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Chemistry classes Mrs. Schultz Mon. Aug. 28, 2017.

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1 Chemistry classes Mrs. Schultz Mon. Aug. 28, 2017

2 Mon. 8/28 1st period EQ: Which indicator should be chosen for a pH range of in a titration? Due: HW Q’s pg #32-34 Go over WS problems from Wed & Fri HW: Q’s pg. 357 do #35 &36

3 Mon. 8/ nd, 4th, 5th, & 7th per EQ: Classify the following properties of element silicon as chemical or physical properties: blue-gray color b) brittle c) doesn’t dissolve in water d) melts at 1410oC e) reacts with fluorine Due HW: Q’s pg. 50 CW: Ch 2 Review pgs do #39-75 odd Test next class for Ch 1, 2, lab equipment, rules

4 Mon 8/28 3rd period EQ: Write the combustion reaction for butane (C4H10) Due HW: Q’s pg. 22 #20 & 21 Go over WS topic 1 questions from Friday HW: Q’s pg. 24 do #22

5 Tues 8/29 2nd & 4th per EQ: no question today – test today
Due CW/HW: Ch 2 Review pgs do #39-75 odd Test review Q’s Test (if time) Video: Matter and its changes

6 Tues 8/29 3rd period EQ: 10.0 g of magnesium is reacted with 5.00 g of nitrogen. Which is the limiting reactant? Mg + N2  Due HW: Q’s pg. 24 #22 Notes: Avogadro’s law HW: Q’s pg. 26 do #23-25

7 Wed. 8/30 1st period EQ: If 0.20 mol NaHCO3 and 0.20 mol Na2CO3 are mixed with 1.00 dm3 of water, will it form a buffer solution? Due: HW Q’s pg #35 & 36 Video: Titrating acids and bases HW: Q’s pg. 361 do #37

8 Wed 8/30 1st per EQ key If 0.20 mol NaHCO3 and 0.20 mol Na2CO3 are mixed with 1.00 dm3 of water, will it form a buffer solution? Yes, the solution contains HCO3- and CO32-, a conjugate pair, so it is a buffer.

9 Wed 8/30 3rd period EQ: What mass of potassium chlorate decomposes to produce cm3 of oxygen gas measured at STP? 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2 Due HW: Q’s pg. 26 #23-25 Notes: Avogadro’s law continued HW: Q’s pg. 31 #26-28

10 Wed 8/30 5th & 7th per EQ: no question today – test today
Due CW/HW: Ch 2 Review pgs do #39-75 odd Test review Q’s Test (if time) Video: Matter and its changes

11 Thurs 8/ nd & 4th per EQ: A student measures a volume as 25 mL, whereas the correct volume is 23 mL. What is the percent error? Notes: Ch 3 Scientific Measurements and Calculations CW: Q’s pg do #4,5,6,7 HW: Chemistry workbook pgs

12 Thurs 8/31 3rd period EQ: What does STP mean? What are the conditions of STP? Due HW: Q’s pg. 31 #26-28 Notes: Avogadro’s law continued HW: Q’s pg. 32 do #29-32

13 Fri 9/1 1st period EQ: Will the following combination produce a buffer solution? Explain. 50.0 cm mol dm-3 NaOH(aq) and 50.0 cm mol dm-3 HCl(aq) Due: HW Q’s pg #37 Video: Titration curves & Indicators HW: Start researching your topic for the IA

14 Fri 9/1 3rd period EQ: What is Boyle’s law? Charles’ law? The overall gas law equation? And the ideal gas equation? Notes: Gas problems Turn in Due HW: Q’s pg. 32 #29-32 HW: Q’s pg. 39 do #33-39

15 Fri 9/ th & 7th per EQ: A student measures a volume as 25 mL, whereas the correct volume is 23 mL. What is the percent error? Notes: Ch 3 Scientific Measurements and Calculations CW: Q’s pg do #4,5,6,7 HW: Chemistry workbook pgs

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