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Helsinki Chemicals Forum 2015 Concluding Remarks
First Day Jukka Malm European Chemicals Agency
Thinking beyond 2020 – SAICM and the future for global chemicals risk management
Panel 1
WSSD 2020 Goals Different emphasis on successes and failures
Agreement: 2020 goals will not be fully met Do we know where we are, do we have a common yardstick? Supporting countries establishing frameworks for SCM vs. concrete outcomes at global level Counting conventions or nr of substances vs. assessing capacity of countries to manage hazardous chemicals? SAICM indicators & IOMC toolbox
Thinking beyond 2020 / New possibilities
Role of OECD in sharing information & knowledge on Risk Management (but not to harmonise action) Integrated approach for databases and information on regulation; cross-legislation, regional/international Full utilisation of existing/emerging data Fair cost compensation where used for other regulation – international data sharing regime Capacity for data management and utilisation? Global standard – SDS for all exported hazardous chemicals?
Globally Harmonised System on Classification and Labelling – how can we get there faster?
Panel 2
GHS - How can we get there faster?
GHS designed to flexible – building block approach Not full harmonisation of the scope/categories, but flexibility can facilitate implementation Transition from old to new systems can be laborous; transitional periods can help GHS works – implementation still underway Gather experience before considering how to develop further Consider pace of changes, and think whether they facilitate impl. Guidance, training, capacity building, awareness raising Incl. communication on benefits of GHS; funding Facilitate co-operation National: inter-ministerial, multi-stakeholder stuctures Regional/international: sharing the burden & experiences
Global list – to be or not to be?
Added value of a global list recognised Promote harmonisation Save resources, facilitate trade May raise concerns about lowering the protection level UNGHS pilot project followed with interest Long & resource intensive project expected Countries/regions have different starting points EU with a long tradition and an extensive legally binding list vs. limited/non binding lists vs. no lists Legal implications of C&L (may) differ in different regions
Chemicals in Products: How to Improve Communications in the Supply Chain
Communication in Supply Chain
Enable down-stream users to use chemicals safely Via C&L, SDS (in EU incl. Exposure scenarios) Harmonisation of practices and tools help preparing, communicating and understanding the information Supported by public dissemination; regulatory or voluntary Business benefits & opportunities ”Effective communication creates transparency, trust and contributes to sustainable business” Improvements recognised by industry, further harmonisation welcome Market & public pressures sometimes force companies to move Awaraness of end-users of available information can be increased
Chemicals in Products ‘ChiP’ need particular approaches
Complexity of the supply chain; how to get, verify, update information - B2B How to ensure/promote compliance? How to influence R&D, and product design? What can be realistically expected? Cross-sectoral cooperation of authorities, international cooper. Use of chemicals databases to identify ChiP of concern Consumers’ right to know – Consumer confidence User friendliness of the information, how to help comparisons NGO campaigns can help raising awareness & promote compliance Market pressures can have drastic effects on companies More proactive companies coming forward, retailers in a powerful position
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