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Published byGerald Farmer Modified over 6 years ago
Persistent homology I Peter Kálnai Autumn school Department of Algebra
Ústupky, 24th – 27th November 2016
Algebraic topology “Don’t be afraid of these ideas – you see them for the first time. When you see them for the tenth time, you won’t be afraid any more. They will have been safely stored on the list of things that you simply don’t understand.” Martin Markl
Outline Introducing the idea Mathematical formalism Software
Introducing the idea
Introduction What is Persistent homology?
A method of Topological data analysis An algebraic tool for discerning topological features of data “Extracting knowledge of data” Topological features Topology is a “study of shape” Clusters, holes, graphs, components… Data sets: Long vectors Viewed as discrete points in a space with a metric A few relevant coordinates Do not know which ones are they it is now often the case that we are given data in the form of very long vectors, where all but a few of the coordinates turn out to be irrelevant to the questions
Topological data analysis (TDA)
“Fundamental advance in machine learning” G.Carlsson Coordinate invariance - No change with rotating or changing coordinates Deformation invariance - No change with squeezing, inflating, twisting… - A donut = a cup Compressed representation A sphere: infinitely many points An icosahedron: 12 points, 30 edges, 20 faces = it is now often the case that we are given data in the form of very long vectors, where all but a few of the coordinates turn out to be irrelevant to the questions
Deformation invariance
Yes: No:
Motivation Problem: Given a large, n-dimensional data set, how can one determine its shape and structure? Input: a discrete sampling X0 of an unknown m-dimensional manifold X in an Euclidean space Rn, where m << n Goal: to compute the homological properties of X Conclusion: the model of X0 has the homology of X Complications: assume X0 can not be refined; X0 with noise Strategy: connect points in X0 into spaces with graspable homology Point cloud Coverings Simplicial complexes (Nerves) Covering created with a proximity parameter ε Programme: (Grothendieck) The topology of a given space is framed in the mappings to or from that space.
Mathematical formalism
Homotopy We recall that two continuous maps f, g between topological spaces X, Y are said to be homotopic if there is a continuous map H: X × [0, 1] → Y so that H(x, 0) = f(x) and H(x, 1) = g(x), for all in X. Denoted f ≈ g and H is called a homotopy. A map f : X → Y is a homotopy equivalence if there is a map g : Y → X so that both hold: f ◦ g ≈ 1Y g ◦ f ≈ 1X The map g is called a homotopic inverse of f.
Homotopy Two topological spaces X,Y are homotopy equivalent if there exist a homotopy equivalence between them. Denoted X ≈ Y A space that is homotopy equivalent to the one point space is said to be contractible. Equivalence classes under ≈ are called homotopy types.
Singular homology For any topological space X, any PID D, and any integer k ≥ 0 imagine a D-module Hk(X,D) with: Functoriality: f : X → Y continuous, then there is an homomorphism of D-modules Hk(f ,D): Hk(X,D) → Hk(Y,D) satisfying Hk(g,D) ◦ Hk(f ,D) = Hk(g ◦ f) and Hk(1X,D) = 1 Homotopy invariance: if f ≈ g then Hk(f ,D) = Hk(g ,D), if X ≈ Y then Hk(X,D), Hk(Y,D) are isomorphic Normalisation: Hk({x},D) is isomorphic to DD Betti numbers: define k-th Betti number βk(X,D) of X with coefficients in D as the rank of the free submodule of Hk(X,D)
Simplicial complexes Let K be a set , let S be collection of subsets of K. The singleton {v} is called a vertex of K for all v ϵ K. A subset of a set in S is called a face. A pair (K; S) is a simplicial complex if the collection S contains all vertices and all faces. An element σ of the collection S is called a k-simplex if the cardinality of the set is k + 1, e.g.: k=0,1,2,3 An orientation of σ is an equivalence class of orderings of the vertices of σ under the sign of their permutation [σ] Zomorodian A., Carlsson G.: “Computing Persistent Homology”, Disc. Comp. Geom 33:(2005)
Chain complexes The k-th chain group Ck of (K;S) is the free abelian group on its set of oriented k-simplices, where [σ] = −[τ] if σ = τ and σ and τ are oriented differently. An element of the chain group: c = Σi=0,1,…,k ni [σi], σi ∈ K with coefficients ni ∈ Z. A boundary operator ∂k : (∂k ◦ ∂k+1) = 0 ∂kσ = Σi=0,1,..,k (−1)i [v0, v1, , vi , , vk ], A chain complex C∗: … Ck+1 Ck Ck-1 …
Chain complexes σ = [v1,v2] δ(σ) = [v2] – [v1] σ = [v1,v2,v3]
Chain complexes for PIDs
Abelian group = Mod-Z (left Z-modules) Z is a principal ideal domain (PID) F field F[x] the polynomial ring is PID Chain complexes with coefficients in any PID D Structural theorem for PIDs:
Simplicial Homology the cycle group Zk := ker δk
the boundary group Bk := δk+1(Ck+1) the kth homology group Hk := Zk/Bk with elements that are classes of homologous cycles This definition satisfies functoriality, homotopy invariance and normalisation with A = Z The k-th Betti number corresponds to an informal notion of the number of independent k-dimensional surfaces.
