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Spring Term Class I and J Shang Dynasty Science

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1 Spring Term Class I and J Shang Dynasty Science
Miss Spencer and Mrs Bailey Science We will be learning about forces and magnets. As part of this we will be looking at gravity and how this affects a falling object. Shang Dynasty The children will be learning about the Shang Dynasty; one of the first recorded dynasties from Ancient China. They will be learning about early Chinese writing and how the Shang Dynasty worked with bronze. We will be looking at artefacts and how useful these are at learning about ancient civilisations. Celebrate! Children will be celebrating Chinese New Year by making food and creating art. Computing Computing Class I will be creating a website about the Shang Dynasty. They will be using filters to search the internet and using different software to build a live site. Music Class J will be composing their own music, learning how to play chords and will be trying lots of different musical instruments this half term R.E. We will be learning about whether we should forgive others and we will be looking at what different religions say about this. Homework Homework is given out on Tuesdays and is expected back in on the following Monday. Children are expected to spend an hour on homework, taking care with presentation. We ask that parents write a comment letting us know how their child found the task. P.E. In outdoor PE, we will be also be learning about team skills and playing rounders. We will be creating our own Hip Hop dance, coming up with our own moves and routines. Home Reading To ensure that your child makes great progress in reading, we ask that they read at home every day. We will be sending home book bags from next week and children will have a reading record which they will need to get signed by an adult to record the reading they have done. If you have any questions on how to support your child with their reading, please speak to your child’s class teacher. PSHE We will be learning about drugs, alcohol and tobacco. We will look at the different influences in relation to drugs and alcohol.

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