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Change Management at November 18, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Change Management at November 18, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Management at November 18, 2016

2 Who Likes Change?

3 What is Change Management?

4 What is Change Management?
A thorough and methodical approach to securing and managing coins Punishing people for not keeping up with new initiatives up to and including termination Managing the adoption of change within an organization None of the above

5 Change Management Experts

6 What is Change Management
Change Management is a disciplined and dynamic plan and execution of activities that ensure an organization’s workforce is informed, enabled, ready, and organizationally aligned to implement lasting change, with minimal business disruption, allowing achievement of specific business objectives.

7 Individual Motivation & Productivity Journey
Overall Benefits of CM A structured and comprehensive Change Management approach considerably improves speed and quality of the change journey. Individual Motivation & Productivity Journey Time Savings Level of Productivity and Motivation when appropriate individual Change Drivers are considered Productivity, Motivation Typical level of Productivity and Motivation in changing environments. Productivity Gain Time

8 Linkages to Strategy Vision Enterprise Performance Process/Department
Individual Performance

9 CM Workstreams In order to improve performance with the proposed change, the key areas of change management fall into five major work streams. Definition & Scope Impact Assessment Work Plan & Resource Estimates Sponsor Roles & Responsibilities Sponsor Expectation Management Change Plan Communications & Alignment Communication Planning Communication Development Communication Execution 360 Degree Feedback Recognition & Celebration System & Environmental Changes Business Readiness Change Readiness Assessment Implementation Monitoring Post Implementation Assessment Training & Performance Support End User Training Needs Analysis Ongoing Performance Support Develop Training Deliver Training Organization Alignment Required Organizational Structure Identified Cultural Changes Identified Individual Performance Metrics Identified Communication of Changes …resulting in end user competency

10 CM Management Change Plan Link to overall project
Conduct Impact Assessment Resourcing Manage Sponsors App/Dev Learning & Development OP’s Directors Facilities Call Center WFM T&A GM’s AM’s Store Associates Systems Mgmt. Payroll Store Effectiveness Team M Level Associates Labor Team

11 Communication Management
Communications Plan Development Execution 360 feedback Recognition/Celebration

12 Communication Management
New Market Vision & Top 5 Key Messages All of these inputs help to drive communications for the duration of the project. Meetings s Face to Face Phone Calls Letters Communication Vehicles Web Blog Messages Internal and External Audience(s) Timing

13 Business Readiness Business Readiness Pre Implementation Countdown
Assess Environmental Changes Monitor Implementation Post Implementation Measures

14 Training Training Needs Analysis Develop Conduct Measure

15 Organizational Alignment
Org Design Assess Culture Changes Assess Process Changes and Measures Assess Job Impacts Restructure Organizations

16 What is it?

17 What is WorkOut? Jack Welch
“Trust the people in the organization – the people in the best position to improve a business are the people in the job every day.”  Jack Welch

18 What is WorkOut? Sponsor(s) Champion forms a Planning Team
Defines a Business Improvement Opportunity Champion forms a Planning Team Refines opportunity into measureable objectives Defines these objectives into Challenge Statements Identifies Associates that knows the issues best WorkOut Teams Develop creative and measurable solutions to the challenges identified in a WorkOut Session Present their solutions to the Sponsor(s) Team Leads are a critical part of the process during the event and the 90 day implementations

19 What is WorkOut? Sponsor(s) Champion and the WorkOut Teams
Make a decision on each solution recommended Champion and the WorkOut Teams Empowered to get to work and implement the approved solutions Champion – Shepherd the process though The 90 days Team Leads – Work with Champion to deliver results Recommendation Owners – Deliver on their recommendations 90 days to complete Report Out results to Key Stakeholders

20 What is WorkOut? Time 1–2 Day 2-3 Days 2-4 Days ½ -1 Day 90 Days
Conduct WorkOut Report Out/ Town Hall Implement Initiate Plan Time 1–2 Day 2-3 Days 2-4 Days ½ -1 Day 90 Days Select Sponsor/ Champion Select Planning Team Define High Level Scope Define Stretch Goals and Parameters Select WorkOut Team(s) Collect Data Create Solutions Create & Own Action Plans Prepare Presentation Present Recommendations Have robust dialogue Decide “yes”, “no”, or “further study” on the spot Get the work done! Check-in every 30 days on progress Adjust as appropriate Actions Bob Senior Management/ Sponsor Process Manager Sponsor/Champion Cross Function/Level Planning Team Process Manager Sponsor/Champion Cross Function/Level WorkOut Teams Process Manager Personal Trainers Sponsor/ Champion Senior Management Work Out Teams Process Manager Sponsor/Champion Team Leads Owners Process Manager All Areas People

21 What is the #1 Failure for Change Initiatives?

22 What is the #1 Cause of Failure?
Lack of Sponsorship

23 Questions???

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