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6C of LT - Amoeba 1. Made of Cells A. Unicellular 2. Movement

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1 6C of LT - Amoeba 1. Made of Cells A. Unicellular 2. Movement
A. Changes it body shape B. Uses pseudopod to ooze along

2 3. Perform Complex Activities
A. Ingestion - Surrounds food with pseudopod B. Digestion - Uses food vacuole to digest food C. Respiration - Osmosis D. Excretion - uses contractile vacuole 4. Grow and Develop Amoeba A. Get bigger as they eat B. Life span unknown

3 5. Responds to Stimulus A. Retreats from strong lights B. Retreats from temperature changes in water C. Rolls into a ball if touched or shaken D. Move toward or away from chemicals or food 6. Reproduction A. Asexual Amoeba 1. Fission

4 6C of LT - Paramecium 1. Made of Cells A. Unicellular 2. Movement
A. Swimming 1. Use cilia to spiral

5 3. Perform Complex Activities
A. Ingestion - Cilia sweeps food into oral groove and into the gullet Digestion – Gullet, uses enzymes in Food vacuoles C. Respiration - Through the oral groove D. Excretion - Uses contractile vacuole and the anal pore 4. Grow and Develop Paramecium A. Get bigger as they eat B. Life span unknown

6 5. Responds to Stimulus A. Bump off and turn B. Uses cilia to sense 6. Reproduction A. Asexual - Most of the time 1. Fission B. Sexual - Occasionally Paramecium 1. Fusion

7 6C of LT - Euglena 1. Made of Cells A. Unicellular 2. Movement
A. Swings Flagellum back and forth B. Pellicle allows it to crawl

8 3. Perform Complex Activities
Ingestion – Photosynthesis 1. Will capture and consume food if no light present – like an Amoeba B. Digestion – Food vacuoles C. Respiration - Osmosis D. Excretion - Contractile vacuole 4. Grow and Develop Euglena A. Continues to grow until it reproduces B. Life span unknown

9 5. Responds to Stimulus A. Uses eyespot to sense light B. Responds by moving toward the light 6. Reproduction A. Asexual 1. Fission Euglena

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