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Chicken Breeds.

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1 Chicken Breeds

2 Classification of Poultry
Breed: a group of related animals that have distinctive characteristics and have evolved from common ancestors Variety: a subclassification of a species based on certain traits like color and comb type Type: the purpose of the animal (broiler, layer)

3 Class Class: refers to the geographic origin of the poultry
There are four classes American Mediterranean English Asiatic

4 Brief History Chickens originated in Southeast Asia
1800’s- raised in backyard flocks 1900’s- larger poultry grower evolved Refrigeration, transportation and improvement in breeds made the poultry industry today.

5 Breeds

6 Barred Plymouth Rock New England size of up to 9.5 pounds
brown egg layers – up to 280 per year Dual Purpose

7 The Rhode Island Red lays around 300 brown eggs per year
are an active and vocal breed Dual Purpose

8 Ameraucana “Easter Egg Chicken” egg shells vary from pale blue to dark blue prolific egg layers (200 – 280 per year) Chile in South America Laying Breed

9 Orpingtons very hardy in all weather conditions
medium to large size brown eggs Laying Breed

10 Leghorn is one of the most common commercial breeds in the U.S
Most of the white eggs in grocery stores are laid by Leghorns around 300 eggs per year (Laying Breed)

11 Hy-Line W-36 world’s most efficient egg layer with excellent livability industry’s lowest cost producer of eggs

12 Brahma developed in the United States
good winter layer of large brown eggs Brahma was the principal meat breed in the US from the 1850s until about 1930

13 Cornish crosses Primary breed used for broilers
Adult Weight - Male: up to 10 pounds ; Female: up to 6 pounds Developed in America

14 Polish European breed of chicken known for its crest of feather
Hens weigh around 4.5 pounds, and roosters 6 pounds

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