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Early Demands for Equality

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1 Early Demands for Equality
Chapter 18, Section 1

2 State Standards 5-The student will analyze foreign and domestic policies 4-Cite specific textual and visual evidence to analyze the major events, personalities, tactics, and effects of the Civil Rights Movement. A: effect of desegregation of military, difference between de jure and de facto segregation B: “Separate but equal”, disenfranchisement C: Viewpoints and tactics of civil rights organizations, CORE

3 Objectives Define segregation and give examples of it in American life post WWII. Describe very early efforts to end segregation post WWII. Compare de jure and de fact segregation.

4 Outcomes You will define segregation and recognize examples of it in American history post WWII. You will know the difference between de jure and de facto segregation and relate that through discussion. Through notes you will be able to list a few examples of early attempts at desegregation.

5 Review And Preview Have you ever felt segregated in your life? (at school, work, in an organization) How did it feel? Was there anything you could do about it?






11 Segregation: Frayer Model
Use pages to help you complete model on your own paper. Definintion Characteristics Examples Non-Examples SEGREGATION

12 Segregation Divides America
After WWII African-Americans challenged segregation. Jim Crow Laws: enforced strict separation of races, many forms including disenfranchisement De Jure Segregation: enforced by law Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld that such segregation was constitutional as long as the facilities for blacks and whites were “separate by equal.”

13 Segregation Divides America
Schools, hospitals, transportation, restaurants, cemeteries, beaches De Facto Segregation: by unwritten custom or tradition Denied housing in many neighborhoods, discrimination in employment

14 Segregation Divides America
Black Americans were at the bottom of socio-economic ladder, had higher rates of poverty and illiteracy, and had lower rates of homeownership and life expectancy Most African Americans in the South could not vote Asian Americans and Mexican Americans also faced de facto segregation

15 Segregation Divides America
WWII set the stage for the modern civil rights movement. Roosevelt banned discrimination in defense industries African Americans risked their lives defending freedom Congress of Racial Equality (CORE): James Farmer, nonviolence, organized protests Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play major league baseball in 1947.

16 Segregation Divides America
Truman appointed a Committee on Civil Rights: anti-lynching law, federal protection for voting rights BUT not supported by Congress 1948, desegregation of the military by executive order

17 Ticket Out On the back of your Segregation Definition write your answer. List two examples of segregation and two examples of desegregation we discussed today.

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