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Essay Writing for AP U.S. History

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1 Essay Writing for AP U.S. History
Always read the question. Make sure you understand every part of the question. Make sure you understand what exactly the prompt is asking you to do. Every point you make in your essay should answer the question. Your introduction should answer the question. Your conclusion should answer the question.

2 Essay prompt: Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign in shaping politics of the 1790s.

3 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
Relative importance means in relation to each other; which is more important and which is less important?

4 Domestic affairs are things that happen within the country.
Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s. Domestic affairs are things that happen within the country.

5 Foreign affairs are things that happen in relation to other countries.
Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s. Foreign affairs are things that happen in relation to other countries.

6 Shaping means developing in a specific way.
Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s. Shaping means developing in a specific way.

7 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
Politics refers to political parties or how people side one way or the other on governmental matters.

8 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
1790s refers things that affected politics in the 1790s. You can include things that happened earlier, but they will rarely be helpful in addressing the prompt.

9 Steps for addressing this prompt:
List out Domestic Affairs of 1790s.

10 Domestic Affairs in the 1790s:
National Bank and debate over it Hamilton’s financial plan Whiskey Rebellion Alien & Sedition Acts

11 Steps for addressing this prompt:
List Domestic Affairs of 1790s. List Foreign Affairs of 1790s.

12 Foreign Affairs in the 1790s:
French Revolution—request for support Citizen Genet Washington’s Farewell Address (?) X, Y, Z affair Pinckney’s Treaty Jay’s Treaty

13 Steps for addressing this prompt:
List Domestic Affairs of 1790s. List Foreign Affairs of 1790s. Determine which listed items had an effect on political parties and how.

14 Which affected politics?
Event For. Or Dom. Yes No Maybe French Revolution Foreign Citizen Genet Farewell Address ? X, Y, Z Affair Pinckney’s Treaty Hamilton’s Plan Domestic Whiskey Rebellion National Bank Alien & Sedition Act

15 For each “Yes” item, how did it affect politics?
Event For. Or Dom. Yes No Maybe French Revolution Foreign Citizen Genet Farewell Address ? X, Y, Z Affair Pinckney’s Treaty Hamilton’s Plan Domestic Whiskey Rebellion National Bank Alien & Sedition Act

16 Steps for addressing this prompt:
List Domestic Affairs of 1790s. List Foreign Affairs of 1790s. Determine which listed items had an effect on political parties and how. Determine whether the Domestic events or the Foreign events had the greater effect on formation of political parties.

17 Were domestic or foreign affairs more important in shaping politics?
Event For. Or Dom. Yes No Maybe French Revolution Foreign Citizen Genet Farewell Address ? X, Y, Z Affair Pinckney’s Treaty Hamilton’s Plan Domestic Whiskey Rebellion National Bank Alien & Sedition Act

18 The answer to that question is up to you
The answer to that question is up to you. Just back it up with why and how.

19 A good introductory paragraph will…
give a little background information on the topic set up a structure for the rest of the essay provide a thesis that addresses all parts of the prompt a couple of other things that we will get to later avoid using the word “today” at any point


21 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.

22 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.


24 To answer this question:
Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s. To answer this question: List events that shaped politics in the 1790s. For logical flow, group all domestic events together and all foreign events together. Decide which set of events shaped politics of the 1790s more. Briefly describe each event (enough to let grader know you know what it is).

25 To answer this question:
Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s. To answer this question: List events that shaped politics in the 1790s. For logical flow, group all domestic events together and all foreign events together. Decide which set of events shaped politics of the 1790s more. Briefly describe each event (enough to let grader know you know what it is). Explain HOW it shaped politics in the 1790s. At some point in the essay, tell which area was more important AND WHY.

26 Sample sentences/paragraphs
For each of the following samples, decide how well each of the sentences or paragraphs fits in the essay. 1. Does it fit at all? If not, explain (and delete). 2. Is it totally description/definition? 3. Does it explain HOW the event shaped politics in the 1790s?

27 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“Throughout history a lot has happened to make this great country what it is now.” (Opening sentence of essay)

28 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“Throughout the 1790s the United States dealt with numerous foreign affairs such as the end of the French Revolution, Jay’s and Pinckney’s treaties, the XYZ and Chesapeake Affairs.” (beginning of second paragraph)

29 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“Jay’s Treaty was an event that many Americans did not support. The treaty brought together the United States and England to stop small disputes. Jay’s Treaty did benefit the United States; it gained them full access to western territories and stopped Britain from interfering.”

30 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“Social, domestic and foreign affairs occurred throughout the 1790s that helped to shape American politics. The Neutrality Proclamation and the Jay Treaty helped the Americans to stop fighting and focus on the politics of their newly developing country.” (Introductory sentence of second paragraph)

31 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“Domestic affairs were extremely pertinent in the 1790s, but just as important were the issues the U.S. dealt with outside their borders.” (Introductory sentence of fourth paragraph out of six)

32 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“One of the most significant issues within the United States was Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Plan. A Federalist, Hamilton desired the federal government take over the states’ debts in an attempt to centralize power. The Plan also included a national bank to handle federal funds. At this time Virginia, where Jefferson resided, felt cheated at the governments’ national assumption of other states’ debts because they were closer to paying off their debt than any other state.”

33 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“Under George Washington’s presidency farmers rebelled against the tax on whiskey. In order to maintain control, Washington sent in the militia to stamp out the protests. This response angered many Americans who thought this reaction was too harsh. This tension contributed to an anti-Federalist feeling of fear that the government had too much power and to the Federalists’ fear of mobs.”

34 Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping politics of the 1790s.
“The turmoil of the 1790s political scene can seem like a lot, with England and France and America all contending to hold a place in North America. However, America’s Revolutionary Generation proved to be far more influential than the external forces on the American government.” (First sentence of last paragraph)

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