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Welcome to CP-Biology!!! - Mr. Elliott.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CP-Biology!!! - Mr. Elliott."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CP-Biology!!! - Mr. Elliott

2 Chapter 1 – Intro to Biology
What is Biology? Biology- the study of living things(organisms) Organism- any living thing ex: plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, protists

3 What are the Characteristics of Living Things?

4 Characteristics of Living Things
1) All living things are made of cells Cells are the basic unit of life Unicellular- having only one cell ex: paramecium or amoeba Multicellular- having many cells ex: plants and animals

5 2) Reproduction- All living things can reproduce
Reproduction is when organisms make more of their own kind, passing DNA one generation to the next Asexual- reproduction involving only one organism ex: bacteria simply divide into 2 new cells Sexual- reproduction involving 2 parents ex: sperm & egg(animals), pollen & egg(plants)

6 3) Metabolism- all living things use energy to grow and move
Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions carried out by an organism Photosynthesis- plants & some bacteria use solar energy to make their own food Respiration- ALL Organisms use respiration to break down food to produce needed energy *Photosynthesis-makes food vs. Respiration- produces energy*

7 4) Homeostasis- all organisms must maintain a stable internal environment
Homeostasis is the ability to stabilize internal body conditions ex: body temperature breathing rate heart rate - automatic in humans, but not in all organisms * Reptiles must lay in the sun to warm their bodies

8 5) Growth & Development- all living. things grow(increase in size) and
5) Growth & Development- all living things grow(increase in size) and develop(increase in complexity)

9 The Scientific Method The scientific method is a logical approach to problem solving (6 steps) 1) Make Observations & Identify a Problem Use all your senses(sight, sound, touch, smell, taste) 2) Gather Background Information Find out what is already know about the question you have

10 3) Form a Hypothesis & Make Predictions
Hypothesis: If __________, then _________ explains what you are going to do and what you expect to happen ex: If radish seeds are exposed to aspirin, then they will not germinate properly.

11 4) Conduct an Experiment
Experiment- a planned procedure to test a hypothesis Variables- a good experiment only has 2 variables Independent Variable- the variable that the experimenter is controlling ex: aspirin Dependent Variable- the variable that changes based on the independent variable ex: germination of radish seeds Controls- factors that remain constant in an experiment ex: # of seeds used, amount of water, room temp

12 5) Collect and Analyze Data
Use tables, charts and graphs to collect and display data 6) Form Conclusions Based on the Data Decide of the data supports your hypothesis Explain what errors may have occurred Explain what your data tells about your experiment

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