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Managing the Unpopularity of Tackling Alcohol Consumption

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Presentation on theme: "Managing the Unpopularity of Tackling Alcohol Consumption"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing the Unpopularity of Tackling Alcohol Consumption
Introduction – Cancer Research UK Alcohol consumption globally The UK situation Why is alcohol bad Resistance to alcohol policy Using Research to tackle this Examples Dr Jyotsna Vohra Head, Policy Research Centre for Cancer Prevention (PRCP)

2 The Problem with Alcohol
Alcohol is responsible for around 12,800 cancers in the UK every year A large proportion of head and neck cancers are caused by alcohol – e.g. 30% of UK mouth cancers But because the underlying risk is higher, alcohol is responsible for more cases of breast and bowel cancer – a combined total of around 8,000 cases a year

3 The Hurdles to the Solution
Government appetite for alcohol policy is low Most MPs being either ambivalent or down right hostile. A complete U-turn in England on Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) MUP – Scotland decision late 2016 Not to mention George Osborne, who won the beer drinker of the year award for cutting alcohol taxes In alcohol, the big focus for the public health community was minimum unit pricing. However, the legal challenge by the alcohol industry has slowed down progress and enabled the industry to get onto the front foot in opposing the measure particularly in England. The European Courts are expected to make a decision on minimum unit pricing within the next few months. A positive decision will lead to implementation in Scotland and its probable introduction in Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and some other EU countries. However, it’s probable that we won’t see the measure in England for quite some time given the levels of opposition in England. Overall, there are opportunities but we have to be mindful of the fact that the government has a small majority, with a great potential for rebellions and many backbenchers who remain hostile to the ‘nanny-state’ . There are also other priorities such as growth or cutting the deficit. May was widely reported to have subsequently spearheaded a Cabinet rebellion to reject the policy Read more at

4 Making sure we are still heard

5 Dr Jyotsna Vohra Email:
Thank you Dr Jyotsna Vohra Acknowledgements: Gillian Rosenberg, Lucie Hooper,

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