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Title Title Title Subtitle Motivation Theoretical Framework

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1 Title Title Title Subtitle Motivation Theoretical Framework
Diploma Thesis Name Motivation First layer text Second layer text Third layer text Theoretical Framework Data & Methodology First layer text Second layer text Third layer text First layer text Second layer text Third layer text Protection Buyer Title Figure or Table Figure or Tables Main Results Conclusions First layer text Second layer text Third layer text First layer text Second layer text Third layer text Title Figure or Table References (selected) Figures / Tables Jensen, James T. (2004): The Development of a Global LNG Market. Is It Likely? If so, When? Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. Joskow, Paul L. (1985): Vertical Integration and Long Term Contracts: The Case of Coal-Burning Electric Generation Plants. In: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1985, Joskow, Paul L. (1987): Contract Duration and Relationship-Specific Investments: Empirical Evidence from Coal Markets. In: The American Economic Review, Vol. 77, No. 1, 1987, Joskow, Paul L. (2003, revised): Vertical Integration. In: Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Kluwer. Klein, Benjamin, Crawford, Robert G., and Armen A. Alchian (1978): Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process. In: The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 21, 1978, Klein, Benjamin (1988): Vertical Integration as Organizational Ownership: The Fisher Body – General Motors Relationship Revisited. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 4 (1988) 1, Klein, Peter G. (2004): The Make-or-Buy Decision: Lessons from Empirical Studies. Contracting and Organizations Research Institute, University of Missouri – Columbia, Working Paper No Langlois, Richard N., and Paul L. Robertson (1989): Explaining Vertical Integration : Lessons from the American Automobile Industry. In: Journal of Economic History, Vol. 49, Issue 2, Lieberman, Marvin B. (1991): Determinants of Vertical Integration: An Empirical Test. In: The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 39, No. 5, 1991, Lijesen, Mark (2001): Welfare Effects of Vertical Integration in Energy Distribution. CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. Maddala, G.S. (2001) Introduction to Econometrics. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Martinez, Steve W. (1999): Vertical Coordination in the Pork and Broiler Industries: Implications for Pork and Chicken Products. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Economic Report No. 777. Martinez, Steve W. (2002): Vertical Coordination of Marketing Systems: Lessons from the Poultry, Egg, and Pork Industries. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Economic Report No. 807. Masten, Scott (1984): The Organization of Production: Evidence from the Aerospace Industry. Journal of Law and Economics, 27 (1984), Masten, Scott E., James W. Meehan, and Edward A. Snyder (1991): The Costs of Organization. In: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1-25.

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