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Aging Prisoners Concerns Towards Dying

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Presentation on theme: "Aging Prisoners Concerns Towards Dying"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aging Prisoners Concerns Towards Dying
By :Adrianna Caruso Sara Giovine

2 Fear of Death Many people feel like they are abandoned, humiliated, and lonely at the end of their lives. To die alone If incarcerated for life, the idea of knowing that they will die in prison. Not dying with dignity

3 Stigma of Dying in Prison
Dying in institutions such as a prison is widely considered the ultimate defeat, the ultimate punishment. Prisoners feel as if it’s a disgrace to die in prison.

4 Factors of Death Anxiety
Place of death Age Race Physical/mental health factors Social support

5 Place of Death How and where the death will take place is a critical issue for many older prisoners. The care is not inmate-centered. Under strict supervision causes more death anxiety.

6 Age Elderly people think and talk more about death but are less anxious about it than younger people. Younger people see their age as time left to live rather than time since birth.

7 Race African Americans have higher levels of death anxiety than Caucasians. They express more anxiety over the pain associated with the process of dying.

8 Social Support Network
Support by family and friends helps reduce death anxiety. 41% of inmates in the survey said they were never visited by family members.

9 Physical/Mental Health Factors
Inmates with a positive mental outlook have lower levels of death anxiety. As health declines and physical problems emerge higher levels of death anxiety are reported.

10 Ways to Cope Religion Making friends in prison
Prisoners relieve their death anxiety through: Religion Making friends in prison Having contact with the outside world

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