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Green transport Liskova Taisia (9-B).

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1 Green transport Liskova Taisia (9-B)

2 Green cars Interest to non-polluting transport grows all over the world. It is caused by growth of number of cars, bad ecological conditions in mega cities and threat of an exhaustion of oil stocks. The partial decision of these problems gives transport development on alternative fuel.

3 Harmful cars If at the beginning of the XX-th century in the world there were about 5 thousand cars now, by different estimations of experts, their number reaches 700 million, and by 2020 can reach billion. So considerable growth of quantity of cars in the world causes anxiety of ecologists. According to Institute of world resources, in large mega cities emissions by motor transport of polluting substances in atmosphere can reach 90 %. Transport name one of the key reasons of greenhouse effect and the general damage of ecology of a planet.

4 Electro mobiles For these reasons not only ecologists, but also large oil and gas and automobile corporations have started to give particular attention to development of an alternative kind of fuel and transport. As a result of their efforts there are 21 thousand electro-mobiles and 4 thousand other models working on alternative fuel today in the world .

5 Fuel alternatives. gas One of the most widespread alternatives to traditional gasoline — gas. Gas fuel is more cheaply and ecologically more pure. The engine on such fuel works longer. However gas fuel has also a number of essential lacks. first of all it is a low hot ability and considerable weight of cylinders for its storage. Besides, use of gas demands re-equipment of engines and creation of a new refueling network. In addition it is impossible to use the engine at temperature-10°S and lower.

6 synthetic liquid fuel Other perspective alternative to gasoline is synthetic liquid fuel. Today workings out in this area conduct almost all largest oil companies. It burns down more purely, than usual fuel, sulfur actually is absent in it, it has no color and a smell, it is less harmful.

7 hydrogen From the point of view of ecology the most perspective fuel for cars is hydrogen -водород. But hydrogen is expensive. The other problem — storage. As hydrogen is the easiest element, even if it is in a liquid state, the volume of a tank with hydrogen will be four times bigger than with gasoline. Among lacks — the explosion hazard, expensive refueling infrastructure . For ordinary consumers hydrogen fuel is inaccessible.

8 Socially pure transport
Not only corporations, but also the governments of the developed countries think of development of non-polluting transport. A widespread measure on environment improvement is development of non-polluting public transport. The basic points of the program — operation of buses on gas, replacement old diesel buses on new.

9 In Europe… In Europe a new life was given to tram transport. Since 2006 the streetcar service has been restored in a number of areas of Paris, new lines are constructed in Prague and Helsinki. Last year the government in London also have confirmed the program of starting ten new buses working on hydrogen, and creation of filling stations for them.

10 for us and our children. Vehicles with smaller harmful influence on environment is only a part of a solution of this problem, but it is very important for us and our children.

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