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Final - Fall Animal.

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Presentation on theme: "Final - Fall Animal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final - Fall Animal

2 Barrow or Boar?

3 Boar

4 Broiler or Layer

5 Layer

6 Name the male chicken?

7 Rooster

8 Name a female pig?

9 Sow

10 Name how this animal was developed? ______________ _____________

11 Name how this animal was developed? Natural Selection

12 Corn stands for?

13 Unity

14 This is the FFA _____________?

15 This is the FFA Motto_?

16 Name the breed?

17 Yorkshire

18 Origin of this breed?

19 India

20 Name this breed?

21 Hereford

22 Name this breed?

23 Hampshire

24 What is the organization official name?

25 National FFA Organization

26 How many Hours to lay an egg?

27 24 to 26 hours

28 #1 broiler state?

29 Georgia

30 Name this breed?

31 Limousin

32 Horses that stand under 14. 2 hands high and weigh 500 to 900 pounds
Horses that stand under 14.2 hands high and weigh 500 to 900 pounds. Posses a distinct conformation on a reduced scale.

33 Pony

34 Name for young pigs?

35 Piglet

36 Name this breed?

37 Angus

38 Gestation of the Egg?

39 21 days

40 Home of National Convention?

41 Louisville, Kentucky

42 Author of the FFA Creed?

43 E. M. Tiffany

44 Steer or Bull?

45 Bull

46 What % of Red Angus have Red Angus?

47 100%

48 What color eggs would this chicken lay?

49 Brown

50 Is the brown animal a Cow or Heifer?

51 Cow

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