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A tool for more effective data dissemination

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1 A tool for more effective data dissemination
Contestina A tool for more effective data dissemination New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) Brussels, March 2017 Mariagrazia Zottoli Sara Laurita Francesco Monteleone Andrea Pugliese

Data dissemination is the release of information obtained through statistical activity. OECD Complete databases Ready-made charts and tables Data with commentary Transforming statistics into knowledge and performing (among others) a social function. Data is difficult to understand for the average user (they lack statistical literacy)

How can we make data more meaningful to the general public? “On their own, statistics are just numbers.” UNECE Digital storytelling is the key to make the results of official statistics understandable for everyone. Empowering people contextualizing data Evidence based decision making

4 Explores the available data
CONTESTINA: WHAT IS IT? It’s a software agent which: Facilitates the comprehension of statistical information, guiding the users through their reasoning process, step-by-step . Main idea Builds adaptable stories on the given data by means of a software agent which, exploiting metadata: Method Explores the available data Builds scenario analysis Offers interactive visualizations Avoids data pitfalls

Internationalization Business and Competitiveness SINSE –Socioeconomic Decision Support System Foreign trade Trade balances Active Businesses Businesses Demography Competitiveness Contestina

Table 1 Tutoring area Imports value The amount of imports is €. In 2014 there is a decrease (RUL001) than in the previous year . Source: ISTAT: Coeweb (External trade statistics), IST (RUL002) Graph 1 Visualisation Generating storytelling RUL00101 decrease RUL002 ISTAT: Coeweb (External trade statistics) IST-02179 Input parameters Access to data What? Imports Rules execution When? 2014 RUL001 IF Imports 2014 > Imports 2013 THEN write growth ELSE write decrease RUL002 PRINT source’s name AND SNP code Where? Italy Rules definition

7 CONTESTINA: A USE CASE Some students need to find information about the foreign trade in their region (Calabria, Italy) for writing an essay. They are looking for: Exports Trends Trade Partners Products To search on the SINSE platform for gathering useful information, the input parameters are: Calabria Italy Exports 2015 What? When? Where?

Exports value, Region Calabria and provinces, 2015 In 2015 the value of Calabria’s exports amounted to € . Reggio di Calabria is the largest exporter with 39,6% of incidence rate. The subsequent provinces are: Cosenza (22,1%) Catanzaro (17,6%) Vibo Valentia (13,0%) Crotone (7,7%) The results at the regional level show a growth for the exports with respect to There are positive percentage changes in all the provinces, in particular: Vibo Valentia (46,2%) Crotone (36,7%) Catanzaro (13,4%) Reggio di Calabria (10,5%) Cosenza (5,9%) Source: IST : Istat- Coeweb (Foreign trade Statistics) Correlated reports: - First 15 main trade partners, Region Calabria, 2015 - Main exported products (ATECO), Region Calabria, 2015 Provinces Values (€) Incidence rate (%) Percentage change (%) Vibo Valentia 13,0% 46,2% Crotone 7,7% 36,7% Catanzaro 17,6% 13,4% Reggio di Calabria 39,6% 10,5% Cosenza 22,1% 5,9% Calabria 15,3% The incidence rate is calculated: Provinces exports / Region exports Data from Official Statistics (table) Contestina Storytelling: Reading the data Metadata Related Reports The percentage change between two years t and t-1 is calculated: [Exports values (t) – Exports values (t-1)]/ Exports values (t-1) Note Exports of goods and services – merchandise trade comprise goods leaving the statistical territory of a country. In the general trade system, the definition of the statistical territory of a country coincides with its economic territory.  Graph Area Graph Area

9 EXPORTS TRENDS Exports value, Region Calabria and provinces, 2015
In 2015 the value of Calabria’s exports amounted to € . Reggio di Calabria is the largest exporter with 39,6% of incidence rate. The subsequent provinces are: Cosenza (22,1%) Catanzaro (17,6%) Vibo Valentia (13,0%) Crotone (7,7%) The results at the regional level show a growth for the exports with respect to There are positive percentage changes in all the provinces, in particular: Vibo Valentia (46,2%) Crotone (36,7%) Catanzaro (13,4%) Reggio di Calabria (10,5%) Cosenza (5,9%) Source: : Istat- Coeweb (Foreign trade Statistics) Correlated reports: - First 15 main trade partners, Region Calabria, 2015 - Main exported products (ATECO), Region Calabria, 2015 Provinces Values (€) Incidence rate (%) Percentage change (%) Vibo Valentia 13,0% 46,2% Crotone 7,7% 36,7% Catanzaro 17,6% 13,4% Reggio di Calabria 39,6% 10,5% Cosenza 22,1% 5,9% Calabria 15,3% The incidence rate is calculated: Provinces exports / Region exports The percentage change between two years t and t-1 is calculated: [Exports values (t) – Exports values (t-1)]/ Exports values (t-1) Note Exports of goods and services – merchandise trade comprise goods leaving the statistical territory of a country. In the general trade system, the definition of the statistical territory of a country coincides with its economic territory.  IST-02179

