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Agenda Start 9.30 1. STF Planning and Milestones (Rob) 2. Expert Responsibilities (All) 3. Scenarios Definition   - Public transport accident (Anton +

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Start 9.30 1. STF Planning and Milestones (Rob) 2. Expert Responsibilities (All) 3. Scenarios Definition   - Public transport accident (Anton +"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Start STF Planning and Milestones (Rob) 2. Expert Responsibilities (All) 3. Scenarios Definition   - Public transport accident (Anton + Julian) - Earthquake (Egil + Anton) Lunch 13: : Questionnaire generation 5. List of interviewees + expert tasks 6. Next steps  - Draft TS Table of Contents  - interviews End 16.30

2 STF Internal Meetings:
GoToMeeting or Video Conference (Adobe Connect) 11am CET (1 hr) every 1st, 3rd Tuesday in Month initially: 4th Feb (not Haitham, Julian?) 18th Feb 4th March 18th March (Egil?) 20th May (Anton?) 17th June Face-face meetings: SatEC 24, 9-10th April?

3 Resources TAM Travel for STF Experts to make plan
confirm at each month end Travel for STF Experts to create Travel Plan for each trip Collect “In-Kind”

4 Meetings Emtel 29 Julian? SatEC 24 Anton, Haitham, Rob…..? PSCE
Experts Emtel 29 18-19 Feb ETSI Julian? SatEC 24 9-10 April (1st milestone) Munich Anton, Haitham, Rob…..? PSCE 20-21 May Goteburg Haitham, Egil? Emtel 30 3-4 Jun Sopron Egil, Anton, Julian? SatEC 25 3 July (2nd milestone) GoToMeeting All ASMS 8-9 Sept Livorno ? SatEC 26 11-12 Sept CNIT

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