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Goals To become aware of life, earth, and physical science content standards, community resources and instructional materials. To learn about instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals To become aware of life, earth, and physical science content standards, community resources and instructional materials. To learn about instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals To become aware of life, earth, and physical science content standards, community resources and instructional materials. To learn about instructional materials used in science kits.

2 Teaching Life Science

3 Readings About Science and Technology
National Science Education Standards pp , “K-4 Life Science Content Standard”

4 Life Science Community Resources
Biomes Audubon Society of Rhode Island Roger Williams Park Zoo Save the Bay New England Aquarium Ecotarium

5 Life Science Instructional Materials
FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS Animals 2 x 2 (K) STC Organisms (Grade 1) FOSS Insects (Grade 2) FOSS Structures of Life (Grade 3) STC Ecosystems (Grade 4) STC Microworlds (Grade 5)

6 Organisms Used in Science Kits
Kingdom: ANIMALS Annelids - worms Mollusks - snails Arthropods Insects - butterfly, moth, beetle Crustacean - crayfish, daphnia, isopods Fish - guppies and goldfish

7 Organisms Used in Science Kits
Kingdom: PLANTS Brassica (Mustard) Alfalfa Bean, Corn, Pumpkin, sunflower Elodea, Cabomba

8 Organisms Used in Science Kits
Kingdom: PROTISTS Blepharisma Volvox

9 Teaching Earth Science

10 Earth Science Resources
FOSS Web FOSS Earth Materials FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island STC Weather (Grade 1) FOSS Pebbles, Sand and Silt (Grade 2) FOSS Water (Grade 3) FOSS Earth Materials (Grade 4)

11 Earth Science Community Resources
Rhode Island Space Grant USGS - Rhode Island Rhode Island Geography Education Alliance Earthwatch Institute

12 Teaching Physical Science, Technology, and Engineering

13 Distinguishing Science, Technology, and Engineering
Science: Body of knowledge and a way of finding out about the natural world. Technology: Any thing or process that people create and use to solve a problem. Engineering: The process of designing under constraint to seek solutions for society problems and needs. Source: Museum of Science NCTL

14 Readings About Science and Technology
National Science Education Standards pp , “K-4 Science and Technology Content Standard”

15 Physical Science and Technology Community Resources
Museum of Science, Boston NCTL Providence Children’s Museum Rhode Island School of the Future DOD Starbase in Newport, RI Click on Location-Click on RI.

16 Physical Science and Technology Resources
FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island Marbles, Tracks, and Ramps (K) FOSS Balance and Motion (Grade 1) DACTA Simple Machines (Grade 2) STC Sound (Grade 3) STC Electric Circuits (Grade 4) STC Floating and Sinking (Grade 5)

17 Technology Resources Museum of Science’s Engineering is Elementary
Learning Outcomes: To learn about what engineering and technology are and what engineers do To learn about various fields of engineering To apply the engineering design process 20 Unit Overview Curriculum Materials Connections to Science Kits

18 Messing About in Science. . .
“Reader’s Theater” from Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Characters: Rat Mole Narrator

19 Messing About . . . “Mess about” these activities and materials from different science modules: Float Your Boat (Grade 5 STC Floating and Sinking) Drops on a Penny (Grade 3 FOSS Water) Twirlers (Grade 1 Balance and Motion) Balancing (Grade 1 Balance and Motion)

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