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Statistics and Probability

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1 Statistics and Probability
Chapter 7 Statistics and Probability

2 7.2 Reading Circle Graphs

3 Example Find the ratio of baseball players to basketball players.
Objective A 3

4 Example The following graph shows the percent of visitors to the U.S. in a recent year by various regions. Use the circle graph to determine the percent of visitors who came to the U.S. from Mexico and Canada. Objective A 12.3% % = 49.8% 4

5 Example The U.S. Department of Commerce forecasts 61,000,000 international visitors to the U.S. in Estimate the number of tourist that might be from Europe. amount = percent · base Objective A amount = 0.20 · 61,000,000 = 0.20(61,000,000) = 12,200,000 5

6 Example The following table shows the percentage of U.S. armed force personnel that were in each branch of service in (Source: U.S. Department of Defense) Draw a circle graph showing this data. Branch of Service Percent Army 38 Navy 23 Marine Corps 14 Air Force 22 Coast Guard 3 Objective A continued 6

7 continued First we find the number of degrees in each sector. Sector
Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Coast Guard Objective A continued 7

8 continued Next we draw a circle, mark its center and draw a line from the center to the circle itself. We then use a protractor to construct the sections. A protractor measures the number of degrees in an angle. It makes no difference which sector you draw first. Objective A continued 8

9 continued To construct the “Navy” sector, we follow the same procedure, except we line up 0 degrees with the second line. Objective A continued 9

10 continued We continue until the graph is complete. Objective A 10

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