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Presentation on theme: "S A N T A A N A C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E"— Presentation transcript:

1 S A N T A A N A C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E
Developing A Growing Economic Prosperity Strategy by Incorporating Social Equity

2 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N

3 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N Orange County = one of wealthiest in nation

4 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N Orange County = one of wealthiest in nation Santa Ana = of 100 largest cities, one of poorest

5 • Identified by Rockefeller Foundation study as
P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N Orange County = one of wealthiest in nation Santa Ana = of 100 largest cities, one of poorest • Identified by Rockefeller Foundation study as having the highest hardship index in America

6 • Identified by Rockefeller Foundation study as
P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N Orange County = one of wealthiest in nation Santa Ana = of 100 largest cities, one of poorest • Identified by Rockefeller Foundation study as having the highest hardship index in America • 99th in per capita income average drop in last decade

7 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English

8 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English 70% of residents do not speak English

9 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English 70% of residents do not speak English • high unemployment

10 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English 70% of residents do not speak English • high unemployment • suppressed wages

11 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English 70% of residents do not speak English • high unemployment • suppressed wages • high housing density

12 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English 70% of residents do not speak English • high unemployment • suppressed wages • high housing density • high demands for government services

13 P R O B L E M I D E N T I F I C A T I O N 75% of all businesses require English 70% of residents do not speak English • high unemployment • suppressed wages • high housing density • high demands for government services • high negative impact on business productivity & profitability

14 P R O P O S E D S O L U T I O N

15 P R O P O S E D S O L U T I O N A comprehensive regional plan to meet marketplace demands by providing:

16 1. English language instruction
P R O P O S E D S O L U T I O N A comprehensive regional plan to meet marketplace demands by providing: 1. English language instruction

17 1. English language instruction 2. Job training/retraining programs
P R O P O S E D S O L U T I O N A comprehensive regional plan to meet marketplace demands by providing: 1. English language instruction 2. Job training/retraining programs

18 1. English language instruction 2. Job training/retraining programs
P R O P O S E D S O L U T I O N A comprehensive regional plan to meet marketplace demands by providing: 1. English language instruction 2. Job training/retraining programs 3. Education reforms

19 1. English language instruction 2. Job training/retraining programs
P R O P O S E D S O L U T I O N A comprehensive regional plan to meet marketplace demands by providing: 1. English language instruction 2. Job training/retraining programs 3. Education reforms 4. Housing assistance

20 A P L A N I N A C T I O N

21 Current chamber programs include:
A P L A N I N A C T I O N Current chamber programs include:

22 Current chamber programs include: 1. English Works
A P L A N I N A C T I O N Current chamber programs include: 1. English Works

23 Current chamber programs include: 1. English Works
A P L A N I N A C T I O N Current chamber programs include: 1. English Works 2. High School Inc. Academies

24 Current chamber programs include: 1. English Works
A P L A N I N A C T I O N Current chamber programs include: 1. English Works 2. High School Inc. Academies 3. Home Delivery

25 E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S

26 A “win/win” for businesses and residents:
E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S A “win/win” for businesses and residents:

27 A “win/win” for businesses and residents:
E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S A “win/win” for businesses and residents: 1. A better-trained workforce

28 A “win/win” for businesses and residents:
E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S A “win/win” for businesses and residents: 1. A better-trained workforce 2. Greater productivity/profitability

29 A “win/win” for businesses and residents:
E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S A “win/win” for businesses and residents: 1. A better-trained workforce 2. Greater productivity/profitability 3. Better career path opportunities

30 A “win/win” for businesses and residents:
E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S A “win/win” for businesses and residents: 1. A better-trained workforce 2. Greater productivity/profitability 3. Better career path opportunities 4. Higher per capita income average

31 A “win/win” for businesses and residents:
E X P E C T E D B E N E F I T S A “win/win” for businesses and residents: 1. A better-trained workforce 2. Greater productivity/profitability 3. Better career path opportunities 4. Higher per capita income average 5. Higher home ownership

32 N E X T S T E P S

33 N E X T S T E P S 1. Expanded research

34 N E X T S T E P S 1. Expanded research 2. Information sharing

35 3. Raising capital for program operation
N E X T S T E P S 1. Expanded research 2. Information sharing 3. Raising capital for program operation

36 3. Raising capital for program operation
N E X T S T E P S 1. Expanded research 2. Information sharing 3. Raising capital for program operation 4. Collection of national data

37 3. Raising capital for program operation
N E X T S T E P S 1. Expanded research 2. Information sharing 3. Raising capital for program operation 4. Collection of national data 5. Creation of an oversight team

38 K E Y L E A R N I N G

39 1. Local political push back & denial
K E Y L E A R N I N G 1. Local political push back & denial

40 1. Local political push back & denial 2. Strong support from media
K E Y L E A R N I N G 1. Local political push back & denial 2. Strong support from media

41 1. Local political push back & denial 2. Strong support from media
K E Y L E A R N I N G 1. Local political push back & denial 2. Strong support from media 3. Market investment in solutions not yet matching up with market demands

42 1. Local political push back & denial 2. Strong support from media
K E Y L E A R N I N G 1. Local political push back & denial 2. Strong support from media 3. Market investment in solutions not yet matching up with market demands 4. Leadership can be a lonely journey

43 W E W A N T Y O U R H E L P

44 W E W A N T Y O U R H E L P 1. Identification of other urban regions that have addressed/are addressing these issues

45 2. Breaking down geographical parochialism
W E W A N T Y O U R H E L P 1. Identification of other urban regions that have addressed/are addressing these issues 2. Breaking down geographical parochialism

46 2. Breaking down geographical parochialism 3. Managing “scale”
W E W A N T Y O U R H E L P 1. Identification of other urban regions that have addressed/are addressing these issues 2. Breaking down geographical parochialism 3. Managing “scale”

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