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The Odyssey A modern casting….

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1 The Odyssey A modern casting…

2 Book I:

3 Odysseus: Warrior on his way home after the battle of Troy

4 Penelope: Odysseus’ wife who has had to deal with suitors while he’s been away

5 Telemachus: Odysseus’ son who leaves to find his dad

6 Helios: God of the sun and rancher
Helios: God of the sun and rancher. Odysseus and his men ate some of his cows.

7 Zeus: Ruler of the gods, father of Athena and Apollo.

8 Book V:

9 Odysseus: Has been trapped at Calypso’s island for 7 out of 10 years he’s been returning from Troy.

10 Calypso: A sea goddess who lives on the island of Ogygia
Calypso: A sea goddess who lives on the island of Ogygia. She wants Odysseus to stay with her forever.

11 Penelope: Odysseus’ wife who has had to deal with suitors while he’s been away

12 Zeus: Ruler of the gods, father of Hermes, orders Calypso to set Odysseus free.

13 Hermes: Son of Zeus and messenger of the gods sent to Calypso to deliver Zeus’ command to set Odysseus free.

14 Laertes: Odysseus’ father.

15 Book IX:

16 Odysseus: Has been trapped at Calypso’s island for 7 out of 10 years he’s been returning from Troy.

17 Laertes: Odysseus’ father.

18 Alcinous: King of the Phaecians. Knew Laertes.

19 Circe: Goddess and enchantress who lives on the island of Aeaea.

20 Cicones: Allies of the Trojans, who live at Ismarus
Cicones: Allies of the Trojans, who live at Ismarus. Odysseus and his men fight them and although they are all killed, the Ciocones kill 72 of Odysseus’ men.

21 Lotus Eaters: Inhabitants of a land Odysseus visits
Lotus Eaters: Inhabitants of a land Odysseus visits. Odysseus’ men want to stay.

22 Cyclopes: A race of one-eyed giants, Polyphemus is a son of Poseidon.

23 Poseidon: Another god angry at Odysseus
Poseidon: Another god angry at Odysseus. Odysseus blinded his son, the cyclops.

24 Apollo: The god of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine.

25 Book X:

26 Odysseus: Still in flashback mode, we learn of some more of his adventures. This time with Circe.

27 Aeolus: He’s given Odysseus a magic bag of wind to get him and his men home. Odysseus isn’t supposed to open it, but his men do when they get close to Ithaca and they cause a storm which blows them off course again.

28 Laestrygones: Cannibal inhabitants of a distant land that Odysseus and his men row to because they don’t have wind. Of course some more men get eaten before they escape.

29 Hermes: Gives Odysseus ideas to kill Circe
Hermes: Gives Odysseus ideas to kill Circe. Odysseus doesn’t kill her and ends up falling in love with her.

30 Circe: After turning his men to pigs, Hermes helps Odysseus to overpower Circe and she becomes really helpful. So helpful that Odysseus doesn’t want to go home… She tells Odysseus that he must go to the underworld to speak with Tiresis to learn how to get home.

31 Book XI:

32 Odysseus: Circe told him he needed to sacrifice his animals to make Tiresias come to tell him the way home.

33 Elpnor: One of Odysseus’ men who busts his neck at Circe’s place
Elpnor: One of Odysseus’ men who busts his neck at Circe’s place. Odysseus talks to him in the underworld.

34 Anticlea: Odysseus’ dead mom
Anticlea: Odysseus’ dead mom. Odysseus speaks to her in the underworld after he talks with Tiresias.

35 Tiresias: Blind prophet from Thebes who Odysseus visits in the underworld to learn how to get home. Tells Odysseus not to eat Helios’ cows. Also tells Odysseus to sacrifice to Poseidon and prepare to die to appease him.

36 Poseidon: Another god angry at Odysseus
Poseidon: Another god angry at Odysseus. Odysseus blinded his son, the cyclops.

37 Cyclopes: A race of one-eyed giants, Polyphemus is a son of Poseidon.

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