2015.11.30 (Week 14) Latest course Today
Dynamic searching table (cont’d) B-Tree and B+-Tree Some useful search trees Today Hash table Summary of search table Assignment 7 9.19, 9.31, 9.35(9.36, 9.37), 9.38 Sorting Internal and external sorting

33 2015.12.2 (Week 14) Latest course Today Sorting and basic concepts
Insertion based sorting Today Improved methods Swap based sorting Bubble sorting & quick sorting Selection based sorting Simple algorithm and improved methods

34 2015.12.7 (Week 15) Latest course Today Insertion based sorting
Swap based sorting Selection based sorting Today Merging based sorting Radix sorting

35 2015.12.9 (Week 15) Latest course Today Selection based sorting
Merging based sorting Radix sorting Today Review Abstract Data Type (ADT) & Data Type Data structure Algorithm Final summary

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