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MGR Case presentation 소화기내과 R2 이설라
periumbilical pain onset) 내원 2주전
Case 1 Case Presentation 48/M 안 O 성 Adm C.C. periumbilical pain onset) 내원 2주전 P.I. 20년전 HBV carrier 진단받고 이후 검사나 치료 받지 않음. 내원 2주전 간간히 발생한 periumbilical pain으로 타병원 에서 시행받은 복부 초음파에서 liver mass 의심되어 큰 병원 진료 권유 받고 방문.
Case 1 PMHx. DM/HTN/Tuberculosis/Hepatitis (-/-/-/+) Op Hx (-)
Drug Hx (-) Alcohol (-) Smoking (+) : 10pack/year FHx : none
Review of Systems Case 1 G/A) fatigue (+) weight change (-)
fever (-) chill (-) sweating (-) Skin) pigmentation (-) rash (-) itching (-) H& N) headache (-) trauma (-) stiffness (-) Eye/ ENT) diplopia (-) hearing loss(-) nasal obstruction (-) dryness(-) soreness(-) hoarseness(-) Respiratory) cough (-) sputum (-) dyspnea(-) hemoptysis(-)
Case 1 Cardiac) palpitation (-) dyspnea(-) chest pain (-) orthopnea(-)
G-I) A/N/V/D/C(-/-/-/-/-) abd pain (+) : periumbilical, lower abdomen jaundice (-) melena (-) Renal & Urinary) dysuria (-) hematuria (-) polyuria (-) incontinence (-) nocturia (-) anuria(-)
Physical Examination Case 1 Alert consciousness
Vital sign) 120/77mmHg – 82회/분 – 20회/분 – 36.2℃ Height : 160cm weight: 59.5Kg General appearance Alert consciousness Not acute ill-looking appearance Skin Rash (-) Pigmentation (-) Head and Neck Neck LN enlargement (-/-) Neck vein engorgement (-/-) Thyroid enlargement (-) Eyes and ENT Isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++) Whitish sclera, Pinkish conjunctiva
Case 1 Clear breathing sound without wheezing
Chest Clear breathing sound without wheezing Regular heart beat without murmur Abdomen Soft and flat abdomen No abdominal tenderness No rebound tenderness No palpable abdominal mass Normoactive bowel sound No hepatosplenomegaly Back and extremities CVA tenderness(-/-) Peripheral pitting edema(-/-)
Initial lab findings Case 1 CBC/DC
3830/mm3 – 13.7 g/dL – 4.1% - 67k (seg : 68.2 %) Chemistry TB/DB /0.15mg/dL AST/ALT /27 IU/L ALP/GGT /76 IU/L Glucose mg/dL BUN/Cr /0.79 mg/dL Prot/Alb /4.3 g/dL Na/K/Cl /3.6/106 mmol/L Ca/Mg/P /2.9/2.1 mg/dL T-Chol mg/dl CRP mg/dL Urinalysis Microscopy : WBC /HPF RBC /HPF Protein(-) Occult blood(-) Nitrate(-)
Case 1 Initial chest PA
Case 1 Initial ECG
Initial problem list Case 1 Abdomen pain due to liver mass?
