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Welcome to KIN 492 / 493 Internship!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to KIN 492 / 493 Internship!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to KIN 492 / 493 Internship!
Mandatory Meeting: April 2017

2 Agenda Internship Course Staff Internship Staff Roles
Finding & Preparing For Your Internship Prerequisites Approval Process Credits Internship Sites Initial Assignments Weekly Assignments Supervisor Evaluations Grades What to avoid in order pass KIN 492 / 493 Question Time!

3 Internship Course Staff
Keri Morrison (Internship Coordinator) Mary-Anne Reid (Program Assistant) Pepa Casselman (Career Consultant)

4 Internship Staff Roles
Keri Morrison (Internship Coordinator) is the main contact for: Setting up your internship Enrollment Internship questions/concerns Mary-Anne Reid (Program Assistant) is the main contact for: Questions about assignments / course work Questions about grading /hours completed

5 STEP 1: Attend the Mandatory Meeting
If you are here at this meeting, this component is complete! Please ensure you sign the list that is going around.

6 Career Advising Pepa Casselman (Career Consultant) Make an appointment on Handshake to talk about internship search and strategies.

7 STEP 2: Searching for Internships

8 STEP 2 cont’d: Searching for Internships
Check other job posting sites like teamworkonline, indeed, linkedin, PHFR, idealist, & others Remember: many internship opportunities are not posted on any job posting site… Use your networks! Check the internship sites list on the KIN website for already approved locations Start your search early!

9 STEP 2 cont’d: Is Your Internship Out of State?
If you intend to complete your internship in a state other than Michigan, please contact Keri Morrison via right away! Certain states may require a letter of intent that MUST be submitted by the Department of Kinesiology and approved by both the internship coordinator and the Provost’s office 60 days in advance of the internship.

10 STEP 2 cont’d: Prerequisites
Must have Senior Status (>88 credits) Required for BOTH KIN 492 and KIN 493. Possibly KIN 411 Required for KIN 493. Dependent on your job responsibilities at your internship. Note: KIN 310 is a prerequisite for KIN 411- please take that into consideration upon enrolling. How do you know if you should enroll in 492 or 493?

11 How do you know if you should enroll in 492 or 493?
KIN 492 (No KIN 411) Adapted Physical Activity Administration Biomechanics Communication Growth and Motor Development Orthotics and Prosthetics Psychological Aspects Coaching Specialization Health Promotion Specialization Pre-Professional KIN 493: KIN 411 as a Prerequisite Cardiac Rehab Exercise Physiology KIN 411 as a Corequisite Fitness Leadership (Personal Training) Nutrition Internships that would be KIN 492 (no KIN 411 required): Adapted Physical Activity Administration and Biomechanics Communication Growth & Motor Development Orthotics and Prosthetics Psychological Aspects Coaching Specialization Health Promotion Specialization Pre-Professional Internships that are KIN 493 that require KIN 411 as a Prerequisite (i.e., before you start your internship): Cardiac Rehab Exercise Physiology Internships that are KIN 492 that require KIN 411 as a Corequisite (i.e., can take at the same time as your internship): Fitness Leadership (Personal Training) Nutrition

12 STEP 3: Preparing for Your Internship
Don’t forget you’re representing MSU, the Department of Kinesiology, & yourself Research the organization ahead of time & communicate your intentions & expectations Arrive on time, exhibit strong work ethic, & use your time well Dress appropriately for the job Be sure to ask questions, it’s the best way to learn!

13 STEP 3: Preparing for Your Internship Cont’d
When preparing for this internship, don’t forget that the primary learning objectives for this course are to: Have a practical experience in the field of Kinesiology; Acquire skills related to a potential future career in Kinesiology; Create site-specific objectives/goals at the beginning of the internship that you will work to achieve throughout the internship; Consider experiences through a guided reflection process using the weekly assignments. You will achieve these course objectives through the work at your internship site in combination with the assignments in this course. This course is unique in the sense that it is not a typical face-to-face class where we see you every week. Instead it is an opportunity to have an interesting and informative experience in the field of kinesiology that is about both the actual experience you are getting and also about reflecting on and learning about that experience. Hence the combination of hours required plus course assignments.

14 STEP 4: Approval Process
Once you have found your site: Answer the “Approval Questions” found on the KIN 492/493 website. these to Keri. Keri will with questions or an approval. Save this . B) After you are approved: Complete the “Application to Enroll” on the KIN 492/493 website and upload requested documents ( of approval; scanned copy of the entire affiliation agreement with your site’s signature on the bottom right, if needed).

15 STEP 4 cont’d: Email of Approval
Have you attended a Mandatory Internship Meeting? If so, when did you attend? What semester would you like to enroll? KIN 492 or 493? How many TOTAL credits will you have at the start of the semester that you plan to take your internship? i.e. Are you a senior (>88 credits)? 5.  If you are completing the KIN 493 internship, have you taken KIN 411? If not, what semester do you plan on taking it?