Simplicial Homology Simplicial homology is canonically isomorphic to the singular homology of the corresponding topological space the homology of simplicial complexes is algorithmically computable! (the Smith normal form of matrices with columns parametrised by the bases of chain groups) Aim: To compute the homology of a space X Options: Find a homotopy equivalence f:X → (K;S) for some simplicial complex (K;S) a) Find a space Y homotopy equivalent to X (X ≈ Y) b) Find a homotopy equivalence g:Y → (K’;S’) for some simplicial complex (K’;S’)
Čech complexes Construction: creating a simplicial complex from a covering Ų = (Ui | i ϵ X0) of X We say that the simplicial complex (X0; S) is the nerve of Ų if S contains exactly families of those points of X0 whose covers give a non-empty intersection. Denoted nerve(Ų) Does not depend on any distance! If X is an Euclidean space like Rn, then we can use the Euclidean distance and form coverings parameterised with a diameter ε
Čech complexes Nerve theorem:
Let X be a topological space and let Ų be a covering of X indexed by X0 that consists of open sets and is numerable. (e.g. in a metric space, every point-finite open covering is numerable) Suppose that the intersection of any family index by a non-empty subset of X0 is either empty or contractible. Then nerve(Ų) ≈ X.
Čech complexes Let X be a metric space, let ε > 0 and let X0 be such that the balls with diameter ε with centers in X0 covers X. Definition: Čech complex C(X0, ε) is the nerve of the covering consisting of ε-balls centered by points in X0 Corollary: Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold. Then there is e > 0 so that C(M, ε) ≈ M for all ε ≤ e.
Čech complexes 0 < ε0 ε0 < ε1 ε1 < ε2 ε2 < ε3 ε3 < ε4
ε4 < ε5 ε5 < ε6 Bubenik P: “Stat. Top. Data Analysis using Persistence Landscapes”, J. M.L.R. 16, (2015)
Čech complexes “The shape of the data lies not in a single
ε too small C(X0, ε) is a discrete set; ε too large C(X0, ε) is a single simplex The golden mean may not exist! Consider the ordered sequence of spaces (C(X0, ε) |ε > 0), with inclusion maps ιε,ε’ : C(X0, ε’) → C(X0, ε) for ε < ε′ The homology of this sequence captures which homological features in the data persist over the range of parameters [ε, ε′]. “The shape of the data lies not in a single space, but in a diagram of spaces”, R.Ghrist
Vietoris-Ribs complexes
Let (X,d) denote a metric space. Then the Vietoris-Rips complex for X, attached to the parameter ε, denoted by VR(X, ε), is the simplicial complex whose vertex set is X, and where {x0, x1, , xk} spans a k-simplex if and only if d(xi, xj) ≤ ε for all 0 ≤ i, j ≤ k. “a clique complex of ε -nearest neighbour graph” Let (X,d) be a convex subset of n-dimensional Euclidean space. Then for any point cloud X0 in X: C(X0, ε) contained in VR(X, 2ε) contained in C(X0, 2ε)
Vietoris-Ribs complexes
Ghrist R. „Barcodes: The persistent topology of data“, Bull. AMS 45/1, 2008
Čech VS Vietoris-Ribs complexes
S1 V S1 V S1 S1 V S1 Ghrist R. „Barcodes: The persistent topology of data“, Bull. AMS 45/1, 2008
Barcodes Ghrist R. „Barcodes: The persistent topology of data“, Bull. AMS 45/1, 2008
Persistent diagram (3, 4) (1, 2) (2, 5) (0, 1) (0, ∞) (0, 5) [ ) [ )
[ ) [ ) [ ) [ (0, ∞) = (0, 5) 3rd argument in ripsDiag(XX, maxdimension,maxscale, …) (3, 4) (1, 2) (2, 5) (0, 1) (0, ∞) (0, 5)
Persistent diagram (3, 4) (2, 5) (1, 2) (0, 1) (0, 5)
Software for PH Fast C++ Projects: Dionysus (2007-2012)
Persistent Homology Algorithm Toolbox (PHAT, ) GUDHI (2014-) Interfaces: Python binding for Dionysus TDA package for R over the C++ projects
Dionysus By Dmitriy Morozov (
Tested on Windows (+-) Dependencies: Python, Cmake, Boost, CGAL, PyQt4, PyOpenGL, Numpy
Dionysus –
Dionysus – ε = 22.7 ε = 12.7 Input: points of chain linkages
Parameters: 2-skeleton; ε Output: #simplex = 285; 823 ε = 22.7 ε = 12.7
Dionysus – ε = 1.6 ε = 1.7 Input: points of a trefoil knot
Parameters: 2-skeleton; ε Output: #simplex = ε = 1.6 ε = 1.7
TDA for R 400 points from a circle
TDA for R 60 points from two circles
Questions If anything in the first half made sense then it was your fault. (Dylan Moran)
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