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Creative Media Presentation

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1 Creative Media Presentation
4200 By Mogol Miah Student Number 18593

2 In this presentation I will be looking at the GTA 5 Soundtrack and the technical and aesthetic elements of this product I will also be focusing on the value in economic and cultural terms this game has in the gaming industry During my presentation I will look into the key production processes, key players in the gaming industry and key roles in the industry and skills associated with this game

3 http://www. theguardian
GTA 5 was released in September 2013 on Playsation 3 and XBOX 360 GTA 5 has sold 45 million copies assuming consumers bought each game at £50 RRP totaling to nearly $2 Billion Griffin (2014) stated that it was the best-selling game generating around £94 million in the first week it was released

4 Alastair MacGregor is the lead audio programmer of GTA 5 working for Rockstar North.
I will try to cover the major audio features in the game, and describe the approaches taken by the audio team to create this diverse and virtual reality world. Alastair explains that the Audio team of this complex game followed the RAGE Audio Core Goals

5 RAGE Audio Core Goals Cross Platform:
Assets should sound as close as possible across target platforms such as a unified sound when playing on the PS3 console and Xbox 360 console so gamers have the same gaming performance and experience They used different sound compressions by using mp3 on ps3 and X Neon for the Xbox 360 Scalable to Large Projects- unique working solutions for each component team for example one solution for sound design and another for speech and dialogue High Performance: Memory efficient- any new feature needs to be affordable by default, no point using high end technology if it is too expensive as a end result for the customers Predictive streaming- choices when implementing new memory has to be streamline so that there is no break during gameplay


7 Modular sound hierarches- toolkit of 31 sound types each implementing different behaviors
Kinetic sound- when the player is parachuting in the game the sound descends also to create the effect of parachuting this is used by using kinetic sounds Sample accuracy – sub frame sample accurate pre delays especially good for when firing weapon as the sound is no longer looped but has its own frequency each time the player fires the weapon.


9 Economical and cultural values
Rockstar North Creators have to maintain law and order of their online world, some of the sums accumulated by gamers who illegally tweak their game could be worth millions in real money. An online chart of the game’s richest players revealed “epiicmoddingtobi” online player of GTA 5 had an excess of $1 trillion in game play money. He Purchased this amount of currency using the game’s micro-transactions would require 887,739 ‘Great White Shark’ cash cards, each worth $1,250,000 of in-game currency. Each of these cards priced at £13.29 in real money, is worth just under £12 million in real money. Culturally speaking gamers are accumulating millions of pounds of real money to feed their online gaming habits, which defies the purpose of a virtual game as the one mentioned above are taking things to the extreme for their financial needs. This is affecting the population of gamers around the world who illegally steal money to feed their gaming addictions.

10 Key players and roles in the industry and skills associated with these
Partners at Rockstar games are co- founders Sam and Dan Houser Other founders include: Jamie King, Gary foreman and Terry Donovan Sam and Dan Houser, The Brothers Rockstar are ranked 19th on the most powerful people in video games Why They're Powerful? Their newly-revealed Grand Theft Auto V brought the Internet to Apple-keynote-level attention with a single teaser and its possible 2012 release would challenge Halo 4, the next Call of Duty and the Wii U as the biggest gaming happening of the year. Rockstar games set the standard for soundtracks, Cut-scenes, writing and Voice-acting. They keep Rockstar vital year after year, as one of gaming's most intriguing brands. By setting a virtual gaming precedent Rockstar stands out from its competitors and keeps the customers interested by their vivid story lines and gaming experience, thus making Grand Theft Auto V the most successful worldwide entertainment product of all time including movies grossing $1bn worldwide in just 3 days. It is also since 2014 the Number 1 top selling game of all time in the UK. Grand Theft Auto 5 is one of the top 3 franchises on YouTube earning a total of 11.9 billion views

11 References Hill, M. (2013) Grand Theft Auto V: meet Dan Houser, architect of a gaming phenomenon, The Guardian, 7th September. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 29 October 2015]. Griffin, A. (2014) GTA 5 is now the best selling video game ever, as Xbox One and PS4 sales add to success, Independent, 25 November. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 29 October 2015]. Kotaku staff, (2012) These are the 40 most powerful people in video games. [Blog Entry]. Available from: [Accessed on 2 October 2015]. UKIE, (2015) UK Video Game Fact sheet. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 29 October 2015].

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