16 STEP 4 cont’d: Email of Approval
6. Is your internship going to be out of state? If so, what state?  7. Is this a paid internship? 8. What/where/with whom would you like to take your internship? 9. Is the proposed site supervisor one of your relatives or someone with a relationship that could be conceived of someone with a conflict of interest? 10. What are the credentials of your site supervisor?

17 STEP 4 cont’d: Email of Approval
11.What will your specific job duties be? 12. Identify your cognate and explain why this internship would be beneficial to you in your cognate.

18 How Do I Know if I Need An Affiliation Agreement Completed?
Check the list of Internship Sites on the KIN 492 / 493 website. If your site is not on the list, get an Affiliation Agreement signed. If in doubt, get the form signed! Please note: the affiliation agreement needs to be filled in CORRECTLY. All information completed. Signatures on the bottom right only. No electronic signatures. Scan the entire document.

19 80% / 20% Rule At least 80% of the internship work/hours completed by students must reflect the worthwhile competencies of the broad based field of Kinesiology (examples: Exercise, Fitness, Sport, Human Movement, Therapeutic or Rehabilitation practices, Allied Health Professions, etc.).  The decision as to whether or not an internship or internship hours meet this requirement lies with the instructor of record for the internship courses. For example: cleaning, laundry, and filing paperwork will not be considered part of the 80%.

20 IMPORTANT DATES There are no exceptions to the following:
The add / drop dates for KIN 492 / 493 are the same as for any course at MSU. These are set by the university and always described on the Registrar’s website. You are responsible for knowing these dates. You cannot late add or late drop KIN 492 / If you do not add/drop the course by the official dates you will get no refund and/or you will receive a zero point. Keep in mind this internship is a graduation requirement!

21 How Many Credits Do I Need?
How many hours of work do I have to do? 1 Credit Hour = 60 Hours of Work 3 Credit Hours = 180 Hours of Work And so on…and so on…and so on… Note: No more than 6 credits total

22 Once Enrolled in Course: Assignments
For ALL assignments: Please ensure you have read and are following the syllabus and D2L assignment instructions carefully (as well as looked at the exemplars provided). Check D2L and your MSU regularly for comments from Keri and Mary-Anne (e.g., weekly assignments will always be given a feedback comment on D2L to be incorporated into future assignments) When you start your internship, download fresh documents from the KIN 492/493 website as details may change between semesters. Check important due dates for that semester!

23 Initial Proposal Assignment
Proposal Assignment (15%) is important because: It is a major component of the final report (35%) [with revisions completed based on assistant’s comments], therefore a component of 50% of your final grade. It is setting up what you personally hope to achieve throughout the course of your internship (you are setting your learning goals, how you will achieve those goals, and how you will be evaluated on those goals). Ensure you follow the instructions carefully. Upload onto D2L by the due date.

24 Weekly Assignments Due EVERY Monday at Midnight (except when you have no hours to report). Use the Template provided. Weekly Hours Spreadsheet One (1) task per line. Detailed enough that someone else knows what you did during that time. Weekly Journal Assignment Should be reflective and help you gain insight from your experience. Check your grammar/spelling. Do NOT turn in the same thing every week. Save to YOUR computer & back it up! Always check to ensure you have uploaded the correct document.

25 When can I start logging internship hours?
Please note: You may not log internship hours unless you are enrolled in KIN 492 / 493! Cannot log hours prior to the first day of the semester. Cannot log hours after the last weekly hours log is due.

26 Supervisor Evaluations
Link to survey for the midterm and final site supervisor evaluations is on KIN 492 / 493 website. You send the link to your supervisor. Must be filled in by your site supervisor. Mid-Term Evaluation (completed at the midpoint of your hours). Final Evaluation (completed prior to the due date or once you have completed your hours; whichever comes first).

27 Grades 15% Internship Proposal Assignment (Due 5pm 2 weeks after start of semester, graded out of 15 points) 25% Weekly Reports (Hours & Journals) (Turn in weekly on D2L, graded out of 100 points) 10% Site Supervisor Mid-Term Evaluation (Mid-point of internship hours, graded out of 40 points) 15% Site Supervisor Final Evaluation (End of internship, graded out of 40 points) 35% Final Report (Due 5pm Tuesday of Finals Week, graded out of 40 points). PLEASE NOTE: See due dates on the semester course syllabus for specific dates.

28 Grades

29 Things to Avoid During your Internship
Please note the following situations could result in an automatic fail of this course: Getting dismissed or fired from your internship. Not providing updated information to Keri Morrison regarding your site and/or site supervisor status. Failing to turn in a signed Affiliation Agreement. Not turning in a proposal by the 3rd week of your internship. Waiting until the end of the semester to turn in ALL of your Weekly Hours Spreadsheets & Journal Assignments. Plagiarizing another student’s work from a previous semester. Claiming internship hours that were worked from home. Falsifying or “padding” your internship hours. Falsifying your entire internship. Not finishing your internship hours by the end of the semester.

30 Now is a great time to ask!
Questions? Now is a great time to ask!

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