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University Faculty Senate Response to TeachNY Advisory Council Report

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1 University Faculty Senate Response to TeachNY Advisory Council Report
UFS Plenary: SUNY Cortland—10/16

2 TeachNY Report Advisory Council formed/convened 9/2014:
Advisory Council final report issued 5/16: Statewide Roundtable to finalize proposals in June 2017:

3 Summary ~ 70 recommendations (Appendix A)
Transformation of Teacher Preparation throughout SUNY: An Open Forum on its substance and opportunities to be scheduled in Oneonta, early spring 2016 UTeach Presentation at Cortland Plenary: consortium of 30+ institutions: Presentation:

4 Integration Core theme throughout Advisory Council Report
P-12 and Higher Ed Campus and Community more generally CCs and baccalaureate: Seamless Transfer Regional businesses and academic programs Regional Centers of Innovation in Education and a proposed SUNY Center of I in E N.B.—Greater integration of “Content” & “Pedagogy” on each u-grad teacher-prep campus

5 Regional Centers of Innovation in Education
SUNYs Cortland, New Paltz, Albany and Buffalo State Cortland being given pride of place: “Ultimately, SUNY Cortland will become a regional hub for professional development and a center for discussion and research related to cutting-edge teaching strategies for preschool through college and beyond.” (Advisory Council Report 70)

6 SUNY Center of Innovation in Education
Leverage the four regional centers into one: “Establish a single integrated system of educator development between universities and school districts, BOCES, Regional Information Centers, and NYS Teacher Centers.” (71) Also, leverage (as a model) the NYS Master Teacher Program: STEM 7-12 / H.E. integration

7 SUNY Campuses: Geography = Destiny?
“’‘The system may also have to close some four-year campuses’, SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher said Wednesday.” (PoliticoNY 11/2/16). Finance and Administration Committee report—SUNY B.of T. presentation:

8 SED & SUNY: MaryEllen Elia & Nancy Zimpher: The “Listening Tour”

9 Talking Points: Verbatim and Paraphrase
“Teacher Preparation is in SUNY’s DNA” & “We at SUNY are ALL in the business of teacher preparation” (N. Zimpher, quotes) “In what they are describing as an unprecedented partnership, SUNY and [SED] will launch a campaign to promote the profession, expand clinical practice for aspiring teachers, generate investment for lifelong professional development and create regional councils to ensure future teachers will meet projected demand.” (e.a., Albany TimesUnion 5/18/16) “SED is committed to re-thinking existing regulations related to certification…” (though some are legislative, not SED controlled) (M. Elia, paraphrased)

10 UFS and other Responses
NYSUT, and many others, including CUNY and FCCC, focusing on TeachNY recommendations. Official responses/feedback, etc. due by May/June 2017. UFS established its own “Round Table” to funnel feedback and prepare the UFS governance response to TeachNY recommendations. Members include Angela Pagano, Associate Professor of Education, SUNY Cortland; Dennis Showers, Distinguished Service Professor, SUNY Geneseo--Education

11 UFS Undergraduate Academic Programs and Policies Committee charge:
“The Committee provides advice and guidance to the Senate on matters relating to undergraduate programs and policies throughout the University. To these ends, the Committee may review such areas as existing and proposed curricula, standards for academic degrees, teaching techniques and evaluation, special undergraduate programs, articulation among units of the State University of New York, and the various aspects of international education and development.” (SUNY UFS Bylaws, rev 2013, 13) UFS Bylaws:

12 Undergrad Committee Established a subcommittee, but no one on the current Committee (or sub) is from “Education” faculty… Empowered a subcommittee

13 SUNY Sectors At each Plenary, each “sector” also has the authority to bring forward resolutions and has a chance to question the Chancellor: University sector (4) Health Sciences Centers (5) (Comprehensive) Colleges of Arts & Sciences (13) Specialized and Statutory Colleges (9) Colleges of Technology (5)

14 Comprehensive College sector
Keith Landa (Purchase), convener/chair CID proposal coordinator Each college to select (ideally) two representatives—one from pedagogy / one from content areas Comp College sector to provide feedback to UFS Round Table group & consider a CID conference in fall 2017 (Yep: after feedback window closes…Yep: we asked.)

15 Opportunities for 2016 Greater respect for teaching professionals, including respect for colleagues devoted to the scholarship of teaching/learning Greater integration and collaboration: content area and pedagogical/Education faculty/staff Greater commitment to College-wide recognition of teacher preparation as a College issue, not just “Education / Content”

16 Questions? & Thank you to Dr. Brian Beitzel…among others

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