Known chronic hepatitis B
Initial assessment & plan
Case 1 Initial assessment & plan A) Abdomen pain due to liver mass? P) abdominal CT abdominal sono tumor marker (esp. AFP, PIVKAII) EGD, colonoscopy, if needed A) known chronic hepatitis B P) viral marker HBV DNA titer 확인
Viral marker & virus titer
Case 1 Viral marker & virus titer HBs Ag/Anti-HBs Ab/Anti-HBc Ab (+/-/+) Anti –HCV Ab (-) HBeAg (+) HBeAB(-) HBV PCR 정량 : 208,000 ul/mL (1,095,080 copies/mL) AFB 3.8 ng/ml 13
Case 1 Liver CT
Case 1
Case 1 Liver MRI
Initial diagnosis Case 1 HCC
B-viral LC (Child A score 5, MELD score 7) 17
Case 1 Chest CT
Case 1 Bone scan
Case 1 Gastroscopy
Korean Liver Cancer Study Group
TNM - AJCC Stage I T1 N0 M0 55% 5 yr survival Stage II T2
Stage IIIA T3 16% 5 yr survival IIIB T4 IIIC Any T N1 Stage IV Any N M1 T definitions T1 – solitary nodule without vascular invasion T2 – solitary tumor with vascular invasion or multiple nodules all <5cm T3 – multinodular >5cm, or tumor with major vasculature invasion T4 – Tumor with invasion of adjacent organs N1 Regional lymph node metastasis / M1 Distant metastasis The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system (identical to that of the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer [UICC]), was revised and simplified in 2002 (show table 1) [10]. This system recognizes the most important predictors of prognosis: presence of vascular invasion within the tumor [11,12], and firosis in the underlying liver [13-16]. Compared to the 1997 staging system, it recognizes that although tumor size and number may predict the presence of vascular invasion, solitary tumors as large as 5 cm without vascular invasion have the same prognosis as small (<2 cm) solitary tumors AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Sixth Edition (2002) published by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc 22
Fig. 1. Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging classification and treatment schedule. Stage 0, Patients with very early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are optimal candidates for resection. Stage A, Patients with early HCC are candidates for radical therapies (resection, liver transplantation, or percutaneous treatments). Stage B, Patients with intermediate HCC may benefit from chemoembolization. Stage C, Patients with advanced HCC may receive new agents in the setting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Stage D, Patients with endstage disease will receive symptomatic treatment. PST, performance status test; CLT/LDLT, cadaveric liver transplantation/living-donor liver transplantation; PEI/RF, percutaneous ethanol injection/ radiofrequency thermal ablation; ttc, treatment; yr, year. Modified from Llovet et al.,4 with permission N1 Regional lymph node metastasis / M1 Distant metastasis 23
Case 1 TACE 시행
Case 1 6월 9일 op 전 liver CT
Case 1 6월 10일 Lt. segmentectomy
Final diagnosis Case 1 HCC stage I s/p TACE #1 s/p Lt. segmentectomy
B-viral LC child A MELD score 7
Case Presentation Case 2 11952299 39/M 유 O 복 Adm.2008.2.27 C.C.
RUQ pain onset) 내원 한달 전 P.I. 과거 medical history 없는 환자로 한달 전 RUQ pain있었으나 특별한 치료없이 저절로 호전됨. 최근 4일 전 트럭에서 낙상 후 상기 증세 재발되어 외부병원 방문. 시행한 복부 CT 에서 liver mass 발견되어 본원 방문 30
PMHx. Case 2 DM/HTN/Tuberculosis/Hepatitis (-/-/-/-) Op Hx (-)
Drug Hx : (-) Alcohol (+) : 소주 ½병 /d X 10년 smoking (+) : 7pack/year X 14년 FHx : 어머니, 여동생이 HCC로 사망 31
Review of Systems Case 2 G/A) fatigue (-) weight change (-)
fever (-) chill (-) sweating (-) Skin) pigmentation (-) rash (-) itching (-) H& N) headache (-) trauma (-) stiffness (-) Eye/ ENT) diplopia (-) hearing loss(-) nasal obstruction (-) dryness(-) soreness(-) hoarseness(-) Respiratory) cough (-) sputum (-) dyspnea(-) hemoptysis(-) 32
Case 2 Cardiac) palpitation (-) dyspnea(-) chest pain (-) orthopnea(-)
G-I) A/N/V/D/C(-/-/-/-/-) abd pain (+) : RUQ jaundice (-) melena (-) Renal & Urinary) dysuria (-) hematuria (-) polyuria (-) incontinence (-) nocturia (-) anuria(-) 33
Physical Examination Case 2 Alert consciousness
Vital sign) 130/80mmHg – 64회/분 – 20회/분 – 36.5℃ Height : 178.7cm weight: 72.3Kg General appearance Alert consciousness Acute ill-looking appearance Skin Rash (-) Pigmentation (-) Head and Neck Neck LN enlargement (-/-) Neck vein engorgement (-/-) Thyroid enlargement (-) Eyes and ENT Isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++) Whitish sclera, Pinkish conjunctiva 34
