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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING AND MANAGING A PROJECT"— Presentation transcript:


2 Managing a project To plan and develop To organise To co-ordinate
To control and ensure quality To lead To ensure the project finishes successfully

3 Essential Reading ‘Essential Guide to Business in the Performing Arts’
by V. Freakley & R. Sutton Publisher -Hodder & Stoughton – ISBN Chapter – 8 pages NB

4 Preparation and planning
To make the project a professional success it will need thoughtful and structured planning To interest and gain the confidence of any trust /organisation/individual in giving money – time or resources – they need to know it has clear aims – has clear structured advance planning and is going to be managed effectively

5 Overview of project development and management issues
Deciding upon a suitable realistic project based on good initial project research. Is it a viable idea? Clarifying the project through a project description and clear objectives The company what status – who is needed involved /employed /working Preparing a proposed budget for the project budget and funding Managing the creative process Managing all the varied aspects of the project (e.g staff contracts - H&S – bookings- forward planning – marketing & publicity Managing the performances/workshops The company – what /who Evaluating the project and completing all reports required by funding agencies

6 Define The Project Project Description The Aims of the project
What is it you intend to do, when , where and with whom The Aims of the project What do you hope to achieve – your overall big statements /concepts Objectives of the project Specific, realistic and often practical activity you want to achieve

7 Project Description e.g.
A small-scale company touring primary schools over a one week period, performing a devised piece to raise awareness of climate change and environmental issues through education and drama.

8 Project Aims e.g. To raise awareness in an imaginative and exciting way, of environmental issues in the young enabling them to be more conscientious in their use of energy and other environmentally damaging factors

9 Project Objectives: e.g.
To ensure a minimum of 8 performances To raise awareness of climate change To educate youngsters in a way which gets them to question and review their behaviour enabling them to think of ways to make changes To increase the company’s reputation To secure local press coverage To raise local sponsorship and forge new relationships with local businesses To pave the way for future works To hold an exhibition of children’s work

10 Managing the project Allocating roles and responsibilities
Managing the creative process Forward planning Keeping records Working within a set budget

11 The company Describe how roles were allocated and why
Refer to managing the creative process ( see additional power point on managing creative process issues )

12 Budget This needs to show your
expenditure and income as in the following slide’s example


14 Managing the creative process
Good practice in the creative process – This will affect the quality of the product created The communication and working atmosphere Setting up the creative working environment – how are rehearsals run – what happens if things go wrong – there is a disagreement – artistic or personal People are not fulfilling their roles Managing professional workers and volunteers working together

15 Managing the Marketing
Managing publicity Designing and printing Flyer – posters Internet options Photo calls and press releases Targeted marketing

16 Forward planning Absolutely essential if the company the is going to maximise the budget – and the time constraints of meeting deadlines

17 Schedule 1st Production Meeting to discuss ideas
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 1st Production Meeting to discuss ideas Meeting with school to discuss curriculum Meeting with Writer 2 Letters out to schools Meeting with sponsors Book Technician 3 Contact schools to gauge interest 4 Book Rehearsal space Measure School Performance Spaces 2nd Production Meeting Set Construction Day 5 Firm up dates for schools Devise School Feedback Form

18 Evaluation Consider how you will evaluate the project
Some companies have a questionnaire Post production meeting and report written

19 Evaluating the project
Collecting the responses formally and informally Analysing responses Assessing success and identifying weaknesses


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