10 EXPORTS TRENDS Exports value, Region Calabria and provinces, 2015
In 2015 the value of Calabria’s exports amounted to € . Reggio di Calabria is the largest exporter with 39,6% of incidence rate. The subsequent provinces are: Cosenza (22,1%) Catanzaro (17,6%) Vibo Valentia (13,0%) Crotone (7,7%) The results at the regional level show a growth for the exports with respect to There are positive percentage changes in all the provinces, in particular: Vibo Valentia (46,2%) Crotone (36,7%) Catanzaro (13,4%) Reggio di Calabria (10,5%) Cosenza (5,9%) Source: IST : Istat- Coeweb (Foreign trade Statistics) Correlated reports: - First 15 main trade partners, Region Calabria, 2015 - Main exported products (ATECO), Region Calabria, 2015 Provinces Values (€) Incidence rate (%) Percentage change (%) Vibo Valentia 13,0% 46,2% Crotone 7,7% 36,7% Catanzaro 17,6% 13,4% Reggio di Calabria 39,6% 10,5% Cosenza 22,1% 5,9% Calabria 15,3% Note Exports of goods and services – merchandise trade comprise goods leaving the statistical territory of a country. In the general trade system, the definition of the statistical territory of a country coincides with its economic territory. 

11 Total main trade partners
First 15 main trade partners, Region Calabria, 2015 In 2015 the value of Calabria’s exports amounted to € . The most important trade partner is Germany with 2,3% of incidence rate. The following ones are: United States (2,1%) United Kingdom (1,3%) France (1,3%) The first 15 main partners incidence on the total amount of exports is 10,3%. Source: IST : Istat- Coeweb (Foreign trade Statistics) Correlated reports: - Exports value, Region Calabria and provinces, 2015 - Main exported products (ATECO), Region Calabria, 2015 Country Values (€) Incidence rate (%) Germany 2,3% United States 2,1% United Kingdom 1,3% France Austria 0,8% Spain 0,6% The Netherlands 0,4% China South Korea 0,3% Belgium Brazil 0,2% Turkey 0,1% Argentina Greece Denmark Total main trade partners 10,3% Total exports The incidence rate is calculated: Region exports / Total exports Note Exports of goods and services – merchandise trade comprise goods leaving the statistical territory of a country. In the general trade system, the definition of the statistical territory of a country coincides with its economic territory. 

12 PRODUCTS Main exported products (ATECO), Region Calabria, 2015
In 2015 the value of Calabria’s exports amounted to € . The exports are led from the following sectors: Other chemical products (19,2% incidence rate) Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables (10,5%) Growing of perennial crops (9,1%) Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals (8,5%) Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c. (6,9%) Source: IST : Istat- Coeweb (Foreign trade Statistics) Correlated reports: - Exports value, Region Calabria and provinces, 2015 - First 15 main trade partners, Region Calabria, 2015 The incidence rate is calculated: Category of product exports / Total exports Products Values (€) Incidence rate (%) Other chemical products 19,2% Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 10,5% Growing of perennial crops 9,1% Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals 8,5% Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c. 6,9% Manufacture of other food products Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 3,3% Waste 3,0% Manufacture of general-purpose machinery 2,3% Processing and preserving of meat and production of meat products 2,1% Manufacture of beverages 1,9% Total exports Note Exports of goods and services – merchandise trade comprise goods leaving the statistical territory of a country. In the general trade system, the definition of the statistical territory of a country coincides with its economic territory. 

13 TAKE AWAY Contestina facilitates the comprehension of statistical information for ”tourists” using metadata and figures joined together in a story. Contestina aims to offer a contextualised reading of statistical results in order to make them effectively usable in policy and social debates. Contestina tries to address the lack of capabilities in order to make the information not only accessible, but comprehensible and transparent. THANK YOU!

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