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Homer’s The Odyssey (Odyssey – a journey)

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Presentation on theme: "Homer’s The Odyssey (Odyssey – a journey)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homer’s The Odyssey (Odyssey – a journey)

2 Odysseus leaves for Troy Left behind: Wife – Penelope Son – Telemachus
Summary Odysseus leaves for Troy Left behind: Wife – Penelope Son – Telemachus Poem opens – Trojan War over for 10 years Odysseus has been gone from Ithaca since the end of the war

3 Summary While Odysseus was gone:
Suitors lined up to claim Penelope (they believed Odysseus to be dead) She promised to pick a suitor when she finished weaving a shroud Every evening, she would undo what she did that day (for two years) Telemachus (son) was 20 years old by now

4 Odysseus’ Odyssey Land of the Circones He started a war with them
Land of the Lotus-Eaters Eat lotus (drug)

5 Odysseus’ Odyssey Cyclops (Polyphemus) Ate some of Odysseus’ men
Odysseus’ and his men became trapped in his cave Cyclops came home Men got him drunk Men stabbed his eye Escaped by sheep

6 Odysseus’ Odyssey Aeolian Islands King Aeolus – Lord of the Winds
Gave Odysseus a bag of wind – all winds but the one that would blow them home towards Ithaca (so the only wind was helping them home!) Men opened bag – BIG STORM!!! Witch Circe Turned men into swine (pigs) Told them to go to the Underworld

7 Odysseus’ Odyssey Island of Sirens
Women who sang to lure men to their deaths Calypso’s Island Only Odysseus made it to her island – all of his men were killed Spend several years as her love slave Odysseus becomes upset – wants to go home Athena asks Zeus to let him go home Builds a raft

8 Odysseus’ Odyssey Poseidon attempts to kill Odysseus
Reaches Ithaca (washes up on shore) Meets Athena disguised as a young man They concoct a plan for his return home

9 Literary Elements: Poetry
Epic Poem – tells a larger-than-life story Examples: The Odyssey, Beowulf Epic Hero – larger-than-life character, typically a man, who pursues long and dangerous adventures Example: Odysseus

10 Literary Elements: Poetry
Narrative Poem – tells a story or recounts events Examples: “Casey at the Bat”, The Odyssey Prose – written expression (not in verse) – words at end of lines do not rhyme

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