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Revision of all colours learned Colour Revision of all shapes learned

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1 Revision of all colours learned Colour Revision of all shapes learned
BIPS VISION “Conducive & holistic learning atmosphere” Academic Year FS1 Weekly Plan Date : 28th Feb to 3rd Mar HOMEWORK CLASS WORK Day Introduction of the letter (r) Vocabulary words: (ring ,rabbit, rake, rocket) Read and write the words (me , we) My abc book, page 71 SUNDAY My abc book, page 72 MONDAY My abc book, page 73 TUESDAY My abc book, page 74 Read and write the words (me, we) WEDNESDAY Phonics Workbook Page:21 Revision of the letter (r) THURSDAY HOMEWORK CLASS WORK Day Continuation of the number (9) My Maths Book, page: 51 Counting from 1 to 30 MONDAY My Maths book page:49 Over and Under My Maths Book, page: 53 WEDNESDAY CLASS WORK Day My Community Helpers: Teacher, Assistant, Bus driver, Security Guard, School Nurse SUNDAY Continuation of my Community Helpers THURSDAY Revision of all colours learned Colour Revision of all shapes learned Shape (9) Number Teddy bear, teddy bear Song Art: Artwork related to the letter (r) and artwork related to My favourite story book day OUR MISSION *Students’ highest Social, Physical and Academic achievement *Productive Global Citizens

2 Teddy Bear Teddy bear, teddy bear - turn around,  Teddy bear, teddy bear - touch the ground Teddy bear, teddy bear - shine your shoes,  Teddy bear, teddy bear - that will do Teddy bear, teddy bear - go up stairs,  Teddy bear, teddy bear - say your prayers Teddy bear, teddy bear - turn off the light,  Teddy bear, teddy bear - say "Good night"

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