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Mon., Oct. 24 Eng. 10-A WOTD: feign

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1 Mon., Oct. 24 Eng. 10-A WOTD: feign
Starter Watch the video & record as many HUMAN RIGHTS as possible. Choose one & connect to it. Link: Homework Due Wed. - Read TKAM Ch & complete the “Reading Skills Log” *Your work must be YOUR OWN to get credit! Agenda Read & complete p in your CLOSE READER. Complete #s 1-4 & CR. Please show me when you are finished. HARD-WON LIBERTY CRs must be typed & returned in blue folder by tmrw.!


3 Tues., Oct. 25 Eng. 10-A WOTD: circumvent
Starter Skim the “What Are Human Rights?” Pamphlet. Then, copy the three most significant rights and explain WHY next to each one. Homework Due tmrw. - Read TKAM Ch & complete the “Reading Skills Log” *Your work must be YOUR OWN to get credit! Agenda *Reminder: Wed.-Thur. = BENCHMARK TEST #1 Discuss from “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” p. 9-10 Create illustration for assigned Human Rights article & submit Check CLOSE READER wkbk. = p “UDHR” Collect blue folders w/ paragraphs inside! * VOCABULARY QUIZ #2 = Mon., Nov. 7th


5 Wed., Oct. 26 Eng. 10-A WOTD: NONE
Starter Submit “Reading Skills Log” TKAM Ch & any missing blue folders Homework Due Mon., Oct. 31st - Read TKAM Ch. 26-END {new assignment = TBA} Agenda Take Part One: Benchmark Test (Multiple Choice) & submit Finish creating illustration for assigned Human Rights article & submit Read Ch. 26-end of TKAM – silently & independently VOCABULARY QUIZ #2 = Mon., Nov. 7th

6 Complete & Submit by the end of the period OR for first thing tomorrow!
4. Write a sentence-long explanation of what you drew and how it CONNECTS to your chosen article.

7 Thur., Oct. 27 Eng. 10-A WOTD: flaunt
Starter Submit late “Reading Skills Log” TKAM Ch Homework Due Mon., Oct. 31st - Read TKAM Ch. 26-END & complete new assignment Agenda Take Part Two: Benchmark Test (Constructed-Response) & submit Read Ch. 26-end of TKAM (Silently & Independently!) & work on assignment VOCABULARY QUIZ #2 = Mon., Nov. 7th


9 Fri., Oct. 28 Eng. 10-A WOTD: denounce
Starter Complete SYMBOLISM Activity: Trial Scene Homework Due Mon., Oct. 31st - Read TKAM Ch. 26-END & complete new assignment Agenda Discussion: Ch of TKAM & Complete Activity VOCABULARY QUIZ #2 = Mon., Nov. 7th


11 TRIAL SCENE SYMBOLISM – Starter Please choose THREE of the following and explain them FULLY in your notebook. (NOTE: No points will be given if the symbols are discussed only on a literal level.) the lynch mob g. Mayella’s red geraniums Jem’s refusal to leave the jail h. Tom Robinson & his charity The Maycomb County Courthouse i. Dolphus Raymond The judge’s gavel j. Link Deas speaking out in court Bob or Mayella Ewell k. the African-Americans’ tribute Atticus Finch l. the balcony

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