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Taxonomy Naming organisms D-K-P-C-O-F-G-S

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1 Taxonomy Naming organisms D-K-P-C-O-F-G-S
Warm – up : Using the following letters, in the same order, come up with a saying that will help you remember this order. Ex. L-O-L = Laugh Out Loud D-K-P-C-O-F-G-S

2 CLASSIFICATION grouping organisms by similarities and differences (structures, functions, behavior, and DNA)

compares external and internal structures where they live environment genetic make up. DNA most definitive shows evolutionary relationships

4 Taxonomy –Naming Organisms
Carl Linnaeus- 1st to name using Binomial Nomenclature Genus and species name Homo sapiens (always in italics or underlined) Genus- is a group of similar species. Always capitalized species- (specific epithet)- describes characteristics. Always lower case

5 COMMON NAMES Common names are not used by scientists...Discuss with your neighbor why you think this is?

6 D>K>P>C>O>F>G>S
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, species

TAXON A GROUP OF ORGANISMS FROM MOST BROAD TO SPECIFIC Humans : Domain – Eukarya, Kingdom Animalia, Phylum – Chordata, Class – Mammalia, Order – Primates, Family – Hominidae, Genus – Homo, Species – sapiens Individual levels are called Taxa

8 Domains: contain one or more Kingdoms:
1. Bacteria (Eubacteria) 2. Archea- (Archaebacteria) 3. Eukarya- (animals, plants, fungi, protists)

9 Kingdoms: (6) Archaebacteria- are prokaryotic
Eubacteria- are prokaryotic Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia All Eukaryotes

10 Prokaryotes: have no nucleus or membrane bound organelles microscopic
unicellular may be autotrophs or heterotrophs

11 Archaebacteria: Prokaryotes live in extreme environments
hot, salty, thermal vents, oxygen- free have a cell wall without peptidoglycan. Ex – Thermophiles, Halophiles, methanogens

12 Eubacteria include all other prokaryotes decomposers
live almost everywhere may be harmful or helpful have a cell walls with peptidoglycan. Ex – Escherichia coli (E. coli) Streptococcus pneumonia

13 Protist: eukaryotes no organ systems live in moist environments
unicellular or multi-cellular

14 Three types of protists
plant-like – autotrophs (Ex – Euglena, Algae, and Kelp) animal-like – heterotrophs (Ex – Amoebas and Paramecium) fungus-like - heterotrophs, reproduce like fungus (Ex – Water molds, Downy molds and slime molds)

15 Protists – Plant Like

16 Plant – like Protista Euglena

17 Protists - Animal Like Amoeba

18 Protists – Animal Like Paramecium

19 Protists – Fungus Like (slime mold)

20 Fungus eukaryotes unicellular or multi-cellular heterotrophs
do not move absorb nutrients from organic matter (decomposers) Cell walls made of Chitin

21 Plants eukaryotes multi-cellular Photosynthetic (autotrophic)
do not move about has cell wall and chloroplasts Organized cells, tissues, organs, organ systems

22 Animals eukaryotes multi-cellular heterotrophs most can move
no cell wall cell – tissues- organ- organ system

23 Cladistics a biological system of classification based on phylogeny
cladogram- a model of the phylogeny of a species identifying derived traits closer on the cladogram, probably share more recent ancestry

24 Cladogram



27 Basis for Modern Taxonomy:
Modern taxonomists classify organisms based on their evolutionary relationships Homologous structures have the same structure, but different functions & show common ancestry The bones in a bat's wing, human's arm, penguin's flipper are the same (homologous), but the function is different 

28 Homologous Structures

29 Analogous Structures Analogous structures have the same function, but different structures & do not show a close relationship (insect wing & bird's wing)

30 Analogous Structures

31 Embryonic Development
Similarity in embryo development shows a close relationship (vertebrate embryos all have tail & gill slits)

32 Embryonic Development

33 Genetic Code Similarity in DNA & amino acid sequences of proteins show related organisms

34 Phylogeny the evolutionary history of a species

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