Case 2 Clear breathing sound without wheezing
Chest Clear breathing sound without wheezing Regular heart beat without murmur Abdomen Soft and flat abdomen Abdominal tenderness No rebound tenderness No palpable abdominal mass Normoactive bowel sound No hepatosplenomegaly Back and extremities CVA tenderness(-/-) Peripheral pitting edema(-/-) 35
Initial lab findings Case 2 PT CBC/DC
5280/mm3 – 14.3 g/dL – 43.1% - 178k (seg : 51.4 %) INR:1.01 PT Chemistry TB/DB /0.2mg/dL AST/ALT 62/50 IU/L ALP/GGT /88 IU/L Glucose mg/dL BUN/Cr /0.8 mg/dL Prot/Alb /3.8 g/dL Na/K/Cl /3.4/102 mmol/L Ca/Mg/P /2.9/4.5 mg/dL T-Chol mg/dl CRP mg/dL Urinalysis Microscopy : WBC /HPF RBC /HPF Protein(-) Occult blood(-) Nitrate(-) 36
Case 2 Initial chest PA 37 37
Case 2 Initial ECG 38 38
Case 2 Initial problem list RUQ pain due to liver mass? 39
Initial assessment & plan
Case 2 Initial assessment & plan A) RUQ pain due to liver mass P) abdominal CT abdominal sono tumor marker (esp. AFP, PIVKAII) 40 40
Case 2 HBs Ag(+) Anti-HBc Ab (+) anti-HBs Ab (-) HBe Ag(+-) HBeAb (-)
Anti –HCV Ab (-) anti-HIV (-) AFB ng/ml CEA 1.04 ng/ml ICGR 15 : 19% 41
Case 2 2월 27일 Liver CT
Case 2 Initial diagnosis HCC with portal vein thrombus 44
Korean Liver Cancer Study Group
TNM - AJCC Stage I T1 N0 M0 55% 5 yr survival Stage II T2
Stage IIIA T3 16% 5 yr survival IIIB T4 IIIC Any T N1 Stage IV Any N M1 T definitions T1 – solitary nodule without vascular invasion T2 – solitary tumor with vascular invasion or multiple nodules all <5cm T3 – multinodular >5cm, or tumor with major vasculature invasion T4 – Tumor with invasion of adjacent organs N1 Regional lymph node metastasis / M1 Distant metastasis The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system (identical to that of the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer [UICC]), was revised and simplified in 2002 (show table 1) [10]. This system recognizes the most important predictors of prognosis: presence of vascular invasion within the tumor [11,12], and firosis in the underlying liver [13-16]. Compared to the 1997 staging system, it recognizes that although tumor size and number may predict the presence of vascular invasion, solitary tumors as large as 5 cm without vascular invasion have the same prognosis as small (<2 cm) solitary tumors AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Sixth Edition (2002) published by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc 46
Fig. 1. Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging classification and treatment schedule. Stage 0, Patients with very early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are optimal candidates for resection. Stage A, Patients with early HCC are candidates for radical therapies (resection, liver transplantation, or percutaneous treatments). Stage B, Patients with intermediate HCC may benefit from chemoembolization. Stage C, Patients with advanced HCC may receive new agents in the setting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Stage D, Patients with endstage disease will receive symptomatic treatment. PST, performance status test; CLT/LDLT, cadaveric liver transplantation/living-donor liver transplantation; PEI/RF, percutaneous ethanol injection/ radiofrequency thermal ablation; ttc, treatment; yr, year. Modified from Llovet et al.,4 with permission N1 Regional lymph node metastasis / M1 Distant metastasis 47
Case 2 2월 29일 TACE 시행
Case 2 3월 3일 PET-CT 시행
Case 2
Case 2 3월 15일 입원 : Rt. portal vein embolization 위해 입원
portal vein thrombosis 심해 시행하지 못함
Case 2
Case 2 2008년 3월 25일 : Rt. lobectomy & caudate lobectomy
Case 2 55
Case 2 56
Case 2 57
Post op. Case 2 GS에서 복용 5-FU(Cotacil 100mg, Uracil 224mg) 2T tid
상황균사체(mezai 500mg) 2T tid
Case 2 4월 30일 GI 외래 방문 HBV PCR : positive 115,000ul/ml 604,900 copies/ml Entecavir 0.5mg qd 복용중 5월 28일 부터 5-FU, 상황균사체 복용 중지
Case 2 Follow up liver CT (6/5)
Case 2
Final diagnosis Case 2 HCC stage IV s/p TACE#1
s/p Rt. lobectomy & caudate lobectomy 2. B-viral LC child A 62
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